Gentle Ways to Remove Eye Makeup Naturally for Sensitive Eyes

  • last year
00:00 Hey guys, in this video I'm going to be showing you how to remove my makeup and
00:06 first what I'm doing here is washing my hands before so just work with me here.
00:12 I'm new to this thing. I'm just wiping my face with water right now.
00:21 That's the first step to what I do. Now I take coconut oil and it's really good
00:34 for your face and I just rub it on my eyes very gently and then after I do that I rub
00:40 it around my face just to get everything off and coconut oil is supposed to help you or
00:49 help your eyelashes grow longer and it has helped mine so if you want that to happen
00:55 you should try it. Okay next I just rinse it off all the excess
01:03 makeup that's around my eyes so I don't look like a raccoon.
01:09 Then I just wipe it with a towel and yeah. Alright so now I'm just wiping my face with
01:21 the towel just so you can see. I forgot to show you what my face looked
01:26 like before. I had red lipstick, I had winged eyeliner,
01:31 face makeup, mascara, just the works. But yeah there's my beautiful no makeup
01:39 face. And now after I've wiped off all the coconut
01:45 oil I just rinse my face with water and then wipe it off
01:56 and put the lid on, wrap it up so oil doesn't get everywhere.
02:01 And yeah so thanks guys for watching. Bye! Don't be afraid to subscribe. Thanks!
