Makeup Video tutorial Birthday Makeup Tutorial 2015

  • last year
00:00 Hey everyone! So today it's not my birthday but it's my YouTube channel's birthday.
00:05 My YouTube channel is two years old today and I thought what a better way to celebrate
00:10 its two year birthday by giving it a birthday makeup tutorial.
00:14 So this tutorial is for everyone because obviously I always do a birthday makeup tutorial around
00:19 my birthday which is June the 9th every year, well for the last two years.
00:25 But obviously it's people's birthdays every day of the year and so I thought I would do
00:29 a birthday makeup tutorial that I think would be a lovely makeup to wear on your birthday
00:35 to celebrate my YouTube's birthday which is today.
00:38 I just said birthday like a million times.
00:40 It's two years since I uploaded my first ever YouTube video which was a Serena Vanderwoods
00:45 and makeup tutorial.
00:46 I think I'm going to link that in the description box so that you can see how far I've come
00:50 and see what I was like two years ago.
00:53 I think my personality was pretty much the same but I think I was pretty camera shy.
00:58 I've grown so much and my YouTube channel has grown so much since that tutorial.
01:02 I mean when that was uploaded I had two subscribers which was like my mum and my boyfriend or
01:07 something and now I've got like 160 something thousand subscribers.
01:14 It's just come so far and I just want to thank all of you so much for watching my videos,
01:20 for all the lovely comments I've received over the last two years and for all your support.
01:25 I just absolutely love making videos for you guys because there's nothing more exciting
01:30 to me than when it's time to upload a video and then I read all your comments coming in.
01:35 So on that first day I just sit there reading all your comments, replying to you and it
01:40 just makes my day, it really does and I'm just so happy to be doing this.
01:44 So on with the tutorial.
01:45 This is a makeup that, oh I just spoke for ages with no makeup on, that's really annoying.
01:49 I always go to edit and I'm like why did I talk for so long with no makeup on, I look
01:53 gross.
01:54 But never mind.
01:55 I'm going to start with the Jemma Kidd foundation because I think on your birthday you have
01:59 to wear your favourite foundation.
02:01 Don't go experimenting with a new one because you want to feel fantastic all day.
02:05 So definitely start with your favourite foundation of all time that you know is going to make
02:10 you look great.
02:11 Because, also with a birthday makeup tutorial it kind of needs to be exciting in the day
02:16 and then, because I know that on my birthday I always have a day plan that kind of goes
02:19 into the evening.
02:21 So I like to, I don't know, I like to feel special on my birthday but obviously I don't
02:26 want to be wearing big lashes in the day time so I might put on lashes to go out in the
02:30 evening.
02:31 But what I thought I'd do today would be a bright pretty lip because that's something
02:35 that I don't do in my everyday life so it's definitely going to make me feel extra special
02:39 on my birthday.
02:40 So I'm going to do a bright lip today.
02:41 I'm going to start by using my all time favourite foundation which is Jemma Kidd Light As Air.
02:46 It's called Light As Air but it's a very deceiving title because it's not really that light,
02:50 it does, well actually it's light but it still has amazing coverage.
02:54 So I'm going to use this on my Real Techniques Stippling Brush.
02:59 I just tap it in there and then I'm just going to buff it onto my skin.
03:17 I think that on your birthday you can be so busy with friends and family and opening presents
03:22 and things but I always like to give myself a good 30 minutes to do a really nice make
03:28 up because then you're going to feel lovely all day.
03:32 And quite often you have some new make up to try on your birthday.
03:36 I know that I always get some make up on my birthday.
03:40 I'm also going to use a highlighter which I like for day and night which is the Jemma
03:44 Kidd Dewy Glow All Over Radiance Cream.
03:48 Oh, two Jemma Kidd products in a row.
03:51 But I love this for day time, this highlighter.
03:54 And it looks lovely in the evening too.
03:56 I'm just going to dab that onto the tops of my cheeks.
04:02 Sometimes if you're going to be doing something like, I actually went on a boat trip on my
04:05 birthday last year and if I wore a powdery, shimmery highlighter on a boat trip in the
04:12 daylight that might look a little bit overkill.
