• 2 years ago
Forgotten Americans - The Hardest Working People You'll Never Meet

“Wild, Wonderful West Virginia” is what people call their state in the middle of the Appalachian mountains. But under the idyll hides a black hell: a labyrinth of low tunnels in which miners have to crawl on their hands and knees all day long in the dark.

The film team accompanies a traditional miner's family in their everyday life. With the two sons Scott and Steven Lockhart they go for miles into the mountains. At the end of the shaft the battle for the coal begins for them and a dozen buddies, constantly crawling in the dark. The open conversations with the miners make us understand why lifelong democrats suddenly entrust their hopes for the future to a Donald Trump.

This is an expedition to the original and sinister sides of the remote mountain state. An expedition to a fair of a snake-handler-Pfingst community, a meeting with musician Alan Cathead Johnston and his bluegrass and mountain music ballads, or Sheriff Martin West, who in a lawsuit blames the three most powerful American pharmaceutical companies for the rampant opioid epidemic. Maria Gunnoe is also a fighter. The Cherokee Indian has been threatened for 17 years for daring to denounce the coal barons for destroying the beautiful mountains of West Virginia

