• il y a 2 ans
La nouveauté du jour : Thirty Seconds To Mars "Stuck"

La cover du #DriveRTL2 : Melanie Martinez reprend "Toxic" de Britney Spears

Le journal de la musique :
- The Weekend parle de la série "Idol"
- Thirty Seconds To Mars annoncent un nouvel album
- La reprise d'"Enter Sandman" de Metallica par Motörhead est de nouveau disponible

Le classique du jour : Oasis "Champagne Supernova"

Le live du jour : Depeche Mode "Stripped" ("101")


00:00:00 On est en train !
00:00:03 Je dis c'est le moment de y aller
00:00:05 16h, 19h, musique actuelle et live
00:00:07 C'est le Drive RTL 2
00:00:09 Bonjour tout le monde, c'est le Drive RTL 2 jusqu'à 19h
00:00:13 Bonjour Guillaume, comment ça va ?
00:00:15 Bonjour Eric, ça va super et toi ?
00:00:17 Super, comment elle va notre petite stagiaire ?
00:00:19 Ça va super aussi
00:00:20 Tu nous as manqué hier, en hommage à toi, je n'ai pas fait le top horaire de 16h
00:00:23 Ah ah !
00:00:24 Quand tu n'es pas là, il n'y aura pas de top horaire de 16h
00:00:26 Je préviens tous les copains auditeurs, excusez-moi mais c'est le top horaire qui appartient, c'est labellisé aux stagiaires
00:00:31 Bonjour Thomas
00:00:32 Bonjour Eric
00:00:33 Comment ça se passe cette oreille gauche ?
00:00:34 Bah écoutez, ça va, on a ôté le pansement
00:00:36 Non droite
00:00:37 Droite, peu importe, de toute façon je ne sais plus
00:00:39 De toute façon il n'entend plus rien
00:00:41 Nouveauté tout à l'heure à 16h30
00:00:43 Oui, c'est le retour de 30 Seconds to March, le groupe du chat
00:00:46 Ah ouah ouah ouah, Gérard Hedleto
00:00:47 Ouais exactement
00:00:48 Ah ouah ouah, et c'est bien ?
00:00:49 Ouais c'est hyper bien
00:00:50 Bon très bien, on découvre ça dans une petite demi-heure sur RTL 2, la radio des nouveautés pop rock
00:00:54 Mademoiselle H va bien ?
00:00:55 Oui, on va parler de chat justement, Gérard Hedleto
00:00:57 Poids aujourd'hui
00:00:58 Ouais, voilà c'est varicelle noire et blanche
00:01:01 Non pas tout à fait
00:01:03 Mais voilà, on touche dessus vite fait mais on laisse l'intégralité à Thomas tout à l'heure
00:01:07 Et puis on va parler aussi de The Weeknd qui a une série qui arrive
00:01:11 Ça a l'air spécial, il y a Lily Rose Depp dedans
00:01:13 Et ça parle d'une pop star et d'un producteur gourou qui va jouer
00:01:18 Ok
00:01:19 Voilà, c'est un peu bizarre
00:01:20 Et aussi Motörhead qui reprend du Metallica pour un peu de rock
00:01:24 Ah très bien, sinon à l'avis de l'actualité Guillaume ?
00:01:26 Écoute, on a de la fraude fiscale, on a du foot et on a un groupe
00:01:29 Ouais pardon, le lien est pas... Enfin bref
00:01:31 Un peu plus, je vous laisse
00:01:33 On pourrait, on jouera
00:01:34 Je dis ça, je dis rien et on a un clap de fin pour Stromae
00:01:36 Ça a été annoncé il y a pas longtemps, il arrête sa tournée
00:01:38 Oui, oui, je peux, je l'ai à dépêche sous les yeux, je peux te le dire
00:01:40 Stromae a besoin de repos et annonce l'arrêt total de sa tournée
00:01:44 Communiqué, diffusé il y a une minute même par coup
00:01:47 Ah ouais, donc ça c'est le burn out absolu des pop stars
00:01:50 Mais non, mais c'est la deuxième fois surtout, donc il est fragile
00:01:54 Il est super déprimant, il est vieux le salaud
00:01:57 Je suis pas très loin derrière
00:02:00 Bon les enfants, on est presque à l'heure, donc notre stagiaire va être obligé de ne pas mentir
00:02:04 T'es prête pour ton temporaire ?