04:15 So a cream highlighter is a brilliant idea.
04:18 It also just makes my skin look so healthy which I love.
04:22 I feel really excited like it's my birthday now but it's not.
04:25 It's my YouTube birthday.
04:26 I guess that kind of is like another birthday to me because it's my YouTube channel but
04:31 I'm not going to get presents.
04:33 Well I'm just going to put on my under eye concealer now because I know I'm not going
04:37 too heavy on my eyes so I can do my concealer first.
04:40 And this is the By Terry, what's it called, Touch Expert Advanced Concealer.
04:46 It's like the purple pen one and this is the only pen concealer I've ever found to have
04:51 enough coverage for me because I like it to be really, really lovely and concealed under
04:56 my eyes.
04:57 Okay so as always I use the MAC 266 brush to apply the powder eyeshadow and I use a
05:04 little MAC one.
05:05 This is charcoal brown and I just love the way that this lasts all day on my brows.
05:11 Apart from if I'm on holiday in a hot place or something and need it to last, you know,
05:21 through sweat and sun cream and all the rest then I'll put the Benefit She Lack over the
05:27 top.
05:29 Just a little tip there.
05:37 I dye my brows myself just using a little kit from Boots and I might do that on camera
05:44 next time that I have to dye them just to show you guys because that's such a good tip
05:48 if your brows are a bit sparse.
05:51 It makes filling them in much easier.
05:53 I'm starting on the eyes by using a Clinique eyeshadow.
05:56 This is in the colour Daybreak.
05:58 I'm just going to pop this into my tear duct area.
06:02 I love doing this with this eyeshadow.
06:03 It's in my makeup bag at the moment and this is all I use it for really.
06:07 So that just gives me a really gorgeous shine in there.
06:12 Next I'm going to take from my MAC palette, I'm taking All That Glitters and then after
06:16 that I'm going to be using Satin Taupe just so I don't have to hold up my palette again.
06:21 With All That Glitters I'm just going to pop this kind of all over the lid.
06:30 It's like a really nice nude shimmer.
06:35 And then taking Satin Taupe on the same MAC 217 brush I've been using the whole time,
06:40 I'm just going to put this not through my socket but just completely through the outer
06:46 corner.
06:47 So just putting my base down and using a fluffy brush it's just going to go on really gently
06:53 and not be anything too strong or harsh.
06:57 These eyeshadows are perfect for like a daytime, a tiny bit smokey eye.
07:03 I'm just going to use a tiny bit of Smart from MAC.
07:06 I'm just going to add this just in this outer corner here.
07:11 So like in the classic V shape where you go a tiny bit through the socket out of there
07:15 and then bring it a tiny bit down.
07:18 Just creates a really nice eye shape.
07:19 Just using my Sigma tapered blending brush just to make sure that my edges are really,
07:25 really soft.
07:26 I'm going to take my little Louise Young brush.
07:30 I don't know the number of this but if you go onto her website I'm sure you'll be able
07:34 to see which one it is.
07:36 And I'm just taking Satin Taupe because it's a nice medium brown.
07:39 It's not too dark.
07:43 And I'm just going to take this underneath the eye.
07:52 I'm using Coffee Eye Pencil from MAC.
07:54 This is a new one that I got yesterday.
07:58 And I'm just going to put this on my waterline.
08:01 Okay my eye is just really sore now because I just put that straight on my waterline.
08:04 It's all spiky.
08:05 So definitely, definitely soften this up on the back of your hand quite a lot before you
08:10 use it when it's a brand new MAC pencil because ouch.
08:16 Okay and I'm also going to just put that along my top lashes.
08:25 Really close your eyes so that you can really push it into your lashes.
08:29 Okay for mascara I'm using Avon Spectra Lash.
08:31 I've only used this a couple of times before but I really like it.
08:34 And it's one of those ones where it has one, two, three written on it.
08:38 So one is like a really natural lash, two is in the middle and three is a dramatic lash.
08:44 Whether it's daytime, night time, any time I always love a dramatic lash.
08:50 And so I'm obviously going to go for number three.
08:53 I've already curled my lashes so I'm just going to go straight on with it.
08:58 That's with one coat so it's pretty good mascara.
