50 Beautiful Things You Can Do With Vaseline In 5 Minutes

  • last year
00:00 Suffer from dry hands or rashes all over your hands? Apply some olive oil.
00:04 You can either dunk them and leave them in the bowl and massage it in or you can just apply some rubber gloves.
00:09 I would usually leave these in my hands, leave these in my hands, let it soak in my hands for at least an hour
00:15 or you can do it overnight and oh my goodness your hands will feel amazing and the rash will go away.
00:20 It will go away, but you'll have to do this over and over and over fortnight and Bonnie is howling
00:25 but she's not allowed out because there's someone down there who doesn't like dogs.
00:27 So I'm gonna respect that. Have dry lips.
00:30 Okay, take some Vaseline, plop it on a toothbrush and exfoliate them fucking lips and that will get you smooth lovely lips.
00:38 Bonnie, shhh!
00:40 Try putting your nail polish into the fridge about 15 minutes before you use it.
00:45 It will just help it go a lot smoother and it won't take as long to dry.
00:49 Dehydrated skin, redness, oh
00:52 oh oh oh oh and
00:55 breakouts. Apply a thin layer of natural yogurt for at least a week and your skin will just feel amazing that you've
01:02 drank loads of water and oh my goodness whenever I do this my face feels fucking flawless.
01:08 Leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes and it will reduce redness by fucking a hundred percent and your skin will feel amazing.
01:16 You can use natural yogurt in your hair as well. Just plop in at least a teaspoon of
01:21 *stutters*
01:23 of olive oil and leave in your hair for at least 20 to 25 minutes. Wash out with lukewarm water,
01:30 shampoo and condition your hair and you will have beautiful locks.
01:34 To gently exfoliate the skin you can use this on your body, face, obviously skin.
01:39 Use oatmeal, it soothes and softens the skin as well as brightens.
01:43 *sings*
01:52 Really oily hair, this is something that I used to use, just baby powder. Plop it all in your hair
01:57 but make sure that you actually rub it in because if you don't oh
02:00 you'll be looking like you have grey hair or a really bad dandruff. An all over body scrub, put in some sugar, honey and
02:08 lemon juice and just exfoliate your body. You can use it on your hands, face and it just is lovely and I forgot the
02:15 *stutters*
02:16 What longer lasting lip...
02:20 What longer lasting lipstick? Apply a lipstick and then blot with the tissue and then reapply and that will keep it on all night.
02:27 Your blush should start two fingers away from your nose, which I don't think mine is but I forget about that,
02:33 we won't mention that. To stop your makeup from slipping and sliding,
02:37 let your moisturiser and primer sink into your skin for a good 10 minutes.
02:41 To get fuller lips, apply a shimmery colour on your cupid's bow. Body scrub, salt, sugar and olive oil.
02:47 Rub that all over your body and boom, you're good to go. To grow longer, fuller lashes,
02:52 apply a thin layer of Vaseline for a fortnight and you will grow long, fuller lashes.
02:57 It worked for me eh? For really dry, frizzy hair,
03:01 put in a bowl one egg, at least one tablespoon of mayonnaise, at least a tablespoon of milk, at least a tablespoon of olive oil.
03:09 And then leave this in for an hour, put it all over your hair and oh my goodness,
03:14 this worked for me when my hair was so dry and frizzy, I used to have really bad hair and it was disgusting.
03:19 This worked for me, I would leave it in for an hour and my hair used to feel fucking amazing.
03:22 So I'm just ticking off my little list, yeah, I'm not that professional. To give a shine to your hair, after you've washed it, put
03:30 *makes weird noises*
03:32 What the fuck am I going on about? Getting on with it!
03:34 Okay, so squeeze in some lemon while your hair is damp and let that kind of everything dry and whatever and this will give a
03:41 really beautiful shine to your hair and it just looks amazing!
03:45 Mistake with your eye makeup, which I do a lot, or your bloody winged eyeliner, which is a bitch!
03:50 Take a bloody cotton puds, spuds, puds?
