Stay Fit For Winter My Tips!

  • last year
00:00 Hey guys, so for today's video on my Christmas countdown, I have a feeling that this video
00:11 is going to do very well based on the fact that you guys have all been requesting for
00:18 more fitness videos.
00:19 And I know I stopped doing Fitness Friday, but I'm going to try and start integrating
00:24 more fitness videos back in since you guys literally, it's probably one of the most requested
00:29 things I get.
00:31 The only reason why I stopped doing Fitness Friday is because it was very difficult to
00:34 come up with good enough video content every single week that was fitness related.
00:41 It just got to the point where I was almost dreading having to film Fitness Friday because
00:45 I would have to come up with some sort of idea that would be enough to make a full video
00:49 on it without it seeming kind of pointless or repetitive.
00:52 I can start doing more fitness related videos or maybe doing one Fitness Friday a month
00:57 if you guys would prefer that, just let me know down below or just thumbs up this video
01:01 to let me know that you enjoy the fitness videos and you want them to keep coming.
01:05 Now that that is out of the way, today's video is super fun and exciting and it is how to
01:10 stay fit for the winter.
01:11 Now this was also highly requested by quite a few people.
01:14 I just want to get this part out of the way too, I am in no way, shape or form a type
01:17 of fitness professional.
01:19 These are just the tips that help me and work for myself and from trial and error in the
01:24 past so they may not work for everybody so let's get started.
01:29 Tip number one that I found is probably the most helpful for me when it comes to fitness
01:33 during especially the winter time and even more especially the holidays is to plan ahead.
01:39 Plan out when you're going to be doing your workouts, pre-plan some meals, just always
01:45 plan ahead because I find especially in the holidays things can get very hectic and it's
01:50 really hard to kind of squeeze in workouts and stuff in between there so if you plan
01:55 ahead and put it in your schedule ahead of time then you can plan around your workout
01:59 rather than having to try and force your workout into your plan.
02:02 And I also try to plan ahead with meals.
02:05 You could also do meal prep which I used to do when I was in college where you kind of
02:10 prep your meals for the next three days, not get to the point where you're so hungry that
02:15 you just want something quickly so you'll just grab whatever's fast and unhealthy.
02:19 If you do meal prep you'll have your meals already prepared and you just have to warm
02:23 them up and just enjoy.
02:24 That can get a little bit boring for some people but I genuinely like it because to
02:28 be honest with you I don't get bored of eating the same things all the time.
02:32 So tip number two is going to be to find healthier alternatives to your favorite holiday and
02:37 winter snacks and treats.
02:39 Especially for the holidays I know that there are a lot of cookies and chocolate and hot
02:43 chocolate and just so many warm and delicious treats.
02:47 Whether it be a lot of pizza parties or potlucks or there's going to be a lot of high, high
02:52 fat, high greasy foods.
02:55 You can find healthy alternatives to your favorite snacks that's going to help you so
02:59 much when it comes to staying fit during the winter time.
03:02 Even for potlucks my favorite thing to do is go on Pinterest and try and find a healthier
03:07 or a vegan alternative to some of my favorite foods seeing that I am still in the first
03:12 year of being vegan.
03:13 I've been making cookies, I've been making hot chocolate, I've been making vegan pizzas,
03:19 I've been making so much yummy, healthier alternatives to all of my favorite foods from
03:24 home.
03:25 Another thing I've been loving lately is detox tea.
03:27 If I know that I'm going to be eating something that's going to be bloating me, especially
03:31 during the holidays eating all that gunk that we eat, if you get a good deep bloating detox
03:35 tea it's actually going to slim down your waistline and it'll help shove all that gunk
03:40 out of your digestive system.
03:42 The tea that I use is flat tummy tea and basically you drink it every single morning before or
03:48 with your breakfast.
03:49 I personally have noticed a huge difference on my core area, especially if you're a big
03:53 bloater like I am.
03:54 I can have a sip of a Diet Pepsi and I swear I just bloat like two times the size.
04:01 So tip number three is to find a fitness buddy or a motivational bunny, buddy, bunny, a motivational
04:06 (laughs)
04:07 Find a motivational buddy to do your fitness plans with you.
