Top 10 des animaux les plus VENIMEUX du monde #animaux

  • last year
00:00 The most dangerous animals are not always the most imposing.
00:03 On land and in the sea, to ensure their survival in this hostile world,
00:06 some animals have developed a defense and hunting system much more radical than griffins or crows, the venom.
00:12 Most of these animals have an often harmless aspect,
00:15 but only one of their bites can send you straight to the cemetery.
00:18 So here is, without further ado, the top 10 of the most venomous animals in the world.
00:24 [MUSIC]
00:34 Number 10
00:35 Unlike what we tend to think, most scorpions are relatively harmless to humans.
00:39 Their bite only produces a local pain or swelling.
00:42 However, there is a scorpion nicknamed the "Scorpion Rodeur of Death",
00:46 which has the particularity of having a very powerful venom composed of neurotoxins.
00:50 A neurotoxin is a toxin that acts directly on the nervous system.
00:54 It can block or modify the membrane protein activity present on neural cells and therefore cause brain lesions.
01:00 Its bite is very painful but is normally not deadly for an adult in good health.
01:05 However, it can be deadly for the elderly, young people or allergics.
01:09 Number 9
01:11 The black mamba is a large snake that generally measures between 2.5 and 4 meters.
01:15 It is the second largest venomous snake after the cobra.
01:19 Unlike its name suggests, the black mamba is not black, only the inside of its mouth is black.
01:23 It is the fastest snake in the world, as observations have shown it to reach a top speed of 23 km/h.
01:30 The black mamba venom contains neurotoxins and cardiotoxins.
01:33 One of its bites injects 100 to 120 mg of venom,
01:37 and 10 to 15 mg of venom alone are necessary to kill an adult human who will die between 10 and 20 minutes.
01:43 Therefore, the amount of venom injected in one bite would theoretically be enough to kill between 12 and 40 people.
01:49 Number 8
01:51 The royal cobra, which measures between 3 and 5 meters long, is the longest venomous snake in the world,
01:55 even if that does not mean it is the most venomous or the most dangerous.
01:59 One bite can lead to the death of a human in 15 minutes.
02:02 It is able to kill an adult Asian elephant in less than 3 hours.
02:06 Its venom is not as toxic as that of some other snakes,
02:09 but the royal cobra is able to inject 5 times more venom than other snakes,
02:13 which can lead to an extremely fast death.
02:15 It is therefore not the most venomous snake, but the snake that can cause death the fastest.
02:20 It lives mainly in South and Southeast Asia and is known to feed on other snakes,
02:24 such as moth python, reticulated pythons and even smaller royal cobras.
02:29 Number 7
02:31 Despite its size, this little creature has a deadly venomous bite.
02:34 The royal cobra produces enough poison to lead to the death of 26 humans in a few minutes,
02:40 and unfortunately there are no antidotes.
02:42 Its bite is painless, you will not feel it, but it will inject you with a deadly neurotoxin
02:47 that will cause a respiratory arrest.
02:49 We find these cobras in the Pacific Ocean, Japan and Australia.
02:52 Number 6
02:54 Here is the stone fish, which as you can see is of extraordinary leather.
02:58 Its body is covered with multicolored vellum that looks like algae.
03:03 We can say that it is the master of camouflage, because its body allows it to surprise its prey,
03:07 which often confuses it with a stone or algae.
03:09 Its other particularity is that it is considered as the most venomous fish in the world.
03:14 However, it is important to note that its venomous and purely defensive device
03:17 does not play any role in capturing its prey.
03:20 In fact, the main danger comes from its dorsal fin.
03:23 When it feels in danger, the fish straightens it up and stings the foot of its victim with 13 thorns,
03:27 which are quite strong enough to cross a rubber sole.
03:30 Each spine is filled with a neurotoxic venom that will instantly inflict an atrocious pain on its victim.
03:35 It will cause paralysis of the muscles, vomiting and loss of consciousness,
03:39 which will cause the victim to drown.
03:41 In the presence of a person bitten by a stone fish,
03:44 it is advisable to immediately put the affected part in very hot water at about 58 ° C.
03:49 The reason is that the stone fish's venom is thermolabile,
03:51 that is to say that the heat will make it lose its destructive properties.
03:55 The sooner it is done, the less the victim will have to suffer.
03:57 Number 5
03:59 If I tell you about amphibians, you will immediately think of the harmless little green frog.
04:03 Well, there are other very venomous amphibians like the koi, which generally lives in South America.
04:08 Despite its small size, it does not fear predators because its skin produces a poison called batrachotoxin.
04:13 It is also for this reason that the koi is totally yellow.
04:16 This bright color warns predators of the danger, which thus avoids attacking it.
04:20 Batrachotoxin prevents nerves from transmitting electric impulses,
04:24 leaving the muscles in a state of relaxation and thus causing a cardiac arrest.