03:54 Cotton bud and your moisturizer,
03:56 dunk it in and simply remove your mistake. Use your hair conditioner instead of shaving foam. Forgot your blush?
04:04 Use your lipstick. Mix your lipstick with Vaseline to make a tinted lip balm.
04:08 *makes weird noises*
04:10 The next day because I couldn't be arsed to finish all of it,
04:13 so that's why Bonnie's not here because it is the next day and I don't know if I've got everything right, if I've got my
04:18 watch on the right hand. Oh, well, let's get on with the next one.
04:21 Okay, if you're wondering what I'm looking at, I'm looking at my notes. Of course not, I'm not gonna be sat here going blah blah blah.
04:27 So the next tip is heat up your eyelash curler with a hair dryer for at least a minute, two minutes,
04:33 and that will help your curl last longer. Don't buy Powerline makeup or Dazzle from Savers.
04:39 One word,
04:41 cheap. I don't know about you, but whenever I paint my nails, I'm bloody dreadful.
04:45 I get it everywhere around my fingers and just all around the room and it's not very pleasant.
04:50 So this is what I want you to do.
04:52 So apply some Vaseline around your nail beds before doing your polish to prevent it from getting on your fingers.
04:58 And I don't know why I'm reading it from here. I just kind of...
05:00 Okay.
05:03 Perfume fading, that's annoying.
05:06 This is a trick that my mummy always used to tell me and basically what you want to do is you want to spray a
05:11 perfume on and then you want to set it with some powder and that will keep it on all day.
05:15 This is something that I saw on Snog Mara Void. Basically what you want to do is you want to put your tights
05:20 into the, I think it was the freezer,
05:23 and you just want to leave them in there for like an hour or
05:26 overnight or something like that and that will stop them from getting holes and ladders in them.
05:30 This is something that my mum used to use on me when I was a lot younger.
05:33 I used to have really bad cradle cap and if you don't know what that is, it's just like chunks of dandruff.
05:38 I still get it a little bit now, but not as bad.
05:40 But this is what my mum used to do.
05:42 So apply some baby oil to the scalp and leave for an hour. Wash off your hair.
05:48 Your hair will be very greasy, like you will have to wash this out of your hair and it will take a while.
05:53 It will take maybe days and you have to keep on washing it out.
05:56 But it's something that helps and it just will keep your dandruff scalp breaking through.
06:02 To strengthen your nails, dip them in some olive oil for 15 minutes.
06:06 Hard time removing your waterproof mascara?
06:09 Take some Vaseline on a cotton pad and simply remove and voila la, your mascara will be up them eyelashes girl.
06:16 Was that cringy? I don't really know. So to stop your stomach from going
06:20 *growls*
06:22 Yes, them awkward times. Especially if you're in like a classroom with people and your stomach goes *growls*
06:28 Or sometimes you can just get super hungry for no reason. There can be lots of scientific facts for that.
06:34 Now I have one for you today and that is to get at least 8 to 10 hours sleep a night.
06:40 And that will help you from stopping so hungry and stop eating much.
06:44 And I don't mean like eat nothing. I mean like you won't get so hungry.
06:48 You know like out of control. You'll be there at the cookie jar like *growls*
06:51 And you'll be listening to the song like *sings* the cookie jar.
06:54 Oh and this is scientifically meant to help your stomach from stop doing that roaring for no reason.
06:59 Because I don't know about you but sometimes like I'm not actually hungry and my stomach will do that.
07:03 And that is because you haven't got a lot of sleep that night.
07:05 So to stop your stomach from doing that and getting into really awkward situations.
07:09 Because I've had quite a few in my lifetime and they're really embarrassing.
07:12 So get your fucking sleep bitch.
07:14 Have a lot of redness or red spots? Either use a green concealer or a green primer.
07:19 Whenever you wash your makeup brushes, wash them with shampoo and conditioner.
07:24 That will make it last a lot longer the brush if you know what I mean.
07:27 And it will stop them from shedding.
07:29 I don't know about you but I have really long eyebrows.