00:02:06 Oui
00:02:07 Il est à toi, je te l'ai garantie jusqu'à la fin de la saison, à toi de jouer
00:02:09 Il est 16h, bienvenue dans le Réveil RTL 2
00:02:14 Ça avance
00:02:18 Ouais
00:02:20 Mon cœur il va bien
00:02:22 J'ai juste deux, trois
00:02:27 C'est gratuit, tu ne le sais rien
00:02:29 Et j'ai pas besoin de premiers soins
00:02:33 Tu peux garder ton venin
00:02:37 Le ravaler d'ailleurs si tu regardes bien
00:02:40 C'est moi qui suis sur scène et toi dans les gradins
00:02:44 Il paraît même que tu chantes mes réfrains
00:02:48 Tu vois fallait pas
00:02:50 Te foutre de moi
00:02:54 Surtout quand je vois
00:02:58 Ce que tu deviens toi
00:03:02 Ce que tu deviens toi
00:03:05 J'ai bien vu tes appels de fort
00:03:15 Mais faut que tu circules, en circule y'a plus rien à voir
00:03:19 Et je sais, et je sais, ça te fait bizarre
00:03:22 Le fallait pas
00:03:24 Toi t'as voulu partir
00:03:26 Parier sur le canal et s'en sortir
00:03:30 Mais y'avait pas dix mille façons de faire que le dire, non
00:03:34 Non y'avait pas dix mille façons de quitter le navire
00:03:37 Tu vois fallait pas
00:03:39 Te foutre de moi
00:03:43 Surtout quand je vois
00:03:45 Ce que tu deviens toi
00:03:49 Tu vois fallait pas
00:03:53 Te foutre de moi
00:03:57 Surtout quand je vois
00:04:01 Ce que tu deviens toi
00:04:05 Ce que tu deviens toi
00:04:09 Ce que tu deviens toi
00:04:11 Oh qu'est-ce que tu deviens toi
00:04:18 Oh qu'est-ce que tu deviens toi
00:04:22 Tu vois fallait pas
00:04:26 Te foutre de moi
00:04:30 Surtout quand je vois
00:04:34 Ce que tu deviens toi
00:04:38 Tu vois fallait pas
00:04:40 Te foutre de moi
00:04:44 Surtout quand je vois
00:04:48 Ce que tu deviens toi
00:04:52 Ce que tu deviens toi
00:04:57 RTL 2 - Le son pop rock
00:05:01 An old man turned 98
00:05:12 He won the lottery
00:05:15 And died the next day
00:05:18 It's a black fly in a chardonnay
00:05:23 It's a death row pardon
00:05:26 Took minutes to raise
00:05:29 And isn't it ironic
00:05:31 Don't you think
00:05:33 It's like rain on your wedding day
00:05:39 It's a free ride when you've already paid
00:05:45 It's the good advice that you just didn't take
00:05:51 And who would have thought it figures
00:05:57 Mr. Play it safe
00:05:59 Was afraid to fly
00:06:02 He packed his suitcase
00:06:05 Kissed his kids goodbye
00:06:08 He waited his whole damn life
00:06:11 To take that flight
00:06:14 And as the plane crashed down
00:06:16 He thought well isn't this nice
00:06:19 And isn't it ironic
00:06:21 Don't you think
00:06:24 It's like rain on your wedding day
00:06:30 It's a free ride when you've already paid
00:06:36 It's the good advice that you just didn't take
00:06:42 And who would have thought it figures
00:06:48 Life is a funny way of sneaking up on you
00:06:52 And everything's so goody and everything's gone right
00:06:59 Life is a funny way of coming at you
00:07:03 And everything's gone wrong
00:07:05 And everything blows up in your face
00:07:10 Traffic jam when you're already late
00:07:15 And no smoking sign on your cigarette break
00:07:21 It's like ten thousand spoons when all you need is a knife
00:07:27 It's meeting the man of my dreams
00:07:30 And then meeting his beautiful wife
00:07:33 And isn't it ironic
00:07:36 Don't you think
00:07:39 A little too ironic
00:07:42 And yeah I really do think
00:07:45 It's like rain on your wedding day
00:07:51 It's a free ride when you've already paid
00:07:56 It's the good advice that you just didn't take
00:08:02 And who would have thought it figures
00:08:12 And yeah life is a funny way of sneaking up on you
00:08:18 And life is a funny funny way of helping you out
00:08:26 Helping you out
00:08:30 Alors Nis Morissette dans le Drive RTL2
00:08:33 Voici le journalo de la Musica
00:08:35 On commence par qui aujourd'hui ?
00:08:38 The Weeknd
00:08:39 Parfait alors The Weeknd qui parle du tournage
00:08:42 Alors c'est quoi ? C'est une émission, c'est une série, c'est Idol ?
00:08:44 C'est une émission, alors la star de la pop a raconté que sa série qui va être pour HBO
00:08:48 devrait être présentée normalement au festival de Cannes dans quelques semaines
00:08:52 avec dans les rôles principaux lui-même et Lily Rose Depp quand même c'est pas mal
00:08:57 Ça raconte l'histoire d'une jeune pop star et sa relation ambigüe avec le leader gourou d'une set
00:09:03 Ça c'est lui
00:09:04 La série a été créée par The Weeknd et Sam Levinson qui avait notamment fait Euphoria
00:09:08 Voici un petit extrait de la bande-annonce
00:09:10 C'est le meilleur travail au monde
00:09:14 Le meilleur boulot au monde
00:09:15 Tu devrais être plus amusé
00:09:17 Tu devrais plus t'amuser
00:09:18 Sur la musique de Britney
00:09:20 Et là
00:09:23 Je t'aime
00:09:25 Ah je t'aime
00:09:26 Bon bref, c'est un peu
00:09:28 C'est le meilleur voice-over du monde
00:09:31 J'ai regardé la bande-annonce, ça a l'air un peu cheap
00:09:34 Mais pourtant The Weeknd s'est pris énormément la tête
00:09:37 Il a dit "je refuse de faire un truc quand c'est pas au top"
00:09:40 Il a fait pas mal de changements de dernière minute, il se sent un petit peu stressé
00:09:43 Il dit "normalement quand je stresse je reste calme mais là j'en ai presque perdu ma voix"
00:09:47 Donc attention à voir ce que ça donne quand ça sortira au festival de Cannes la semaine prochaine
00:09:52 Je pense que moi je vais regarder avec mépris
00:09:54 Mais je vais regarder quand même
00:09:56 Je vais regarder de haut comme on dit
00:09:58 Sortie d'une reprise rare d'Enter Sandman, qui est une de mes chansons préférées
00:10:02 De Metallica, mais par qui ?