04:27 The skin of the koi contains between 700 and 1900 micrograms of toxins,
04:31 which is enough to kill more than 10,000 mice or about 10 to 20 humans.
04:35 Some indigenous populations even rub their arrows on their backs to kill animals.
04:39 Number 4
04:41 The faunatrias, better known as banana spiders,
04:44 were recognized in 2010 as the most venomous spiders in the world by the book of records.
04:49 Most human deaths by spider bites are due to these spiders,
04:52 which generally hide in bananas, hence their nickname.
04:55 This animal injects a more powerful neurotoxin than any spider's venom into its victims.
05:00 Its venom causes intense pain, but can also cause, in humans,
05:04 and it's a very strange thing, an erection of several hours.
05:06 Number 3
05:08 Here is the Taipan of the desert.
05:10 This brown-colored snake is the most venomous snake in the world.
05:13 A single small bite from the animal contains enough venom to kill 100 humans, adults or 250,000 mice.
05:19 Its venom is 200 to 400 times more powerful than that of the cobra.
05:23 If you get bitten, you quickly need a specific serum injection,
05:27 because it can kill you in just 45 minutes.
05:29 Fortunately, this reptile is particularly shy.
05:32 No human has died to date because of a Taipan bite.
05:35 Like most other snakes, they are not aggressive towards humans
05:38 and will only attack them if they feel threatened.
05:40 Number 2
05:42 The fugu, also called globefish,
05:44 is a venomous fish that has a poison that causes death after 4 to 6 hours after ingestion.
05:49 To date, there are no antidotes.
05:51 Fugu have an elastic skin that allows them to swell instantly to repel predators.
05:56 They swallow a lot of water, contract their muscles to hold it back and turn into a ball of spikes.
06:01 Their liver and ovaries contain tetrodotoxin,
06:04 which is a powerful neurotoxin that paralyzes the muscles and leads to respiratory death.
06:09 Basically, your muscles no longer respond, you start not feeling your mouth,
06:13 your nervous system goes into a sweat, you vomit, you can no longer articulate and make strange noises,
06:18 you become all white, your limbs are taken by ants and other bites, and then you die.
06:23 What is interesting is that your organs can no longer communicate with your brain,
06:27 but you remain aware of what is happening, you see yourself dying slowly.
06:30 With this out-of-the-ordinary defense system,
06:32 one can wonder how the Japanese had the idea of ​​making a dish out of it.
06:35 Because yes, in Japan, some restaurateurs are allowed to cook it.
06:38 To taste without being intoxicated, you have to remove the skin, liver and ovaries.
06:42 Oh, but you are sick!
06:47 Number 1. For this first place, here is the box jellyfish,
06:49 which is considered the most venomous animal in the world.
06:52 It contains enough venom to kill 60 humans.
06:55 As it is practically transparent, it is extremely difficult to spot.
06:58 Generally, it stings you even before you see it.
07:01 Its tentacles can measure up to 3 meters long,
07:03 and compared to other jellyfish, the box jellyfish can move very quickly.
07:07 They travel about 6 meters per minute.
07:10 Another interesting feature is that the box jellyfish has something in its body
07:14 that can be considered a brain.
07:16 Tests have shown that it has a memory and an ability to learn, but which is limited.
07:20 It lives in a tropical Indo-Pacific zone,
07:22 but it can also be found in northern California, the Mediterranean, Japan,
07:26 South Africa and New Zealand.
07:28 Its bite is extremely painful and can cause death in a few minutes.
07:32 The venom attacks the skin, the nervous system and the heart at the same time.
07:35 Even if there is an antidote to this venom, it must be administered immediately,
07:39 and this is rarely possible because the pain is so atrocious
07:41 that the victim's muscles are generally paralyzed.
07:44 It is impossible for him to move and therefore dies drowned.
07:47 In the event of a major contact with the tentacles,
07:49 the venom will quickly cause a cardiac arrest.
07:51 If you spot someone who has been stung,
07:53 the only thing that can help him before the rescue arrives is vinegar.
07:56 It is advised to rinse the infected areas with vinegar for about 30 seconds,
08:00 but above all not to rub and not to use fresh water, which would only make things worse.
08:04 Then rinse with sea water and add vinegar to stop the spread of the venom.
08:08 Unfortunately, people who come into contact with a jellyfish
08:11 often have the reflex to fight back and try to take off the tentacles,
08:14 which causes a greater contact with the skin, so more injected venom.
08:17 In 2014, a 5-year-old French boy died from a jellyfish bite
08:21 while he was on vacation in Thailand with his parents.
08:24 About 50 people are killed each year by these jellyfish.
08:27 That's it, it's already the end of this video.
08:29 If you liked it, as always, don't hesitate to like and subscribe.
08:32 See you very soon in a next Top 10.
08:34 See you next time.
08:36 [outro music]
08:54 (upbeat music)