07:32 I do need to cut them you know with like little scissors and that.
07:34 But I hate doing it and it's just a fucking cup of apple.
07:37 And I was gonna like talk about something else but then I stop and then I think in my head.
07:40 Oh no.
07:41 Anyway so if you have really long *stutters*
07:44 If you have really long um...
07:46 Um what am I talking about again?
07:48 Oh yeah. Really long eyebrows.
07:50 Just take a clear mascara and just set them in place.
07:52 It's something that I always do and it keeps them all a bit big and keeps them lying down flat.
07:56 I don't know about you guys but I have really dry skin.
07:59 And whenever you have dry skin people always tell you
08:02 "Oh exfoliate, exfoliate, exfoliate. Blah blah blah blah blah."
08:05 But that is actually really bad.
08:07 If you exfoliate your skin you can over exfoliate it.
08:10 And that can actually irritate it and make your skin drier.
08:13 I know it's fucked up right.
08:14 So try and exfoliate your face at least twice a week for at least a minute or two.
08:19 And don't, actually don't do it two minutes.
08:21 Oh what the fuck am I going on about?
08:23 One minute you wanna do it for and just *stutters*
08:27 Just gently, GENTLY exfoliate the face.
08:30 Don't bloody go "AHHHH"
08:32 Because I know sometimes that you wanna do that with dry skin.
08:34 Twice a week, three times is the maximum.
08:37 *sings*
08:45 Okay so to get that 3D motion on your lips, apply your lip gloss in a downward motion.
08:50 To get more moisture on your skin after you've taken a hot bath or a hot shower
08:54 make sure to apply body lotion and body moisturiser for your face.
09:00 *fizzes*
09:01 It's face cream I meant there.
09:03 *smacks lips*
09:04 Logic.
09:05 Ran out of nail polish remover.
09:07 This is something that's happened to me many times.
09:09 So this is what I like to do when I feel like I've got air all over my lips.
09:13 Okay so here you know my nails, just pretend that they've been painted and they're all
09:18 chipped and they're just disgusting and then what am I going on about?
09:21 Okay so anyway, take any kind of nail polish you have, a green, a yellow, a white, whatever
09:26 the fuck you have.
09:28 Take it, get a cotton pad ready and what you wanna do is you wanna paint it and then you
09:31 get your cotton pad and you do a *plum*
09:33 and you have to really fucking tug it, you have to go *plum*
09:35 and then that will get rid of it and you don't wanna be there that you paint your nail and
09:38 then let it dry, you've gotta fucking be like BAM
09:41 and that will remove the nail polish with nail polish so isn't that cool yeah?
09:45 Have you ever gone out and you're really BO-y and you're sweaty and you're just there and
09:50 you just wanna be like this and then you're just so self-conscious
09:53 because you're sat around people and you're like "please don't smell my BO it's not nice"
09:58 This is what I want you to do is start bringing some makeup wipes about, you can buy Johnson's,
10:01 you can buy all these bloody makes, Simple, whatever the fuck works for your bloody armpits,
10:06 anything, just some kind of wipes and you just wanna wipe away that sweat under your
10:09 armpit if it's on your back or whatever but mainly it's for the armpits for someone like
10:13 myself anyway so just wipe away the sweat and then what you wanna do is you just wanna
10:17 apply your roller.
10:18 More mascara on your lid than your bloody eyelashes?
10:22 Take a spoon and hold it against your eyelid and then apply your mascara and the spoon
10:26 will actually help curl your eyelashes.
10:28 Buy a new mascara every 3-4 months.
10:32 Don't know when it's the right time to buy makeup but you wanna get a good offer?
10:36 Always wait for 3 for 2 on Boots and Superdrug and you'll get your bargains galore.
10:39 Want your locks to smell lovely?
10:41 Apply a toiletry or one of your favourite perfumes and I was gonna say something else
10:46 but then you know and just lightly spray that into your hair and then comb through your
10:52 locks.
10:54 If you have an infected piercing or if you just have a piercing that you just wanna clean,
10:59 take a cotton bud and dip that in or dunk it in into some witch hazel and just clean
11:04 around the piercing area.