00:10:04 Mais par Lémi de Motorhead
00:10:06 Avec son groupe, ils reprennent ce classique Enter Sandman
00:10:09 Ils l'ont fait en 98 parce que forcément Lémi est parti en 2015
00:10:12 Ça s'était juste retrouvé à l'époque sur une compil de catch
00:10:16 Mais depuis hier
00:10:18 Parce que j'ai appris aussi qu'hier, le 8 mai, c'est parti de la journée Motorhead
00:10:21 Pour moi c'était plus une commémoration de la deuxième guerre mondiale
00:10:24 Mais c'est aussi une journée Motorhead pour les fans
00:10:26 Et du coup depuis aujourd'hui c'est dispo sur toutes les plateformes, ça donne ça
00:10:29 On reconnaît bien la voix de Lémi
00:10:37 Et il y a même un petit clip animé où on voit le Sandman de Metallica
00:10:47 Secourir par le Warpig, vous savez l'espèce de mascotte symbole de Motorhead
00:10:52 Qu'on voit sur les t-shirts de Motorhead
00:10:54 Mickey D, le batteur du groupe, a dit que le groupe ne tournerait plus jamais
00:10:58 Sous le nom de Motorhead par contre, donc c'est ça, hommage à Lémi
00:11:01 Merci beaucoup Marjorie
00:11:03 Voici Blancasse maintenant sur RTL2
00:11:06 Très bientôt d'ailleurs sur les routes de France avec ce nouvel album
00:11:09 Je sais que tu sais
00:11:10 [Musique]
00:11:18 Tu voyages un peu serré depuis des années
00:11:21 Tu traverses le temps dans un livre fermé
00:11:25 Et tu cherches encore celui qui tourne les pages
00:11:29 Qui t'aiderait à déclencher l'orage
00:11:32 Mais je sais que tu sais
00:11:34 Mais je sais que tu sais
00:11:36 Oui je sais que tu sais que c'est moi
00:11:39 Qui pourrait te faire aimer la vie douce
00:11:45 Aller voir au fond des lacs en hiver
00:11:48 Qui pourrait te faire danser sous la lune rousse
00:11:52 Et t'emmener au centre de la terre
00:11:55 Mais je sais que tu sais
00:11:57 Oui je sais que tu sais
00:11:59 Oui je sais que tu sais que c'est moi
00:12:02 Et je sais que tu sais
00:12:05 Oui je sais que tu sais
00:12:07 Oui je sais que tu sais que c'est moi
00:12:10 Mais je sais que tu sais
00:12:13 Oui je sais que tu sais
00:12:15 Oui je sais que tu sais que c'est moi
00:12:18 Et je sais que tu sais
00:12:21 Oui je sais que tu sais
00:12:23 Oui je sais que tu sais que c'est moi
00:12:26 [Musique]
00:12:35 Qui a mis ce ciel en feu au fond de ton être
00:12:38 Qui a mis ses armes dans ta main ouverte
00:12:42 Qui a tracé ses dessins sur ta peau
00:12:45 Ce plan à suivre pour aller plus haut
00:12:49 Qui pourrait te faire nager dans des eaux plus claires
00:12:53 Tu voudrais trouver celui qui sait faire
00:12:57 Mais je sais que tu sais
00:12:59 Oui je sais que tu sais
00:13:01 Oui je sais que tu sais que c'est moi
00:13:04 Et je sais que tu sais
00:13:07 Oui je sais que tu sais
00:13:09 Oui je sais que tu sais que c'est moi
00:13:12 Mais je sais que tu sais
00:13:15 Oui je sais que tu sais
00:13:17 Oui je sais que tu sais que c'est moi
00:13:20 Et je sais que tu sais
00:13:23 Oui je sais que tu sais
00:13:25 Oui je sais que tu sais que c'est moi
00:13:28 Mais je sais que tu sais
00:13:31 Oui je sais que tu sais
00:13:33 Oui je sais que tu sais que c'est moi
00:13:36 Et je sais que tu sais
00:13:38 Oui je sais que tu sais que c'est moi
00:13:42 Que c'est moi
00:13:52 Et je sais que tu sais
00:14:00 Oui je sais que tu sais
00:14:02 Oui je sais que tu sais que c'est moi
00:14:06 Et je sais que tu sais
00:14:08 Come over here
00:14:15 I'm the goddess of this moment
00:14:34 21st century is yesterday
00:14:37 You can care all you want
00:14:41 Everybody does, yeah, that's okay
00:14:46 So slide over here
00:14:50 And give me a moment
00:14:53 Who makes us all so low
00:14:55 I've got to let you know
00:14:57 I've got to let you know
00:14:59 You're one of a kind
00:15:04 Oh, wow
00:15:06 I need you tonight
00:15:12 'Cause I'm not sleeping
00:15:16 There's something about you, girl
00:15:21 That makes me sweat
00:15:25 I'm lonely
00:15:33 But you can take it all
00:15:36 Gonna live my life
00:15:41 So slide over here
00:15:43 And give me a moment
00:15:45 Who makes us all so low
00:15:47 I've got to let you know
00:15:49 I've got to let you know
00:15:52 You're one of a kind
00:15:57 Oh!
00:15:58 I need you tonight
00:16:05 'Cause I'm not sleeping
00:16:09 There's something about you, girl
00:16:14 That makes me sweat
00:16:18 I'm lonely
00:16:25 But you can take it all
00:16:28 Gonna live my life
00:16:33 I'm lonely
00:16:37 But you can take it all
00:16:42 Gonna live my life
00:16:46 So slide over here
00:16:48 And give me a moment
00:16:50 Who makes us all so low
00:16:52 Your moves are so raw
00:16:54 I've got to let you know
00:16:56 I've got to let you know
00:16:58 So slide over here
00:17:00 And give me a moment
00:17:02 I've got to let you know
00:17:05 I've got to let you know
00:17:07 In excess
00:17:08 You're one of my kind
00:17:10 "Need you tonight" dans le Drive RTL2
00:17:11 C'est un tube de l'explosion
00:17:12 Juste avant, il y avait eu "Original Scene" sur l'album d'avant
00:17:14 Mais là, avec cet album-là, "The Kick", ça va être absolument énorme
00:17:17 Tout à l'heure, "Youngblood" et "Luan" entre autres
00:17:20 Et puis la nouveauté du jour, c'est le grand retour d'un super comédien
00:17:23 D'un type très chouette, il était venu d'ailleurs, je sais pas, il y a quoi, il y a 5-6 ans dans le Drive RTL2
00:17:27 Peut-être que ça sera l'occasion de revenir
00:17:29 J'arrête d'être haut et "30 Seconds to Mars"
00:17:31 C'est le Drive RTL2, merci d'être là
00:17:35 Je vous l'ai pas dit, mais demain, on a une invitée
00:17:37 Et quelle invitée, c'est Charlene Spiteri qui sera à mes côtés
00:17:39 Pour parler d'un best-of qui sort vendredi de Texas
00:17:42 Pour l'instant, "Youngblood", "Luan" et puis tout à l'heure, la nouveauté du jour
00:17:46 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:17:51 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:17:55 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:17:59 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:18:03 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:18:07 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:18:11 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:18:15 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:18:19 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:18:23 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:18:27 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:18:31 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:18:35 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:18:39 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:18:43 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:18:47 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:18:51 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:18:55 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:18:59 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:19:03 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:19:07 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:19:11 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:19:15 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:19:19 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:19:23 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:19:27 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:19:31 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:19:35 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:19:39 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:19:43 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:19:47 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:19:51 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:19:55 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:19:59 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:20:03 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:20:07 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:20:11 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:20:15 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:20:19 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:20:23 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:20:27 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:20:31 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:20:35 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:20:39 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:20:43 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:20:47 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:20:51 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:20:55 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:20:59 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:21:03 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:21:07 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:21:11 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:21:15 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:21:19 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:21:23 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:21:27 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:21:31 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:21:35 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:21:39 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:21:43 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:21:47 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:21:51 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:21:55 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:21:59 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:22:03 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:22:07 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:22:11 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:22:15 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:22:19 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:22:23 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:22:27 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:22:31 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:22:35 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:22:39 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:22:43 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:22:47 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:22:51 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:22:55 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:22:59 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:23:03 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:23:07 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:23:11 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:23:15 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:23:19 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:23:23 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:23:27 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:23:31 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:23:35 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:23:39 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:23:43 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:23:47 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:23:51 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:23:55 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:23:59 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:24:03 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:24:07 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:24:11 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:24:15 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:24:19 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:24:23 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:24:27 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:24:31 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:24:35 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:24:39 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:24:43 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:24:47 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:24:51 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:24:55 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:24:59 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:25:03 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:25:07 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:25:11 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:25:15 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:25:19 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:25:23 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:25:27 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:25:31 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:25:35 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:25:39 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:25:43 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:25:47 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:25:51 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:25:55 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:25:59 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:26:03 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:26:07 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:26:11 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:26:15 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:26:19 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:26:23 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:26:27 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:26:31 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:26:35 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:26:39 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:26:43 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:26:47 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:26:51 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:26:55 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:26:59 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:27:03 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:27:07 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:27:11 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:27:15 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:27:19 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:27:23 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:27:27 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:27:31 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:27:35 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:27:39 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:27:43 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:27:47 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:27:51 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:27:55 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:27:59 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:28:03 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:28:07 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:28:11 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:28:15 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:28:19 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:28:23 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:28:27 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:28:31 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:28:35 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:28:39 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:28:43 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:28:47 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:28:51 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:28:55 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:28:59 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:29:03 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:29:07 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:29:11 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:29:15 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:29:19 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:29:23 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:29:27 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:29:31 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:29:35 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:29:39 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:29:43 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:29:47 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:29:51 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:29:55 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:29:59 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:30:03 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:30:07 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:30:11 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:30:15 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:30:19 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:30:23 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:30:27 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:30:31 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:30:35 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:30:39 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:30:43 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:30:47 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:30:51 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:30:55 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:30:59 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:31:03 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:31:07 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:31:11 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:31:15 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:31:19 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:31:23 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:31:27 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:31:31 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:31:35 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:31:39 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:31:43 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:31:47 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:31:51 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:31:55 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:31:59 