04:11 So the great thing about the holidays is a lot of people come home and so a lot of your
04:15 friends and stuff are all in the same area, which is super awesome for the holidays, but
04:19 it's also great for your fitness routine because you could ask or enlist a buddy to do all
04:24 of your workouts or your meal preps or fun things with you, whether it be your boyfriend,
04:28 whether it be your best friend, whether it be your mom, who cares?
04:32 You just find a buddy that's going to keep you on track and you help keep them on track.
04:36 Tip number four is don't be afraid to get outside.
04:39 I know that during the winter time a lot of us like to hibernate indoors and trust me
04:43 you're talking to the queen of hibernation.
04:47 My favorite thing in the world to do is stay inside with warm blankets and slippers and
04:51 PJs and watch movies.
04:53 So trust me, I feel your pain.
04:55 But that being said, just because it's cold outside, just because there's snow outside
04:59 doesn't mean that you can't still get fit outside.
05:02 Some of the funnest things to do in the winter time is to go hiking through the snow.
05:06 I know that sounds funny, but especially if you bundle yourself up so that you're nice
05:09 and warm and maybe even bring a travel mug of tea with you and just go hiking.
05:14 Go hiking through any trails you know, go hiking through the forest, go hiking anywhere
05:18 you can.
05:19 It's actually going to be a better workout than if you were to go hiking in the summer,
05:23 especially if you have snow because if you're trekking through the snow it takes more of
05:27 your energy to kind of push yourself through, especially if you're wearing a lot of gear
05:31 on top of you.
05:32 So try snowshoeing, try skiing, try snowboarding, try hiking, try skating.
05:37 Tip number five is to find a good enough workout for you to do at home for days that you really
05:42 can't get out there.
05:43 So sometimes, especially up here in Canada, we do get snowed in or snow days where they
05:48 actually advise you not to go outside and not to drive on the road.
05:52 So if you have a good enough backup workout plan to do at your own house, whether it be
05:56 yoga DVDs or a workout DVD or anything online or even just doing your own physical body
06:02 strength things on a mat at your own house, it's perfect.
06:06 And some things that I like to use even on the side while I'm watching TV, I have this
06:09 flex belt thing that I put around my stomach and it like contracts your abs as you're watching
06:14 TV.
06:15 Now also keep in mind guys, this thing, if you end up getting something like this, it
06:19 isn't going to work on its own.
06:20 You have to do it in correlation of having a healthy diet and healthy exercise, of course.
06:25 But that being said, it is probably one of my favorite things to wear when I'm watching
06:29 TV.
06:30 So when I'm contracting my abs, not only am I getting a bit of a workout, but I actually
06:34 just genuinely love the feeling.
06:36 It feels so funny and so cool.
06:38 Afterwards, your abs look more defined than when you put it on.
06:41 It's really fun.
06:42 So either you're doing that while watching a Christmas movie or you're doing yoga from
06:46 home or you're doing any type of exercise on TV, on your computer, anything at all,
06:50 as long as you have a great workout plan for at home for a backup.
06:53 If you can't leave your house, then that is going to help you stay on track as well.
06:58 And the last and final tip, which is going to sort of counteract everything I've said
07:02 up until this point, it is to treat yourself.
07:06 So just because you're trying to stay fit during the wintertime doesn't mean that you
07:09 should deprive yourself of any of those things that you want fully.
07:13 So let's say you have an advent calendar and you don't want to have that chocolate every
07:17 day, then why don't you do it every other day?
07:19 Or let's say you're at Christmas dinner and you're like, "Oh, I've done so well, but this
07:23 pie looks so good."
07:24 Then eat that piece of pie.
07:25 You guys still have to live your life.
07:27 You guys still have to have fun.
07:28 I mean, I like to be fit to an extent.
07:31 If it's starting to stress me out rather than make me feel better, that's when it's getting
07:36 too far.
07:37 So you still have to treat yourself.
07:38 Just because you're doing great doesn't mean you can't have a little treat every now and
07:42 then.
07:43 So those are all of my tips for staying fit during this winter/holiday break.
07:48 I hope you guys enjoyed.
07:49 If you guys have any tips, be sure to leave them down below.
07:51 Other than that, I will see you guys on tomorrow's Christmas countdown, which again is going
07:55 to be a video that will totally counteract this video.
07:58 So if you have any guesses to what it is, go ahead and leave it down below.
08:01 I'll see you guys all in tomorrow's video.
08:03 Bye, guys.
08:03 Bye, guys.
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08:10 (upbeat music)
