makeup tutorial (3)

  • last year
00:00 Anyway guys, today I'm going to be doing a makeup tutorial.
00:04 I haven't, I've been wanting to do this for ages and I haven't been able to, so I'm actually
00:08 really excited to show you guys and yeah.
00:11 So yeah, I'm really excited.
00:14 So today my makeup look is going to be quite natural and I'm going to use quite neutral
00:19 colours, but it's going to be kind of like a spring look as spring is going to be here
00:24 soon and yeah.
00:26 So I think it's going to be more of a spring look, so yeah, enjoy.
00:30 Right, so anyway, on with the tutorial.
00:33 So the first thing I will use in the morning is the Clear Skin System and it just helps
00:40 to clear skin, clear your skin, ugh I can't talk today, with spots and it's really good.
00:48 I don't know, but lately it's just been really, really good for my skin.
00:51 I barely, my spots have gone down so much and yeah, I'm really loving this at the moment,
00:58 but it's running out, so yeah, I just put some on here and rub it all over the face.
01:07 Okay, so when that's done, my face is nice and cleansed.
01:11 Next thing I will use is the Simple Soothing Eye Balm.
01:16 I just put this under my eyes, I dab it on or pat it on and it just helps to remove under-eye
01:27 circles or it reduces the amount of darkness under my eyes as I do get it sometimes, but
01:35 I don't get it all the time.
01:37 So I tend to use this on days where I have more time because if I'm in a rush I don't
01:41 bother really.
01:48 By the way, sorry that's just a thinker mum, if you see me look up it's because there's
01:53 a mirror there and yeah.
01:56 Okay, so now that's done, I'm going to be using the, oh sorry about that, eye gel.
02:02 And I just like to put this on top of my eyelids and underneath my brow bone.
02:06 I find that it just, it kind of acts as a bit of a primer but it's also nice for when
02:12 I kind of put eyeshadow on.
02:14 It sort of helps it stay on for longer, so I really like this stuff.
02:23 So when I've done this, I find that my face is actually dry from using the skin system.
02:28 So now I need to moisturise.
02:30 So to moisturise I use the Nivea Soft Moisturising Cream and Cleanser.
02:34 It is really soft and I just find that it's got a bit of a minty in it so it's also quite
02:40 good for skin.
02:41 It just really helps cleaning your skin again and getting it nice and soft.
02:46 So yeah, I guess it does help with spots a bit as well.
02:49 I get about this much and I'm just going to rub that all over my face, starting with my
02:56 forehead where I get a lot of pimply spots.
03:00 So yeah, and I've got a new one there and it really hurts.
03:04 So I'm going to try and cover that one up after.
03:11 So when my moisturising is dry and all done, I move on to concealer.
03:18 By the way, that's my chair making that noise.
03:22 So I have two different concealers that I'm going to use today.
03:25 I'm using the Stay All Day Concealer by Essence to go under my eyes and I'm using the Revolution
03:35 Makeup London.
03:38 Have I said that right?
03:39 Makeup Revolution.
03:40 Anyway, it's in matte and it's a cover and conceal.
03:45 It's like a lipstick one but it is foundation, don't worry.
03:50 Okay, so I'm just going to pop this under my eyes and also make sure that I follow the
03:57 dark line down because I tend to sometimes miss it and go straight into my eyes when
04:02 the line comes to about here as well.
04:05 So yeah, I look a bit weird, don't I?
04:08 I look a bit unloved, don't I?
04:11 Right, now I'm going to pop this one on any spots of redness.
04:16 I use them both for different things because I've heard that you have to put--
04:21 it's better to put the concealer that you're going to put on your spots on the back of
04:25 your hand.
04:26 So I just have two for both so I don't have to do all that.
04:30 Yeah.
04:34 Just a few spots and stuff that I want to cover.
04:37 I think I'll show.
04:40 Because sometimes it doesn't always show on camera but I do have little spots and pimples.
04:45 So, you know.
04:47 The brush I'm using for blending is just this cheap brush.
04:50 I can't remember where I got this from but it's just a really cheap brush, something
04:53 that I just find really easy to blend in concealer with and it's nothing special.
04:57 Just the last two little bits up here.