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:32:03 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:32:07 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:32:11 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:32:15 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:32:19 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:32:23 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:32:27 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:32:31 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:32:35 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:32:39 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:32:43 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:32:47 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:32:51 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:32:55 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:32:59 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:33:03 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:33:07 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:33:11 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:33:15 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:33:19 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:33:23 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:33:27 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:33:31 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:33:35 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:33:39 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:33:43 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:33:47 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:33:51 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:33:55 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:33:59 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:34:03 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:34:07 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:34:11 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:34:15 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:34:19 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:34:23 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:34:27 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:34:31 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:34:35 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:34:39 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:34:43 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:34:47 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:34:51 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:34:55 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:34:59 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:35:03 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:35:07 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:35:11 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:35:15 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:35:19 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:35:23 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:35:27 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:35:31 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:35:35 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:35:39 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:35:43 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:35:47 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:35:51 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:35:55 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:35:59 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:36:03 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:36:07 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:36:11 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:36:15 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:36:19 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:36:23 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:36:27 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:36:31 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:36:35 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:36:39 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:36:43 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:36:47 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:36:51 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:36:55 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:36:59 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:37:03 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:37:07 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:37:11 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:37:15 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:37:19 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:37:23 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:37:27 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:37:31 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:37:35 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:37:39 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:37:43 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:37:47 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:37:51 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:37:55 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:37:59 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:38:03 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:38:07 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:38:11 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:38:15 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:38:19 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:38:23 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:38:27 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:38:31 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:38:35 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:38:39 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:38:43 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:38:47 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:38:51 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:38:55 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:38:59 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:39:03 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:39:07 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:39:11 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:39:15 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:39:19 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:39:23 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:39:27 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:39:31 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:39:35 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:39:39 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:39:43 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:39:47 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:39:51 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:39:55 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:39:59 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:40:03 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:40:07 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:40:11 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:40:15 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:40:19 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:40:23 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:40:27 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:40:31 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:40:35 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:40:39 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:40:43 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:40:47 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:40:51 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:40:55 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:40:59 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:41:03 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:41:07 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:41:11 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:41:15 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:41:19 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:41:23 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:41:27 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:41:31 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:41:35 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:41:39 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:41:43 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:41:47 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:41:51 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:41:55 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:41:59 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:42:03 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:42:07 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:42:11 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:42:15 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:42:19 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:42:23 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:42:27 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:42:31 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:42:35 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:42:39 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:42:43 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:42:47 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:42:51 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:42:55 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:42:59 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:43:03 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:43:07 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:43:11 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:43:15 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:43:19 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:43:23 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:43:27 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:43:31 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:43:35 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:43:39 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:43:43 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:43:47 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:43:51 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:43:55 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:43:59 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:44:03 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:44:07 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:44:11 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:44:15 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:44:19 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:44:23 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:44:27 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:44:31 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:44:35 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:44:39 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:44:43 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:44:47 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:44:51 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:44:55 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:44:59 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:45:03 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:45:07 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:45:11 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:45:15 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:45:19 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:45:23 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:45:27 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:45:31 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:45:35 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:45:39 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:45:43 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:45:47 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:45:51 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:45:55 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:45:59 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:46:03 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:46:07 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:46:11 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:46:15 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:46:19 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:46:23 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:46:27 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:46:31 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:46:35 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:46:39 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:46:43 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:46:47 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:46:51 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:46:55 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:46:59 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:47:03 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:47:07 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:47:11 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:47:15 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:47:19 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:47:23 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:47:27 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:47:31 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:47:35 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:47:39 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:47:43 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:47:47 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:47:51 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:47:55 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:47:59 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:48:03 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:48:07 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:48:11 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:48:15 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:48:19 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:48:23 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:48:27 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:48:31 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:48:35 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:48:39 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:48:43 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:48:47 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:48:51 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:48:55 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:48:59 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:49:03 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:49:07 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:49:11 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:49:15 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:49:19 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:49:23 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:49:27 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:49:31 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:49:35 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:49:39 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:49:43 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:49:47 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:49:51 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:49:55 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:49:59 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:50:03 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:50:07 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:50:11 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:50:15 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:50:19 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:50:23 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:50:27 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:50:31 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:50:35 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:50:39 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:50:43 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:50:47 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:50:51 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:50:55 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:50:59 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:51:03 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:51:07 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:51:11 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:51:15 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:51:19 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:51:23 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:51:27 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:51:31 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:51:35 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:51:39 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:51:43 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:51:47 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:51:51 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:51:55 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:51:59 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:52:03 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:52:07 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:52:11 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:52:15 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:52:19 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:52:23 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:52:27 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:52:31 