11:06 Dried out elbows, heels or your feet?
11:08 Apply some diaper rash and that will really moisturise it.
11:12 Frizzy hair or lots of flyaways?
11:14 Take a tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny bit of some any kind of lotion onto damp fingers and put
11:20 your hair into twi...
11:22 I can't do this, I'm so bad at talking right.
11:24 Okay so you wanna like twist your hair or you can twist at your root or you can just
11:28 lightly do this and this will just keep away the flyaways and this will keep away the frizziness.
11:33 This is something that I always do.
11:35 I used to be a winged eyeliner gal but I'm not really that keen on it anymore but I still
11:38 use eyeliner now and basically I used to just get eyeliner everywhere and this is something
11:43 that I always used to do.
11:44 So you get eyeliner or mascara all over your lid here or you just make a mistake.
11:50 What I want you to do is I want you to just fully let that dry.
11:54 Completely let it dry.
11:55 You know that can be 20 minutes, that can be 10, it can be 5 just depending on the eyeliner
11:59 you've got.
12:00 Then you wanna take your eyeshadow.
12:01 If you're not wearing eyeshadow then this isn't really gonna work but what I want you
12:04 to do is just take your eyeshadow on a brush and just kind of blend over it and that will
12:09 just disappear and it just comes off.
12:11 It's really weird but it doesn't actually come onto my brush, it just disappears and
12:14 the eyeshadow just completely covers it and that's just what I've always used.
12:18 To take care of these ends apply some olive oil for an hour or you can actually do it
12:22 overnight but don't get it on your rope honey.
12:25 And then afterwards you wanna wash off with lukewarm water and shampoo and condition.
12:30 And break out.
12:31 Apply a thin layer of natural yogurt for at least a week and your skin will just feel
12:37 amazing like you've drank loads of water and oh my goodness whenever I do this my face
12:42 feels fucking flawless.
12:44 Leave it on for 15-20 minutes and it will reduce redness by fucking 100% and your skin
12:50 will feel amazing.
12:52 You can use natural yogurt in your hair as well.
12:54 Just plop in at least a teaspoon of olive oil and leave in your hair for at least 20-25
13:03 minutes.
13:04 Wash out with lukewarm water, shampoo and condition your hair and you will have beautiful
13:08 locks.
13:09 To gently exfoliate the skin you can use this on your body, face, obviously skin.
13:15 Use oatmeal it soothes and softens the skin as well as brightens.
13:27 Really oily hair this is something that I used to use, just baby powder.
13:31 Plop it all in your hair but make sure that you actually rub it in because if you don't
13:35 you'll be looking like you have grey hair or really bad dandruff.
13:39 And all over body scrub put in some sugar, honey and lemon juice and just exfoliate your
13:46 body.
13:47 You can use it on your hands, face and it just is lovely.
13:49 And I forgot the blah blah blah.
13:51 Want longer lasting lip...
13:56 Want longer lasting lipstick?
13:58 Apply a lipstick and then block with a tissue.
13:59 Posylate on a cotton pad and simply remove and voila la your mascara will be up them
14:04 eyelashes girl.
14:06 Was that cringy?
14:07 I don't really know.
14:08 So to stop your stomach from going blah blah blah.
14:11 Yes them awkward times, especially if you're in a classroom with people and your stomach
14:16 goes blah blah blah.
14:18 Or sometimes you can just get super hungry for no reason.
14:20 There can be lots of scientific facts for that.
14:23 I have one for you today and that is to get at least 8 to 10 hours sleep a night and that
14:30 will help you from stopping so hungry and stop eating much.
14:34 And I don't mean like eat nothing, I mean like you won't get so hungry you know like
14:37 out of control where you'll be there like at the cookie jar like ahhhh.
14:40 You'll be listening to the song like the cookie jar.
14:43 Oh and this is scientifically meant to help your stomach from stop doing that roaring
14:48 for no reason because I don't know about you but sometimes like I'm not actually hungry
14:51 and my stomach will do that and that is because you haven't got a lot of sleep that night.