05:07 So concealer done.
05:09 Right guys, so I'm really sorry about this but I've had to change angle because my iPad
05:12 is charging but the plug's there and it won't reach.
05:15 So, yeah, sorry about this.
05:17 Right.
05:19 It's okay.
05:20 My iPad's on charge but it's kind of--the plug's there so I had to move the angle when
05:24 it's standing up on the little charger bit.
05:26 So if it falls I'm really sorry.
05:29 Anyway, next thing is foundation.
05:31 I'm using the Be Radiant Illuminating Foundation.
05:36 This is in the 2JA beige.
05:41 This is just quite cheap and from Superchug and it's my favourite one and it just squirted
05:47 all over my hair.
05:49 That's the only trouble with this.
05:50 It's really good but it squirts everywhere.
05:52 It's in my hair.
05:54 So I'm blending this in with a mini Real Techniques brush.
05:57 I'm getting some proper big ones soon but--as it's my birthday soon but, yeah, for now I'm
06:03 going to use this.
06:15 Right.
06:16 So now my foundation's done I'm moving on to the Collection Pressed Powder which I'm
06:20 just going to put all over my face with a buffing brush.
06:28 It smells so nice.
06:32 I put quite a lot of this on.
06:33 I don't know, I just feel it really makes your face--I don't know, it just makes it
06:40 look really nice and it kind of settles it a bit more.
06:49 I also like putting quite a bit on my nose.
06:50 I'm not sure why.
06:54 I just put myself in the eye with that.
06:57 Great.
06:59 Okay, so pressed powder's done.
07:02 Next we're in for bronzer.
07:04 The bronzer I'm using is the Collection Bronze Glow in Matte and I'm using just a blusher
07:10 and bronzer brush.
07:17 I never know how much to get a bronzer because I don't want to go too dark but I kind of
07:20 want it to show at the same time.
07:35 I'm also going to add a bit to my forehead because I feel sometimes this part of my face
07:42 is always darker than the forehead for some reason.
07:44 So I'm just going to add a little bit at the top just to sort of even it out a bit.
07:51 Okay, so next I'm using the blusher out of my blusher kit.
07:54 I'm going to use the same brush again and I think for this look I don't want to go too
08:00 pale but I don't want to go really dark.
08:02 So I think the blusher I'm going to use is this blusher here.
08:07 Maybe with a little bit of one of these here but I'm not sure yet.
08:11 I think I'm just going to go for the pink.
08:22 Oh, sorry about that.
08:28 If you're wondering why it's so light when I go like that it's because there's a lamp
08:31 behind here.
08:32 So, yeah.
08:36 Okay, so my blusher is done.
08:39 I quite like this look because the blusher stands out just a bit and I think it's quite
08:44 natural as I don't want to go too much today.
08:48 I just want a natural kind of look.
08:50 Okay, so now my cheeks and main bit of my face is done.
08:55 I'm going to go for eyeshadow and do my eyes now.
08:59 I've been loving this look that I tried out the other day.
09:03 It's mixing quite a few colours on my eyes but I think it actually does suit me and I
09:08 think it's a really nice look just for a natural daily look.
09:12 Right, anyway, back to eyes.
09:13 I'm sorry, my brother is right here and he's really annoying me because he's four and he's
09:17 just like the most annoying person I've ever met.
09:19 Callum!
09:20 Sorry about that.
09:21 Callum!
09:22 Shut up!
09:23 Just ignore him.
09:24 Right, eyes.
09:25 Shut it, go on.
09:26 Let me get rid of him a sec.
09:28 Right, for eyes I'm going to do a base all over this colour here.
09:36 It's literally like a pinky colour but it's got the slight hint of gold and sparkle in
09:42 it and it's absolutely gorgeous and it's just really nice.
09:47 So I'm going to do that for an all over base with...
09:49 Okay.
09:50 Just ignore him.
09:52 Just ignore her.
09:53 She's just being eyeshadow.
09:56 Thanks for coughing on my head.
10:01 Thanks for coughing on me.
10:04 For some reason this eye is watering.
10:07 I don't know why.
10:13 I never want to go too high because this is again a natural look so I'm just sort of going
10:22 just on this bit of the eye, not right up to my eye, my brow bone.