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:52:35 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:52:39 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:52:43 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:52:47 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:52:51 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:52:55 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:52:59 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:53:03 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:53:07 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:53:11 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:53:15 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:53:19 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:53:23 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:53:27 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:53:31 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:53:35 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:53:39 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:53:43 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:53:47 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:53:51 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:53:55 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:53:59 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:54:03 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:54:07 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:54:11 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:54:15 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:54:19 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:54:23 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:54:27 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:54:31 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:54:35 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:54:39 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:54:43 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:54:47 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:54:51 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:54:55 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:54:59 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:55:03 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:55:07 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:55:11 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:55:15 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:55:19 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:55:23 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:55:27 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:55:31 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:55:35 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:55:39 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:55:43 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:55:47 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:55:51 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:55:55 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:55:59 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:56:03 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:56:07 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:56:11 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:56:15 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:56:19 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:56:23 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:56:27 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:56:31 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:56:35 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:56:39 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:56:43 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:56:47 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:56:51 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:56:55 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:56:59 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:57:03 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:57:07 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:57:11 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:57:15 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:57:19 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:57:23 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:57:27 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:57:31 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:57:35 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:57:39 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:57:43 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:57:47 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:57:51 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:57:55 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:57:59 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:58:03 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:58:07 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:58:11 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:58:15 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:58:19 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:58:23 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:58:27 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:58:31 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:58:35 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:58:39 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:58:43 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:58:47 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:58:51 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:58:55 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:58:59 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:59:03 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:59:07 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:59:11 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:59:15 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:59:19 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:59:23 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:59:27 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:59:31 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:59:35 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:59:39 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:59:43 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:59:47 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:59:51 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:59:55 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
00:59:59 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:00:03 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:00:07 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:00:11 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:00:15 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:00:19 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:00:23 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:00:27 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:00:31 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:00:35 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:00:39 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:00:43 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:00:47 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:00:51 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:00:55 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:00:59 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:01:03 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:01:07 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:01:11 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:01:15 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:01:19 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:01:23 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:01:27 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:01:31 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:01:35 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:01:39 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:01:43 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:01:47 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:01:51 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:01:55 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:01:59 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:02:03 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:02:07 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:02:11 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:02:15 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:02:19 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:02:23 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:02:27 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:02:31 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:02:35 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:02:39 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:02:43 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:02:47 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:02:51 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:02:55 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:02:59 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:03:03 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:03:07 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:03:11 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:03:15 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:03:19 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:03:23 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:03:27 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:03:31 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:03:35 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:03:39 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:03:43 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:03:47 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:03:51 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:03:55 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:03:59 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:04:03 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:04:07 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:04:11 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:04:15 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:04:19 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:04:23 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:04:27 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:04:31 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:04:35 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:04:39 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:04:43 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:04:47 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:04:51 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:04:55 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:04:59 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:05:03 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:05:07 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:05:11 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:05:15 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:05:19 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:05:23 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:05:27 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:05:31 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:05:35 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:05:39 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:05:43 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:05:47 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:05:51 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:05:55 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:05:59 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:06:03 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:06:07 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:06:11 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:06:15 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:06:19 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:06:23 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:06:27 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:06:31 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:06:35 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:06:39 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:06:43 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:06:47 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:06:51 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:06:55 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:06:59 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:07:03 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:07:07 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:07:11 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:07:15 ♪ How many special people change ♪
01:07:18 ♪ How many lives are living strange ♪
01:07:21 ♪ Where were you while we were getting high ♪
01:07:25 ♪ Slowly walking down the hall ♪
01:07:30 ♪ Faster than a cannonball ♪
01:07:34 ♪ Where were you while we were getting high ♪
01:07:38 ♪ Someday you will find me ♪
01:07:42 ♪ Caught beneath the landslide ♪
01:07:46 ♪ In a champagne supernova in the sky ♪
01:07:51 ♪ Someday you will find me ♪
01:07:54 ♪ Caught beneath the landslide ♪
01:07:58 ♪ In a champagne supernova ♪
01:08:02 ♪ A champagne supernova in the sky ♪
01:08:08 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:08:12 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:08:16 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:08:20 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:08:24 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:08:28 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:08:32 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:08:36 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:08:40 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:08:44 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:08:48 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:08:52 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:08:56 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:09:00 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:09:04 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:09:08 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:09:12 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:09:16 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:09:20 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:09:24 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:09:28 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:09:32 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:09:36 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:09:40 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:09:44 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:09:48 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:09:52 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:09:56 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:10:00 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:10:04 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:10:08 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:10:12 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:10:16 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:10:20 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:10:24 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:10:28 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:10:32 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:10:36 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:10:40 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:10:44 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:10:48 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:10:52 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:10:56 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:11:00 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:11:04 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:11:08 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:11:12 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:11:16 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:11:20 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:11:24 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:11:28 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:11:32 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:11:36 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:11:40 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:11:44 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:11:48 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:11:52 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:11:56 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:12:00 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:12:04 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:12:08 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:12:12 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:12:16 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:12:20 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:12:24 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:12:28 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:12:32 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:12:36 ♪ Youngblood - "30 Seconds to Mars" ♪
01:12:40 ♪ How many special people changed? ♪
01:12:44 ♪ How many lives have lived estranged? ♪
01:12:48 ♪ Do you know how many? ♪
01:12:52 ♪ Do you know how many? ♪
01:12:56 ♪ Do you know how many? ♪
01:13:00 ♪ Do you know how many? ♪
01:13:04 ♪ Do you know how many? ♪
01:13:08 ♪ Do you know how many? ♪
01:13:12 ♪ Do you know how many? ♪
01:13:16 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:13:18 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:13:21 ♪ ♪ ♪
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01:44:23 C'était Stan Azouane avec le chanteur de Skip The Hughes en solo, Matt Bastard et l'album Louvre.