14:54 So to stop your stomach from doing that and getting into really awkward situations because
14:58 I've found quite a few in my lifetime and they're really embarrassing so get your fucking
15:02 slate bitch.
15:03 Have a lot of redness or red spots?
15:05 Either use a green concealer or a green primer.
15:09 Whenever you wash your makeup brushes, wash them with shampoo and conditioner.
15:13 That will make it last a lot longer the brush if you know what I mean and it will stop them
15:17 from shedding.
15:18 I don't know about you but I have really long eyebrows.
15:21 I do need to cut them you know with like little scissors and that but I hate doing it and
15:24 it's just a fucking kerfuffle and I was gonna like talk about something else but then I
15:28 stop and then I think in my head oh no.
15:30 Was that cringy?
15:31 I don't really know.
15:32 So to stop your stomach from going roar.
15:35 Yes them awkward times.
15:37 Especially if you're in like a classroom with people and your stomach goes roar.
15:41 Or sometimes you can just get super hungry for no reason.
15:44 There can be lots of scientific facts for that.
15:47 I have one for you today and that is to get at least 8 to 10 hours sleep a night and that
15:54 will help you from stopping so hungry and stop eating much and I don't mean like eat
15:59 nothing I mean like you won't get so hungry you know like out of control you'll be there
16:02 like at the cookie jar like ahhhh and you'll be listening to the song like the cookie jar.
16:06 Oh and this is scientifically meant to help your stomach from stop doing that roaring
16:12 for no reason because I don't know about you but sometimes like I'm not actually hungry
16:15 and my stomach will do that and that is because you haven't got a lot of sleep that night
16:18 so to stop your stomach from doing that and getting into really awkward situations because
16:22 oh I've had quite a few in my lifetime and they're really embarrassing so get your fucking
16:26 sleep bitch.
16:27 Have a lot of redness or red spots either use a green concealer or a green primer.
16:33 Whenever you wash your makeup brushes wash them with shampoo and conditioner that will
16:37 make it last a lot longer the brush if you know what I mean and it will stop them from
16:41 shedding.
16:42 I don't know about you but I have really long eyebrows I do need to cut them you know like
16:46 little scissors and that but I hate doing it and it's just a fucking kerfuffle and I
16:50 was gonna like talk about something else but then I stop and then I think in my head oh
16:53 no anyway so if you have really long blah blah blah blah if you have really long um
16:59 um fading that's annoying.
17:02 This is a trick that my mummy always used to tell me and basically what you want to
17:05 do is you want to spray your perfume on and then you want to set it with some powder and
17:09 that will keep it on all day.
17:11 This is something that I saw on Snog Maravoid basically what you want to do is you want
17:14 to put your tights into the I think it was the freezer and you just want to leave them
17:20 in there for like an hour or overnight or something like that and that will stop them
17:23 from getting holes and ladders in them.
17:25 This is something that my mum used to use on me when I was a lot younger I used to have
17:29 really bad cradle cap and if you don't know what that is it's just like chunks of dandruff
17:33 I still get it a little bit now but not as bad but um this is what my mum used to do.
17:38 So apply some baby oil to the scalp and leave for an hour.
17:42 Wash off your hair, your hair will be very greasy like you will have to wash this out
17:46 of your hair and it will take a while like it will take maybe days and you have to keep
17:50 on washing it out but it's something that helps and it just will keep your dandruff
17:55 scalp pretty free.
17:57 To strengthen your nails dip them in some olive oil for 15 minutes.
18:02 Hard time removing your waterproof mascara.
18:05 Take some Vaseline on a cotton pad and simply remove and voila la your mascara will be off
18:10 them eyelashes girl.
18:12 Was that cringy?
18:13 I don't really know.
18:14 So to stop your stomach from going *growl* yes them awkward times especially if you're
18:20 in like a classroom with people and your stomach goes *growl* or sometimes you can just get
18:24 super hungry for no reason there can be lots of scientific facts for that.
