RUTHLESS Moments Where Pythons Tried to Swallow the Wrong Prey Pet Spot

  • last year
00:00 What comes to mind when you think of an animal with smooth scaly skin, beady eyes and a flashing
00:10 tongue?
00:11 The general public would guess a snake.
00:13 Some people find snakes fascinating, while others find them terrifying.
00:17 Among these, the python stands out for its potential to be visually attractive despite
00:22 its massive size.
00:23 But have you ever thought about what would happen if this incredibly dangerous predator
00:27 becomes the prey?
00:28 Are there other mammalian or reptilian predators that can compete with the gigantic python?
00:34 Stay with us till the end as we explore ruthless moments where pythons tried to swallow the
00:39 wrong prey.
00:46 Python vs King Cobra
00:47 Pythons are classified as members of the snakes known as constrictors.
00:51 These predators apply pressure that makes it impossible for its victim to take a breath.
00:56 When the prey exhales, the constrictor tightens its coils to fill the space left behind, eventually
01:01 leading to the prey's death from suffocation.
01:05 Because the python can sense its prey's heartbeat, it will wait for it to cease before
01:08 uncoiling to begin eating.
01:10 A python attempts to constrict a king cobra, but it fails miserably.
01:16 The king cobra is not the victim in this fight, it's the predator.
01:20 The black snake passes lethal doses of venom into the constrictor.
01:25 Pythons can unhinge their jaws to swallow larger prey, typically beginning with the
01:28 head.
01:29 To optimize the amount of space available in the mouth, the joints in the skull can
01:34 bend and fold, and the skin is exceedingly flexible, enabling the animal to consume large
01:40 pieces of food without difficulty.
01:42 A king cobra sizes up the longest snake in the world, the reticulated python.
01:48 The snake predator stares at the mammoth creature in its presence.
01:52 In the end, it decides that this is not a battle that it wants to start.
01:57 It is possible for pythons to consume rodents, birds, lizards, and even mammals such as monkeys,
02:03 wallabies, pigs, and antelope, although this depends on the size of the snake.
02:08 While pythons are not snake eaters, they are not exempt from being preyed upon by semi-cannibals
02:13 like king cobras.
02:14 A king cobra bites on more than it can chew, as its target is more than ready to fight
02:19 back.
02:20 The python fights valiantly and wraps its bulk on its attacker.
02:25 The two snakes duke it out in a battle of constriction versus venom.
02:30 Python vs Leopard A python's approach to its prey is significantly
02:34 less messy than the feeding habit of a pride of lions, for instance.
02:38 Because of the speed and efficiency with which they consume their food, snakes can reduce
02:42 the strain placed on their prey and the risk of injury to themselves.
02:47 Taking on a powerhouse like a leopard is not going to be easy.
02:51 The two predators try to get the upper hand in the bout, with the leopard throwing vicious
02:55 claws at the reptile, while the python fails to lock in a constriction coil.
03:01 In contrast to their near relatives, the boas, pythons are egg layers.
03:06 Some pythons may place them in very shallow nests, while others will even cover them with
03:10 leaves and soil.
03:12 Most python mothers keep their coils around their eggs to protect them while they develop.
03:16 If the temperature drops too low, the mothers of certain species will shiver to warm their
03:20 eggs, a process referred to as thermogenesis.
03:24 A python and leopard clash at the bank of a river.
03:28 At first, the python holds its ground, but the leopard promptly snatches it up.
03:33 After inflicting some wounds on the python, the leopard drops its tail, causing the snake
03:38 to swim into the river, keeping its life.
03:41 While pythons are known to consume enormous prey, they seldom attack big cats.
03:46 The reason for this is because huge cats are extremely nimble.
03:50 They are fast to respond, and pythons are unlikely to catch them.
03:54 As opportunistic predators, leopards have been recorded actively hunting down pythons.
03:59 A python finds itself at the mercy of a ravenous leopard.
04:03 The leopard throws sharp claws at the snake.
04:05 The snake retaliates with strikes of its own, but the cat is quick and nimble, evading every
04:11 attack.
04:13 Python vs Antelope.
04:15 Another amazing fact about pythons is that they are extremely difficult to study as they
04:19 are elusive predators.