01:44:29 On va souhaiter un bon anniversaire à David Kellott qui est né le 9 mai 1962.
01:44:37 Il a 61 ans aujourd'hui, vous le connaissez mieux sous le nom de Dave Gahan.
01:44:39 L'histoire de son nom est complètement dingue.
01:44:41 Il est le deuxième enfant, premier garçon de sa maman qui est chauffeur de bus.
01:44:47 Son papa biologique, Len Kellott, va disparaître très rapidement.
01:44:54 Elle va épouser un autre homme qui s'appelle Gahan.
01:44:59 C'est comme ça que cet homme va l'adopter et que David va devenir Dave Gahan.
01:45:03 Il apprendra juste à l'âge de 10 ans quand son père adoptif va mourir qu'il a un père biologique.
01:45:07 Evidemment, ça va mal se passer. Il va devenir un ado un peu turbulent, comme on dit.
01:45:11 Rebelle, il vit dans des squads, brigade des mineurs, vol de bagnole, un peu la totale.
01:45:16 En 1979, il mixe le son pour un groupe qui s'appelle French Luke dans lequel il y a Martin Gore, Vince Clark et Andrew Fletcher.
01:45:21 On ne peut pas le voir comme chanteur car il ne le semble pas.
01:45:24 Il y a une jam session et il chante "Heroes" de David Bowie.
01:45:27 Il a une belle voix. C'est comme ça qu'il va devenir le chanteur du groupe.
01:45:31 Il va lui-même renommer "Dépêche Mode".
01:45:34 Je vous la fais courte, mais "French Luke" passe de "French Luke" à "Dépêche Mode" avec Dave Gahan comme chanteur.
01:45:38 La suite, on la connaît car elle est rentrée dans l'histoire de la musique.
01:45:41 Il a 61 ans aujourd'hui.
01:45:43 Pour rendre hommage à Dave Gahan, il ne faut pas que le voir sur scène.
01:45:46 Sur scène, c'est toujours extraordinaire.
01:45:49 Il a sorti un album il y a quelques semaines.
01:45:52 Ils sont venus nous en parler dans le "Dream" RTL2.
01:45:54 C'est la tournée 101, le 101ème concert de la tournée "Music for the Maces".
01:46:00 Ça se passe au Rose Bowl Stadium de Pasadena.
01:46:03 La chanson qu'on a choisi pour vous s'appelle "Stripped".
01:46:07 Vous allez l'entendre, tout y est.
01:46:10 L'atmosphère de "Dépêche Mode" et surtout cette voix hors norme de Dave Gahan qui fait aujourd'hui son 60ème anniversaire.
01:46:17 C'est super cool de voir ça se passe.
01:46:19 C'est incroyable.
01:46:21 C'est incroyable.
01:46:23 C'est incroyable.
01:46:25 C'est incroyable.
01:46:27 C'est incroyable.
01:46:29 C'est incroyable.
01:46:31 C'est incroyable.
01:46:33 C'est incroyable.
01:46:35 C'est incroyable.
01:46:38 C'est incroyable.
01:46:41 C'est incroyable.
01:46:43 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:47:01 ♪ Come with me into the trees ♫
01:47:07 ♫ We'll lay on the grass ♫
01:47:11 ♫ And let the air pass ♫
01:47:13 ♫ Take my hand ♫
01:47:15 ♫ Come back to the land ♫
01:47:18 ♫ Let's get away ♫
01:47:21 ♫ Just for one day ♫
01:47:24 ♫ Let me see you stripped ♫
01:47:27 ♫ Down to the bone ♫
01:47:32 ♫ Let me see you stripped ♫
01:47:38 ♫ Down to the bone ♫
01:47:43 ♫ Yeah ♫
01:47:45 ♫ ♪ ♫
01:48:03 Yeah !