09:01 I'll always add two coats of mascara though.
09:09 So that's two coats of the Avon Spectra Lash.
09:12 I'm now going to use the Clinique Bottom Lash Mascara.
09:15 You've all seen this one before, I've used it loads.
09:17 It's the one with the tiny equal wand which is really, really great for getting in between
09:22 your lashes.
09:23 It also doesn't smudge at all so that's mainly why I would wear it for a birthday makeup
09:27 tutorial because you're probably going to have this mascara on all day and all night
09:30 and you want it to last.
09:32 This one will just not budge at all.
09:38 Okay that's my eye makeup done.
09:39 I'm now going to move on to, I've already done my highlighter and concealer so I'm just
09:43 going to use a bit of bronzer, blusher and then the bright lip.
09:45 For bronzer I'm using my favourite brush which is the MAC 138, nope, yeah 139 brush and my
09:55 Clarins Mosaic Bronzer.
09:56 I'm actually, I do love this bronzer a lot but I'm just getting a bit like I really want
10:01 a new bronzer and I'm a little bit bored of it, you know when you're just craving something
10:04 new in your makeup bag.
10:06 And so if any of you can recommend a really fantastic bronzer that's really beautiful
10:10 like this one is then recommend it to me and I'll try it.
10:14 I just like to add shape to my face by taking it through the hollow of my cheek there, not
10:22 that my cheeks are very hollow and then bring it up onto the temple, a bit down onto my
10:28 nose just to bronze my face.
10:30 Of course you want photograph friendly makeup for your birthdays, I'm sure there will be
10:33 tons and tons of photos and every product I've used is great for photos so you don't
10:38 need to worry about that.
10:39 For blush I'm just going to use the tiniest touch of Frankly Scarlet from MAC which I'm
10:44 loving at the moment.
10:46 I pop it onto the brush and this is the Sigma Tapered Highlighter Brush which is so soft
10:51 and lovely and then I basically take most of it off onto the back of my hand and then
10:56 just put a tiny touch on the apple of my cheeks and it's just literally the prettiest blush
11:02 colour.
11:06 And if you add too much, which I've done a tiny bit on this side, just take your foundation
11:11 brush and just blend it in slightly.
11:16 Onto the lip, I'm going to use MAC's Girl About Town.
11:20 I couldn't find mine so I've actually got my best friend Kate's Girl About Town which
11:25 she left in my handbag so sorry Kate I'm going to be using your lipstick for this tutorial.
11:30 And I don't like to wear lip liner with this or any bright lipstick really because my lips
11:34 are so big that I don't like to leave a really harsh line.
11:38 Obviously I want a neat line, I don't want my lipstick out on the edges but I can create
11:43 a nice neat line with a lip brush rather than using liner.
11:46 But if you have smaller lips and want to make them bigger then liner's great for that.
11:51 So I'm just going to pop this onto my lip brush which is, I use a Louise Young little
11:56 brush, I don't know if it's, I don't think it is specifically a lip brush but I find
12:00 it really really good for lips.
12:16 Just to finish off I'm going to use a little bit of my Chanel powder because I don't want
12:20 to be shiny in any of birthday photos.
12:23 I'm talking like it is actually my birthday today when really it's not.
12:28 My birthday for seven months.
12:30 And that is the finished look.
12:33 So if it's any of your birthdays today, which I'm sure it is, then a big happy birthday
12:37 from me and thank you so much for subscribing to my channel, commenting and watching and
12:43 just leaving me lovely comments over the last two years.
12:46 I'm enjoying YouTube so much, it's like such a massive part of my life now and I absolutely
12:52 love it.
12:53 So I hope you've all found this birthday tutorial, makeup tutorial helpful.
12:57 I'm sorry if it's not your birthday for ages, like it's not mine for ages, but maybe you
13:02 could use this makeup for a night out or if you have something really special to go to
13:07 in the day and you want to feel extra special because I think this is a makeup that I feel,
13:13 you know, really nice in and maybe I could just call it a special occasion makeup, I
13:18 don't know.
13:19 But happy birthday to my YouTube channel and I love you guys and I will see you all in
13:24 my next video.
13:25 Bye!
13:25 x
