• 2 years ago
Originally uploaded: July 10th, 20202

Link: https://youtu.be/EhqAT-x9_dg

From July 9th. July 10th (today) is my dog's birthday.
If you gone through life and noticed that people either supported others and not you, are always jealous of you, you are at the right place. The same thing happened to me, and I did this.
1. Realized they are not my people.
2. Hung out with people who are more successful. They don't care about mine or trying to one up because they already got their own and they stay in their own lane.
3. Hang out with secure people.
4. They wouldn't hate on you if you were nothing. There's something special about you that they wish they had in themselves.


“How To Kill Jealousy Once And For All” by Alesha Peterson https://link.medium.com/4R7Zt3PV27

“How Can We Stop Thinking Other People’s Success And Happiness Is Our Loss?” by Alesha Peterson https://link.medium.com/1WLp4lZV27

“What does it feel like to be completely self confident in daily life?” by Alesha Peterson https://link.medium.com/HvsvQLiRs8

“4 Reasons Why People Hate On Your Success (And Why You Should Be Successful Anyways!)” by Alesha Peterson https://link.medium.com/vMNhgqcUs8

“Why Not Me?” by Alesha Peterson https://link.medium.com/EH5DrIIUs8

“Freeing Yourself From Mental Slaughter” by Alesha Peterson https://link.medium.com/2eIF4p9Ss8

Connect With Me:

Facebook: Alesha "Silky Slick" Peterson

Twitter: aleshapeterson

Instagram: aleshampeterson

Medium: https://medium.com/@aleshapeterson



