• 2 years ago
00:00 Whipped cream from scratch. I have a metal bowl here and I have an electric mixer
00:06 these beaters and the bowl have been in the freezer for
00:10 These have actually been in here in the freezer overnight. You want these nice and cold to make whipped cream
00:17 You can get away with 10 minutes 10 minutes is fine. I have one cup of heavy cream
00:23 This is heavy whipping cream
00:27 Just go ahead and put this in your bowl and we'll scrape that later
00:32 What you want to do is turn your hand mixer on to high and you're gonna want to beat this for about five minutes
00:40 And I'll go ahead and do that and fast-forward this because you're not gonna be able to hear anything
00:50 Here it is at one minute you can see it's a little frothy and just a little bit thicker be back in another minute
00:57 All right another minutes gone by it's starting to lose its frothiness and get a little bit thicker even still
01:07 Let's go another minute
01:10 Okay, another minutes gone by and it's starting to
01:15 Leave tracks in the top. See it's starting to get even thicker yet. We're gonna go another minute
01:22 And another minute still you can see it's starting to set up we're gonna go another minute
01:40 You
01:42 See now this is what we call soft peaks
01:52 This is what the consistency that you want to add it or when you're going to add it to pies
01:57 But for a topping we need thicker yet. So we're gonna go another minute
02:02 All right, we've got another minute and this right here is the consistency that you want to top a pie
02:09 or to use it for any desserts
02:11 You can see it is stiff peaks. I don't know how well
02:14 You can see how it holds its shape when you pull it up
02:22 And you can see how it holds its shape
02:27 In there you can see how it holds its shape
02:30 When you pull it up, those are stiff peaks, but you don't want to use this as it is
02:36 You want to sweeten it because it has no
02:38 Sweet flavor at all. So what I'm gonna do is add in
02:42 two tablespoons of powdered sugar
02:45 Just add that in
02:54 And now you can use it for your desserts and pies whatever you want to use it for
02:59 Now I like to decorate my pies
03:03 using a pastry bag
03:05 Unfortunately real whipped cream like this does not pipe very well out of pastry bag
03:11 And I like it a little bit more firm than this and I'm always afraid that
03:16 If I whip this anymore, it's gonna turn to butter and then it'll be no good. Well, it'll be good
03:22 Just I don't want butter on top of my pies. I want whipped cream
03:25 So a little trick that I learned from
03:28 being in the restaurant business
03:30 is
03:32 You add one
03:34 tablespoon of instant vanilla pudding powder
03:37 You just want to add this in
03:40 This will also change the color a little bit. So don't be alarmed by that and just mix this in
03:46 (whirring)
03:54 And you can see already how that kind of changes its consistency
03:58 This really stiffens it up so you can put it through a pastry bag
04:04 but
04:05 I'm gonna do is clean off these beaters
04:13 Like so mix this around put this in the refrigerator for
04:17 As long as you want until you're ready to use it. I I like to give it about an hour to set up
04:23 You can certainly do it overnight if you'd like
04:27 But I like to set this up a little bit before I put in the pastry bag and before I start decorating my pies
04:32 But there you have it
04:35 Stabilized whipped cream that's firm enough that you can put through a pastry bag