10:28 Really?
10:29 Really.
10:30 Right, so it's quite hard to see on camera but this is the base and I think that's quite
10:35 a natural colour and I think it actually looks really nice.
10:38 Right, my brother's gone by the way so don't worry.
10:41 Anyway, now that the base is done I'm going to blend into the crease.
10:47 So the colours I'm using are this goldy brown colour here and I'm mixing it with my flutter
10:57 palette, this palette, I'm mixing it with a bit of this colour here and I'm going to
11:04 blend it into the crease with a crease brush thing.
11:08 Well, I use this to blend into the crease I think it's easier.
11:17 It's not going to show too much but it actually does look quite nice once it's done.
11:28 So my bone inch crease is done.
11:31 I'm not sure if you can see, it's actually hard to see on camera but oh well.
11:36 Right, now I'm going to add a little bit of silver from my Rimmel London kit, from my
11:40 eyeshadow kit.
11:43 I know these are taking quite a long time but I really like this look and I think it's
11:47 kind of worth it.
11:49 So from this Rimmel London kit I'm taking the top one which is the silver and I'm just
11:54 adding it into the inner corner of my eye, just a tiny bit.
11:58 And to do this I'm using a different eyeshadow brush again.
12:03 I just find these ones, spongy ones, are easier to blend from the inner corner to the outer.
12:12 Don't worry about any bits around there, you can get that off in a sec.
12:19 Right, so my eyeshadow is done.
12:22 I really like this look and once I add the eyeliner and mascara it actually makes my
12:26 eyes look so much bluer.
12:28 I don't know but a lot of people have said that.
12:30 And I think this looks so neutral that it would actually suit most people.
12:33 You might want to change a few colours to suit you but, oh, it went really light around
12:38 this side, it's because the sun has come out of the cloud, yay!
12:42 Everyone can be happy now.
12:43 Right, so now I'm going to put some eyeliner on my waterline.
12:47 The eyeliner I'm going to use today is the Intense colour and it's a collection one.
12:53 I do like quite a lot of collection stuff.
12:56 So I'm just going to pop this under my waterline here.
12:59 Sorry if this looks a bit weird.
13:02 One eye done.
13:13 Right, my eyeliner is done.
13:14 I know this might look a bit much but when you add the mascara it really does look fine
13:19 and it will be a neutral look so don't worry.
13:22 Also the reason why I buy so much collection stuff, I just find it really good quality
13:25 and I really enjoy using it.
13:28 The mascara I'm using is the Volume Mascara by Binky London.
13:32 I've never actually heard of Binky but, you know, it's really good anyway so I'm going
13:37 to use it.
13:39 My eye is watering by the way because I just painted myself in the eye.
13:42 Yeah, that was kind of painful.
13:45 Right, so my eyes are completely finished.
13:49 I actually really like this look and as I say the eyeliner doesn't look as bad with mascara
13:53 on, it looks really nice I think.
13:55 Right, so I'm finally on to lips which could be my last thing.
13:59 Ouch.
14:04 Sorry about that, that was a draw and I pushed it in really hard and now my lights are falling
14:08 down.
14:09 I'll sort it out in a sec.
14:11 Right, so I don't really want to do too much to my lips.
14:14 I just want to add a little bit of gloss on there so it kind of, I don't want it to stand
14:20 out too much because as I said I want this to look quite natural and I think the eyes
14:24 in this look are the main feature.
14:27 So, I'm going to start my moisturiser with my Baby Lips moisturiser.
14:32 I think this is so good, I would so recommend this.
14:43 Right, so this is my finished look.
14:48 I hope you really like this and I really think you should give it a go sometime because it's
14:52 such a natural look and yeah, I just think it would suit a lot of people.
14:57 You might have noticed I haven't done my eyebrows, that's because I do get them done but to be
15:01 honest I don't really see the point because eyebrows are eyebrows at the end of the day
15:05 and that's what you've got so I think you should just stick with your eyebrows and yeah.
15:10 So, I hope you enjoyed this makeup tutorial and I hope to see you soon.
15:14 If you did like this, please actually like the video, subscribe and comment more ideas.
15:19 Thank you for watching guys, bye.