01:48:05 ♫ ♪ ♫
01:48:25 ♫ There's no trouble, miss ♫
01:48:27 ♫ There's nothing on this ♫
01:48:29 ♫ You're breathing in hues ♫
01:48:32 ♫ I'll take when we kiss ♫
01:48:35 ♫ Take my hand ♫
01:48:38 ♫ Come back to the land ♫
01:48:40 ♫ Where everything's ours ♫
01:48:43 ♫ For a few hours ♫
01:48:46 ♫ Let me see you stripped ♫
01:48:49 ♫ Down to the bone ♫
01:48:54 ♫ Let me see you stripped ♫
01:49:00 ♫ Down to the bone ♫
01:49:04 ♫ Yeah ♫
01:49:06 ♫ Let me hear you make decisions ♫
01:49:13 ♫ Without your television ♫
01:49:18 ♫ Let me hear you speaking ♫
01:49:22 ♫ Just for me ♫
01:49:26 ♫ Yeah ♫
01:49:28 ♫ ♪ ♫
01:49:57 ♫ ♪ ♫
01:50:11 ♫ Let me see you stripped ♫
01:50:14 ♫ Down to the bone ♫
01:50:18 ♫ Let me hear you speaking ♫
01:50:20 ♫ Just for me ♫
01:50:22 ♫ Let me see you stripped ♫
01:50:25 ♫ Down to the bone ♫
01:50:28 ♫ Yeah ♫
01:50:30 ♫ Let me hear you speaking ♫
01:50:32 ♫ Just for me ♫
01:50:34 ♫ Let me see you stripped ♫
01:50:36 ♫ Down to the bone ♫
01:50:39 ♫ Let me hear you speaking ♫
01:50:41 ♫ Just for me ♫
01:50:43 ♫ Let me see you stripped ♫
01:50:46 ♫ Down to the bone ♫
01:50:50 ♫ Yeah ♫
01:50:52 ♫ Just for me ♫
01:50:55 ♫ ♪ ♫
01:51:24 ♫ ♪ ♫
01:51:53 ♫ ♪ ♫
01:51:56 ♫ ♪ ♫
01:52:00 ♫ ♪ ♫
01:52:03 ♫ Sunday mornings were your favorite ♫
01:52:08 ♫ I used to meet you down on Woods Creek Road ♫
01:52:15 ♫ You did your hair up like you were famous ♫
01:52:20 ♫ Even though it's only church where we were going ♫
01:52:26 ♫ I'm still holding on to everything that's dead and gone ♫
01:52:32 ♫ J'imagine encore ton rire s'envoler comme un écho ♫
01:52:38 ♫ Now you're in the stars and six beats never felt so far ♫
01:52:44 ♫ Pendant que nos souvenirs se changent en larmes sur ma peau ♫
01:52:50 ♫ Oh, j'ai mal, j'ai peur de rester seule dans ce vide ♫
01:52:57 ♫ Alors je laisse mourir mon cœur ♫
01:53:00 ♫ And left the rest in pieces ♫
01:53:04 ♫ J'ai des millions de gens mais je ne veux que toi ♫
01:53:09 ♫ Même sur les photos j'entends ta voix ♫
01:53:16 ♫ Mais ce qu'il y a de pire c'est ta main que j'aimerais tenir ♫
01:53:22 ♫ Et je sais pourtant qu'elle ne reviendra pas ♫
01:53:27 ♫ Oh, I'm still holding on to everything that's dead and gone ♫
01:53:34 ♫ J'imagine encore ton rire s'envoler comme un écho ♫
01:53:40 ♫ Now you're in the stars and six beats never felt so far ♫
01:53:46 ♫ Pendant que nos souvenirs se changent en larmes sur ma peau ♫
01:53:52 ♫ Oh, j'ai mal, j'ai peur de rester seule dans ce vide ♫
01:53:58 ♫ Alors je laisse mourir mon cœur ♫
01:54:01 ♫ And left the rest in pieces ♫
01:54:04 ♫ I'm still holding on, holding on, still holding on ♫
01:54:11 ♫ I'm still holding on, still holding on ♫
01:54:17 ♫ I'm still holding on to everything that's dead and gone ♫
01:54:23 ♫ J'imagine encore ton rire s'envoler comme un écho ♫
01:54:29 ♫ And now you're in the stars and six beats never felt so far ♫
01:54:35 ♫ Pendant que nos souvenirs se changent en larmes sur ma peau ♫
01:54:41 ♫ Oh, j'ai mal, j'ai peur de rester seule dans ce vide ♫
01:54:48 ♫ Alors je laisse mourir mon cœur ♫
01:54:52 ♫ And left the rest in pieces ♫
01:54:56 ♫ In the stars sur RTL2, tout à l'heure il y aura Eazy-I, il y aura The Calling ♫
01:55:00 ♫ Et je vous parlerai d'un anglais qui vient de Londres qui s'appelle Labrent ♫
01:55:04 ♫ ♫ ♫
01:55:07 ♫ ♫ ♫
01:55:16 ♫ So lately, been wondering ♫
01:55:20 ♫ Who will be there to take my place ♫
01:55:24 ♫ When I'm gone, you'll need love ♫
01:55:28 ♫ To light the shadows on your face ♫
01:55:33 ♫ If a great wave shall fall ♫
01:55:37 ♫ And fall upon us all ♫
01:55:41 ♫ Then between the sand and stone ♫
01:55:45 ♫ Could you make it on your own ♫
01:55:49 ♫ If I could, then I would ♫
01:55:53 ♫ I'll go wherever you will go ♫
01:55:58 ♫ Way up high or down low ♫
01:56:02 ♫ I'll go wherever you will go ♫
01:56:06 ♫ And maybe I'll find out ♫
01:56:10 ♫ A way to make it back someday ♫
01:56:15 ♫ To want you, to guide you ♫
01:56:19 ♫ Through the darkest of your days ♫
01:56:24 ♫ If a great wave shall fall ♫
01:56:28 ♫ And fall upon us all ♫
01:56:32 ♫ Then I hope there's someone out there ♫
01:56:36 ♫ Who can bring me back to you ♫
01:56:40 ♫ If I could, then I would ♫
01:56:44 ♫ I'll go wherever you will go ♫
01:56:49 ♫ Way up high or down low ♫
01:56:53 ♫ I'll go wherever you will go ♫
01:56:58 ♫ Run away with my heart ♫
01:57:02 ♫ Run away with my love ♫
01:57:06 ♫ Run away with my love ♫
01:57:12 ♫ I know now, just quite how ♫
01:57:18 ♫ My life and love might still go on ♫
01:57:22 ♫ In your heart, in your mind ♫
01:57:26 ♫ I'll stay with you for all time ♫
01:57:31 ♫ If I could, then I would ♫
01:57:35 ♫ I'll go wherever you will go ♫
01:57:39 ♫ Way up high or down low ♫
01:57:44 ♫ I'll go wherever you will go ♫
01:57:51 ♫ I'll go wherever you will go ♫
01:58:18 ♫ My heart, my heart ♫
01:58:21 ♫ A capacity for reason, a continuous information ♫
01:58:26 ♫ No calm, not a single second ♫
01:58:30 ♫ My heart, my heart ♫
