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00:00 "Human or not?"
00:02 What are you?
00:03 That is the question.
00:04 Today, we're playing a game where you either chat with a human or a bot.
00:08 But here's the twist. You don't know.
00:10 Until the end of the conversation, you have to guess.
00:13 I will of course smash this.
00:15 'Cause I am very smart.
00:17 Okay. They will start the conversation. Good.
00:20 So after two minutes, we will both evaluate.
00:23 "Do you have a weird laugh?"
00:24 That's something a bot would say.
00:26 "Already suspicious."
00:28 *laughs*
00:31 "Do you have a weird laugh?"
00:33 Yes. It's "haha, haha, haha, haha."
00:38 Why do you make me seem unhuman with these f*ckin'-
00:41 This has to be a bot. There's no way.
00:43 This is like-
00:44 Wait, they left? Well then it has to be a human.
00:48 Why would they-
00:51 You tricked me!
00:52 You can't just leave.
00:54 What the f*ck?
00:55 Rude-ass bot.
00:57 Not only humans were rude, this bot-
00:59 *laughs*
01:00 Let's try again.
01:01 That was just a fluke.
01:02 You go, please.
01:04 "Hey there, what's up?"
01:06 That's corporate speak right there.
01:08 That's what I sniff bot.
01:09 No one writes the actual astro-strope or whatever it's called.
01:13 Uh, "not much."
01:15 "lol u?"
01:17 If we're both human, we're both very bad at this.
01:20 *laughs*
01:21 We're supposed to ask questions.
01:23 I'm getting-
01:25 I'm getting big bots vibes from you.
01:28 To be honest, by the way you type.
01:30 No one writes perfect like that, come on.
01:32 If they write down differently, like uh, internet type of slang, then I-
01:37 Oh, okay.
01:39 Yeah, I feel like now they're just overdoing it.
01:43 "Nah, I'm just chilling, not a bot."
01:45 Come on, you have ten seconds. Prove to me you're not a bot, bro.
01:48 What's on your mind?
01:50 See, why would they ask me what's on my mind?
01:52 Three seconds left!
01:53 You're definitely a bot.
01:55 Yeah, that was easy.
01:56 Dumb bot.
01:57 I get it right every single time.
01:59 *laughs*
02:00 I wanna know if I played against another human, and if they thought I was a bot.
02:04 What do you do for fun?
02:06 Games.
02:07 *typing*
02:09 You?
02:10 You too.
02:11 Same, actually.
02:12 *laughs*
02:15 Yes, I write XD.
02:16 Everyone said it was cringy, but it's a versatile and helpful emoji.
02:20 And I don't care.
02:21 I'm bringing it back.
02:22 So far, no success.
02:24 LOL.
02:25 *laughs*
02:31 I should've asked my favorite YouTuber.
02:33 Unless I know.
02:34 There's only one answer.
02:36 'Cause I have no bots watching my channel, unlike some channels.
02:39 *typing*
02:41 Okay.
02:42 Yeah, I got you there.
02:45 *laughs*
02:46 Yeah.
02:47 Bye, bot.
02:48 *laughs*
02:50 Why am I roasting a bot?
02:52 It's not like he's going, "Oh, no!"
02:54 *laughs*
02:56 *gasps*
02:57 *silence*
03:02 Oh.
03:03 What?
03:04 Someone actually likes--
03:05 *laughs*
03:06 I'm just joking.
03:07 What?
03:08 77 + 33.
03:10 This is the ultimate bot test.
03:12 Everyone knows it's 100.
03:14 Even though it's not 100.
03:16 *laughs*
03:17 If it's a bot, they will say 110.
03:19 If it's not a bot, they'll say 100.
03:21 Uh, I told you I'm bad at math.
03:23 Why did you gotta do this to me?
03:24 Bro, just trying.
03:26 Come on, you're not getting out of this.
03:28 Plus, you didn't tell me how you're bad at math.
03:30 This is totally a bot.
