Turvapaikanhakijoiden vyöry Suomeen toi Suomen Punaiselle Ristille lähes puolen miljardin euron rahavirran. Sen yhteistyökumppanit takoivat avokätisesti tehtyjen sopimusten avulla suuria voittoja. Toimittajana Lauri Miettinen. Julkaistu alun perin 30.10.2017
The influx of asylum seekers to Finland increased the cash flow of the Finnish Red Cross with almost half a billion euros. Through munificent contracts, Its partners made great profits. First published October 10, 2017. English subtitles might get added some day.
The influx of asylum seekers to Finland increased the cash flow of the Finnish Red Cross with almost half a billion euros. Through munificent contracts, Its partners made great profits. First published October 10, 2017. English subtitles might get added some day.