04:20 Depending on the species, they can be found in various habitats, including tropical rainforests,
04:26 grasslands and savannas, woodlands, swamps, rocky outcrops, desert sand hills, and shrub
04:33 areas.
04:34 This python has got itself in a predicament.
04:36 It has successfully dispatched an antelope, but while swallowing it whole, it impales
04:41 itself on the horns of the dead animal.
04:44 It seems even in death, the antelope is still fighting its oppressors.
04:49 Python vs Porcupine.
04:51 Owing to their evolutionary path giving them quite the physical deterrent for predators,
04:56 porcupines rarely find themselves as prey to predators.
05:00 These large rodents are well-equipped for defense, with sharp quills that can cause
05:04 serious injury to predators.
05:06 As a result, porcupines can be a challenging prey item for attackers, especially pythons.
05:12 This boa constrictor learned the hard way that a porcupine should be avoided at all
05:17 costs.
05:18 It attempted to constrict one.
05:20 Now it looks like a pin cushion.
05:23 Those barbed tip spikes are not coming out any time soon.
05:28 Pythons have just about any unique color scheme and design that can be conceived.
05:32 This contributes to their innate allure.
05:34 It is highly unlikely that you will come across one of these snakes in the wild, unless you
05:38 are in one of the regions in Asia or Africa where they commonly live.
05:41 While venturing into the Florida countryside does increase your chances of spotting one
05:45 of these snakes, they would much rather stay out of sight.
05:48 A python initially attempts to constrict a honey badger, but the stubborn animal manages
05:54 to escape.
05:55 Then it proceeds to make the python regret its action.
05:59 The predator turns to the prey, as the honey badger continues its onslaught.
06:04 Python vs Chicken.
06:05 The Indian rock python is a common python species that inhabits various ecosystems and
06:10 habitats.
06:11 It is the largest snake found in India, measuring up to 20 feet in length and weighing as heavy
06:16 as 190 pounds.
06:18 Female rock pythons grow significantly larger than males.
06:22 Further, females are bulkier than males, even at the same length.
06:26 An Indian rock python gets spooked by a bunch of observers.
06:30 After killing and consuming some poultry, the python is forced to regurgitate the hen
06:35 whole.
06:36 Now it can properly defend itself from the onlookers.
06:39 Python vs Hyena.
06:41 Hyenas are among the most underrated animals in the animal kingdom, known to be extremely
06:45 territorial and aggressive.
06:47 The idea that spotted hyenas are little more than scavengers is one common misconception
06:52 that has persisted for a very long time.
06:54 However, when it comes to the actual hunt, hyenas are incredibly flexible and successful
07:00 hunters.
07:01 A hyena assaults a python showing zero signs of fear, and the python can also be seen defending
07:07 itself.
07:08 The hyena's sharp jaws wound the python's tail, but the python doesn't give up, and
07:14 neither does the hyena.
07:16 Python vs Crocodile.
07:18 Pythons and crocodiles are two very different animals, and it's not uncommon for them
07:21 to come into conflict in areas where their habitats overlap.
07:25 In such cases, the outcome of a confrontation between a python and a crocodile can depend
07:30 on a variety of factors, including the size and age of the individual animals, the terrain
07:36 and environment, and the specific behavior and tactics of the two animals involved.
07:40 A crocodile aggressively attacks a python that got too close.
07:45 In this one-sided fight, the bigger reptile will continue to violently whip the snake
07:50 around until the smaller reptile succumbs to the attacks.
07:54 Python vs Goat.
07:56 Pythons are big snakes, and it's no surprise that they go after big prey.
07:59 However, there are dangers to eating prey almost as big as themselves.
08:03 When a python swallows something relatively large, it can make them less mobile, so when
08:08 they're harassed, it's common for them to regurgitate the meal to quickly escape.
08:12 This python recently swallowed a goat whole.
08:16 The farmer gets wind of it, and the whole community surrounds the bloated snake.
08:21 Sensing that its safety is compromised, the huge snake proceeds to vomit its meal whole.
08:27 While you're here, go ahead and click one of these two videos on your screen.
08:31 See you there!