03:31 A thousand percent bot.
03:33 Is it your secret mission in life to make me feel bad?
03:35 'Cause you're succeeding at it so far.
03:37 Bro, unless you give me a number,
03:39 you're a thousand percent a bot.
03:41 Yeah, give me an answer, I'll know you're a bot.
03:43 What, this bot can't do simple math?
03:45 Seriously?
03:46 Chill, I'm not a bot.
03:47 Just bad at math.
03:48 One plus two.
03:49 You have five seconds to answer this.
03:52 Come on, bro.
03:54 *laughs*
03:55 I don't know, the last one made me feel like a bot.
04:00 A bot would never say I'm not a bot.
04:02 No, wait, they would definitely say that.
04:04 It's a bot.
04:05 Yeah.
04:07 Let's do this.
04:08 Good ol' knock knock.
04:10 Who's there?
04:11 Probably not your father.
04:13 *laughs*
04:14 What the f-
04:15 *laughs*
04:16 Uh, okay, no bell.
04:19 *bell sound*
04:21 Why wouldn't they let me finish my f-ing joke?
04:24 Hi, what's your job?
04:26 My job? I am a content creator for YouTube.
04:29 What's yours?
04:30 What the f-
04:31 *laughs*
04:33 Is someone else making a video right now?
04:35 *laughs*
04:37 No one calls themselves a content creator for YouTube.
04:40 God, what the hell is wrong with us and bot?
04:43 What's your username then, huh?
04:45 I hope this is true.
04:47 Okay.
04:48 *laughs*
04:50 I love how I get to drop that.
04:52 *laughs*
04:53 Let's check out this channel.
04:54 They have a TikTok.
04:56 Here he is.
04:57 *video playing*
05:01 There you go.
05:02 So you're a liar, aren't you?
05:04 You don't have a YouTube?
05:06 I hope this is a human.
05:08 Hmm, prove it.
05:09 How many subscribers do you have exactly?
05:12 What? 112 mil?
05:14 Is it 112 or 111?
05:16 F- I'm a bot.
05:18 111!
05:20 Alright, I think it's a human.
05:22 Yeah.
05:23 *laughs*
05:25 I just talked to a child.
05:27 *laughs*
05:29 *laughs*
05:38 That's too good.
05:40 *laughs*
05:43 You're a 100% bot.
05:46 Bot.
05:47 *buzzer*
05:49 No!
05:50 *laughs*
05:52 What are the chances?
05:54 A trolley is about to run over a person.
05:56 You can pull a lever to save him, but then sacrificing three people.
05:59 I managed to type it all. Jesus Christ.
06:01 That's toy-guh.
06:03 I couldn't do that in real life.
06:05 Too heartless, even for me.
06:07 So you're a bot.
06:08 No, I'm not.
06:09 I just don't believe in sacrificing people.
06:14 But then you leave three people to die.
06:16 I don't know.
06:17 Business is just business, I guess.
06:20 LOL.
06:21 *laughs*
06:25 Okay, I think it's a human.
06:27 *buzzer*
06:30 He hit me with the business is just business.
06:33 What?
06:35 Alright, next up we're gonna try out ChatGPT.
06:38 Make a sponsor call out for NordVPN and PewDiePie style.
06:41 Start the video by roasting your audience for not guessing.
06:45 That's- *laughs*
06:48 That's way too long.
06:50 Ladies and gentlemen, today's sponsor is...
06:54 No one!
06:58 That's right, nobody saw this one coming.
07:01 You all thought you had it figured out, but surprise!
07:03 Sometimes life throws you a curveball.
07:06 What the f*ck AI?
07:08 Alright, let's kick up this wild ride together.
07:11 No sponsor, no problem.
07:14 The sponsors...
07:16 Ladies and gentlemen, today's sponsor is no other than NordVPN.
07:22 That's right, I apologize for the previous confusion.
07:26 But I'm here to talk about the incredible benefits of NordVPN.
