The Best Eye Makeup for Brown Eyes - Watch & Learn

  • last year
00:04 Hey, I'm Marianna Hewitt.
00:05 And if you have brown eyes, these
00:06 are the best shadows to try to stand out
00:08 from the blues and greens.
00:10 Brown is the most common eye color,
00:11 but you can stand out in how you do your makeup.
00:14 Because it's a primary color, you can really
00:16 experiment with eye shadows to make
00:17 the best of your natural color.
00:19 A bright blue works for dark brown eyes.
00:21 The two colors against each other makes for a pop.
00:24 If a bright blue is too much for you,
00:26 opt for a darker navy instead.
00:28 This can be great for a smoky eye in the evening
00:30 if black is too heavy for you.
00:32 Another eye shadow to try is metallic greens.
00:34 This will brighten the browns in your eyes
00:36 and accentuate your coloring.
00:38 Another metallic color to try is copper or gold.
00:41 This will be a highlighting color that adds texture
00:43 to your lids.
00:44 You can also try colored mascara,
00:46 which was also recommended to us by makeup artist Joyce
00:48 Benelli.
00:49 Purple mascara looks best with brown eyes
00:51 and makes your whites look even brighter.
00:53 For this, try YSL and eggplant.
00:55 One color to try to avoid is anything brown,
00:58 because it tends to blend with your eyes.
01:00 If you do want to wear this, incorporate
01:01 some sort of purple or green to make the color pop.
01:04 Also avoid silver if you have brown eyes.
01:07 For more beauty tips and tricks, go to
01:10 (upbeat music)
