How To Cook A Meat Steak (2)

  • last year
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 Hi guys, Mike Ward here.
00:05 The warm weather is upon us,
00:06 and to me that means meat on the grill
00:09 and celebrating the best of summer,
00:11 particularly the produce.
00:12 So I've teamed up with Walmart to create
00:14 what I think is some really easy,
00:16 but jam-packed, flavorful recipes.
00:19 Today I wanna cook for you the perfect steak,
00:21 and what I mean by that is seared on the outside
00:24 and pink and tender in the middle.
00:26 Now I'm a firm believer that you do not need
00:28 to go to a high-end restaurant and spend 30, 40,
00:31 or $50 to achieve this.
00:32 You can do it at home.
00:34 So let's talk meat.
00:35 You gotta start with the best.
00:36 That means Canadian top-quality Angus beef.
00:39 I picked up this steak from Walmart.
00:41 I actually didn't know until recently
00:43 that they carry Canadian top-quality Angus beef,
00:46 and they use many of the same supplies
00:47 that stock the other major Canadian chains.
00:50 What I've got here is a T-bone steak,
00:52 one of my favorite cuts,
00:53 because it incorporates two different cuts of meat.
00:56 On this side, you've got the tenderloin,
00:58 which is the granddaddy of tenderness,
01:01 very lean cut of meat,
01:02 and on the other side, you've got the sirloin,
01:04 or otherwise known as the New York cut.
01:07 Little more marbled, not as tender, but more flavor.
01:10 With a piece of meat like this,
01:11 there's not a lot I like to do to it.
01:13 Just a little bit of oil.
01:15 Good, healthy sprinkle of salt.
01:21 Make sure that's spread evenly on both sides.
01:25 And pepper.
01:27 Be very generous with your pepper as well.
01:29 I'm gonna cook the steak in two phases.
01:32 First, I've got a grill pan on a medium to high heat,
01:35 and I've preset my oven for 450.
01:38 That's where I'm gonna finish it.
01:40 I don't need to oil the grill pan
01:41 because I've got enough oil on my steak.
01:43 That sear you're hearing is the sound of flavor developing,
01:54 those char marks on the outside.
01:57 The reason why meat and steak so often sticks to a pan
02:00 is because you haven't let it sear enough
02:02 before you've moved it.
02:03 So really let it sit there,
02:04 let those proteins caramelize and bind to each other
02:07 and not to the pan.
02:08 I've let that sit for about a minute and a half,
02:12 and now I'm gonna turn it 90 degrees
02:14 just to get those lovely crosshatch marks.
02:17 Two minutes in total, and now I'm gonna turn it over.
02:25 (sizzling)
02:27 I've given that about two minutes per side.
02:30 Now I'm gonna slide it in my oven at 450,
02:33 give it about four or five minutes in there.
02:35 That steak was in the oven for about five minutes,
02:39 and now I'm gonna let it rest for another five.
02:41 That is so important because it will redistribute
02:43 the juices throughout the meat
02:45 and guarantee that it's juicy.
02:47 First thing I'm gonna do is remove that tenderloin
02:52 from the T-bone.
02:53 (upbeat music)
02:55 Cooking on the bone guarantees
02:57 that it's beautiful and moist.
02:58 And then I'm gonna remove the sirloin.
03:05 This is my sirloin.
03:16 Perfectly cooked.
03:21 Medium red and medium, moist and tender.
03:26 And my tenderloin.
03:31 Beautiful and pink in the middle.
03:36 Amazing.
03:51 Tenderloin, melt in your mouth tender.
03:55 Sirloin, more marbling, but still immensely tender
03:58 and full of flavor.
04:00 Guys, I got a lot of recipes coming out this summer,
04:02 so be sure to check back to my channel.
04:04 And if you like what you saw today,
04:06 click on one of the two recipes on the screen right now,
04:08 and I'll see you soon.