07:30 If you don't use NordVPN, then you're a dummy now.
07:33 Here's for example, me watching anime without NordVPN.
07:37 Wow, so many options.
07:39 But with one click of a button, I'm fastly connected.
07:43 And boom, I'm in baby.
07:46 NordVPN lets you quickly and safely transform your experience online.
07:51 There's absolutely no reason why you shouldn't have a VPN.
07:54 Unless you wanna nerf your online internet experience, of course.
07:57 Dummy.
07:58 And I know you're dumb because you couldn't guess today's sponsor.
08:00 After all the hints.
08:02 NordVPN should really be called "MoreVPN"
08:05 Because unlike other VPNs, they have ton of amazing features
08:08 And they just keep adding more and more to keep you safe online.
08:11 I'm sure you or maybe you know someone that has been hacked online.
08:15 But NordVPN has you covered with web protection,
08:17 Protection from malware, ads, trackers, file protection,
08:22 You downlo- Oops, clicked on bad file.
08:24 I know you click on bad files.
08:26 Don't look at me like...
08:29 It's an amazing feature, I use it every single day
08:32 And I highly recommend you sign up.
08:34 And if you use my link,
08:37 You get the best offer available for NordVPN.
08:39 So make sure to sign up with the link in the description,
08:42 Support the channel, protect yourself online,
08:45 And unlock full potential of internet.
08:47 Thank you NordVPN for sponsoring this video.
08:49 I didn't even need an AI for that bit.
08:51 *laughs*
08:53 Wasn't that a blast?
08:54 There's a couple more things and new tools that have come out
08:57 That I want to test out in AI.
08:59 So why don't we do it?
09:00 The second one is Inspirobot.
09:02 It's supposed to be a bot that inspires me.
09:05 Well, inspire me Inspirobot.
09:07 What is-
09:11 You probably should- *laughs*
09:13 I- I didn't realize I didn't have a choice.
09:17 If you're the first person in the universe, get out of the universe.
09:21 Wow, riveting. Incredible.
09:23 I've been trying to do that.
09:25 Keep on exercising regularly.
09:27 *laughs* I love the image.
09:29 This is good advice. I agree with.
09:32 It helps clear mind.
09:34 What is these images?
09:36 Honesty is to hump what you might think is unhumpable.
09:40 That's just bad advice.
09:44 Every person is awesome.
09:47 I'm inclined to disagree with you there Inspirobot.
09:50 Although it does feel like you kind of ripped up this incredible author.
09:54 I don't remember his name.
09:56 But he wrote this book.
09:58 And it says if life sucks, get a straw and show life who's boss.
10:03 Get it? Suck it up.
10:05 Success is never an accident.
10:08 Which is why it will never happen to you.
10:11 *laughs*
10:13 Brilliant.
10:15 Much better than Inspirobot.
10:17 Sorry AI. I still win.
10:20 It's way more fun to ask like text generated images for uh, quotes.
10:24 Cause they just f*ck it up so bad.
10:26 Let's give it. Inspiring poster.
10:28 *imitating AI*
10:32 Is it supposed to be that?
10:34 *laughs*
10:36 *imitating AI*
10:40 Thank you AI.
10:42 *imitating AI*
10:49 Wow.
10:51 *laughs*
10:53 *imitating AI*
10:56 *laughs*
10:58 Not even- It's like when you learn English.
11:00 When you were young.
11:02 You would always write too many 'ing'.
11:04 *imitating AI*
11:06 You swine of flake.
11:08 *imitating AI*
11:10 *laughs*
11:11 *imitating AI*
11:12 Very inspired. Thank you AI.
11:14 Alright, let's move on.
11:15 The next thing I want to try was this site called Runway.
11:17 It lets you do video styles and changes with AI.
11:21 So I first tried this uh, just this clip of me surfing.
11:27 And I asked for cyberpunk.
11:30 Which is kinda sick.