01:58:33 ♫ And your beat, my heart beats faster ♫
01:58:35 ♫ I'll end up by your side ♫
01:58:38 ♫ Spit out your lungs, let the fever fall ♫
01:58:42 ♫ My heart, my heart ♫
01:58:45 ♫ If I'm already tired ♫
01:58:47 ♫ By the blows that drag you down ♫
01:58:49 ♫ Not once did it leave you ♫
01:58:51 ♫ This damn desire to fight you ♫
01:58:53 ♫ Makes the monitor jump ♫
01:58:55 ♫ And the electrocardiograms ♫
01:58:57 ♫ My heart, my heart ♫
01:59:01 ♫ One, two, three, yes I believe you ♫
01:59:03 ♫ When you carry your fist in your arms ♫
01:59:05 ♫ Your strength is your faith ♫
01:59:07 ♫ While everything around you ♫
01:59:09 ♫ Is collapsing, is crashing ♫
01:59:11 ♫ That's why we live ♫
01:59:13 ♫ One, two, three, yes I believe you ♫
01:59:15 ♫ When you carry your fist in your arms ♫
01:59:17 ♫ Your strength is your faith ♫
01:59:19 ♫ While everything around you ♫
01:59:21 ♫ Is collapsing, is crashing ♫
01:59:23 ♫ That's why we live ♫
01:59:25 ♫ I take a lot of sheets to stick ♫
01:59:31 ♫ The silence despairs you ♫
01:59:33 ♫ Whatever the cause, nothing will make you different ♫
01:59:37 ♫ My heart, my heart ♫
01:59:41 ♫ A drum in my chest ♫
01:59:43 ♫ I need air, I need to breathe ♫
01:59:45 ♫ Calm your ardor, take on colors ♫
01:59:51 ♫ My heart, my heart ♫
01:59:53 ♫ My heart, my heart ♫
01:59:57 ♫ One, two, three, yes I believe you ♫
01:59:59 ♫ When you carry your fist in your arms ♫
02:00:01 ♫ Your strength is your faith ♫
02:00:03 ♫ While everything around you ♫
02:00:05 ♫ Is collapsing, is crashing ♫
02:00:07 ♫ That's why we live ♫
02:00:09 ♫ One, two, three, yes I believe you ♫
02:00:11 ♫ When you carry your fist in your arms ♫
02:00:13 ♫ Your strength is your faith ♫
02:00:15 ♫ While everything around you ♫
02:00:17 ♫ Is collapsing, is crashing ♫
02:00:19 ♫ That's why we live ♫
02:00:21 ♫ My heart, my heart ♫
02:00:27 ♫ My heart, my heart ♫
02:00:31 ♫ If I'm already tired ♫
02:00:35 ♫ By the blows that strike you ♫
02:00:37 ♫ Not once did it leave you ♫
02:00:39 ♫ This damn desire to beat you ♫
02:00:41 ♫ Let the monitor jump ♫
02:00:43 ♫ My heart ♫
02:00:45 ♫ One, two, three, yes I believe you ♫
02:00:47 ♫ When you carry your fist in your arms ♫
02:00:49 ♫ Your strength is your faith ♫
02:00:51 ♫ While everything around you ♫
02:00:53 ♫ Is collapsing, is crashing ♫
02:00:55 ♫ That's why we live ♫
02:00:57 ♫ One, two, three, yes I believe you ♫
02:00:59 ♫ When you carry your fist in your arms ♫
02:01:01 ♫ Your strength is your faith ♫
02:01:03 ♫ While everything around you ♫
02:01:05 ♫ Is collapsing, is crashing ♫
02:01:07 ♫ That's why we live ♫
02:01:09 ♫ One, two, three, yes I believe you ♫
02:01:11 ♫ My heart, my heart ♫
02:01:15 ♫ My heart, my heart ♫
02:01:19 ♫ My heart, my heart ♫
02:01:23 - Izzy, my heart, my heart is fine.
02:01:25 In 6 minutes, no, 4 minutes,
02:01:29 we'll meet Alexis from the show "Alexis"
02:01:31 who is here today, but before,
02:01:33 and to bring us to Alexis,
02:01:35 we'll listen to an extra from an album
02:01:37 by a guy who was in Coachella
02:01:39 this year, his name is Labrinth.
02:01:41 His real name is
02:01:43 Timothy McKenzie, he's 35,
02:01:45 he's Londoner, he worked with Kygo
02:01:47 or The Weeknd, and a few years ago
02:01:49 he made a band called LSD.
02:01:51 Why LSD? Because L for
02:01:53 Labrinth, S for Sia
02:01:55 and D for Diplo.
02:01:57 In 2019,
02:01:59 he did the soundtrack of this amazing show
02:02:01 for HBO called Euphoria, and his album
02:02:03 just came out, it's a rather successful album.
02:02:05 Thomas, you say it's chic pop music.
02:02:07 - No, it's pop, it's very pleasant.
02:02:09 - The song you're about to hear,
02:02:11 which is the first single from this album
02:02:13 by Labrinth, who is a bit of a hybrid artist
02:02:15 who does a lot of different things,
02:02:17 who worked with hip-hop,
02:02:19 with electro music, with pop.
02:02:21 The first song from this album is called
02:02:23 "Covering", and that's what I'm about to show you
02:02:25 on RTL2.
02:02:27 [Musique]
02:02:29 [Musique]
02:02:31 [Musique]
02:02:33 La verité est simple, la puissance est de la puissance, la puissance est de la puissance.
02:02:36 La puissance c'est la puissance.
02:02:38 La puissance c'est la puissance.
02:02:39 La puissance c'est la puissance.
02:02:40 La puissance c'est la puissance.
02:02:42 La puissance c'est la puissance.
02:02:43 La puissance c'est la puissance.
02:02:45 La puissance c'est la puissance.
02:02:46 La puissance c'est la puissance.
02:02:48 L'investissement c'est la puissance, la puissance c'est la puissance.
02:02:51 L'investissement c'est la puissance.
02:02:53 L'investissement c'est la puissance, la puissance c'est la puissance.
02:02:55 L'investissement c'est la puissance.
02:02:57 [Musique]
02:03:27 [Musique]
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02:03:47 [Musique]
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02:06:12 Merci à tous !