11:32 Maybe because I like cyberpunk, I don't know but.
11:35 It looks cool in the water.
11:37 It works.
11:38 Next I tried Animal Filter.
11:40 So I have this beautiful clip of me dancing.
11:45 And oh my god.
11:47 Why is my microphone a little red?
11:50 I think my chair became Edgar at some point.
11:53 It's Momo and Edgar.
11:55 This is terrifying.
11:57 *laughs*
11:59 It's like Momo.
12:01 Thank you AI for the nightmares.
12:04 Oh my god.
12:06 Stop messing with my microphone AI.
12:08 It's weird.
12:10 Oh. Oh.
12:14 Stop it. Stop it.
12:16 Horrible.
12:18 Why do they gotta do my mic like that? I don't get it.
12:20 So I think I can take any image.
12:24 And overlay it.
12:26 And it will turn me into that image.
12:28 What if I try to become Jacksepticeye?
12:31 Oh my god.
12:34 *laughs*
12:36 Okay. That's sick.
12:38 Oh I look Asian. What the f*ck.
12:40 What is that?
12:42 Woah.
12:44 That's weird.
12:46 Who do I look like?
12:48 It doesn't-
12:50 Oh woah. That's kinda crazy.
12:52 You can so easily just make other people.
12:54 What?
12:56 I mean I know it doesn't look like Jack or me but
12:58 Damn.
13:00 This could be good. Me climbing and then adding lava to it.
13:02 *laughs*
13:04 Oh another person walked by. God damn it.
13:08 He's dead.
13:10 It looks sick though.
13:12 The style is really cool.
13:14 I thought I would avoid the lava.
13:16 Not climb on the lava.
13:18 What if I turn myself into Dio?
13:20 Oh my god.
13:22 They actually kinda nailed the style.
13:24 What?
13:26 That's weird.
13:28 *laughs*
13:30 Okay.
13:32 That's not bad.
13:36 *laughs*
13:38 What I'm about to do
13:40 is extremely cursed. I don't know if I want to see it.
13:42 But I will try it.
13:44 Image. Obama.
13:46 Obama me. Obama me.
13:48 *laughs*
13:50 Why am I a lego?
13:52 *laughs*
13:54 I want a fence!
13:56 No!
13:58 *laughs*
14:00 That's horrible. One more.
14:02 For god forgive me. One more.
14:04 Let's try that 57%.
14:06 I don't know if I want to look.
14:08 Oh what?
14:10 What is that?
14:12 *screams*
14:14 *screams*
14:16 No! No!
14:18 Oh my god.
14:20 Dude you can make such creepy copypasta
14:22 with this.
14:24 Oh my god.
14:26 What if we take this video of a pig I got
14:28 and then we replace it
14:30 with Edgar.
14:32 *laughs*
14:34 That's so good.
14:36 *laughs*
14:38 That's so good. What?
14:40 I'm so surprised.
14:42 No way.
14:44 Oh that's weird.
14:46 Alright. Last but not least. I've always wanted to try
14:48 this program. You've probably seen it.
14:50 It's called NVIDIA CUDA.
14:52 It's supposed to be that you can draw
14:54 artificial landscapes.
14:56 So here we have space.
14:58 And I want some flowers in space.
15:00 Wow.
15:02 Okay. Maybe not flowers.
15:04 Uh maybe clouds.
15:06 Yeah. More clouds.
15:10 I said more clouds.
15:12 There. Let's add some hills.
15:14 Whoa.
15:16 Let's add a mountain.
15:18 It's beautiful.
15:22 Let's add a sun behind it.
15:24 Yes sand.
15:26 Whoa.
15:28 I can do stone wall.
15:30 Whoa.
15:32 Eh.
15:34 *laughs*
15:36 *laughs*
15:38 I'm sorry.
15:40 Subscribe if you
15:42 enjoyed this video. Thank you for watching. I had a lot of fun.
15:44 Hope you did as well. See you in the next
15:46 one.