• 2 years ago
Matt Keogh and the Labor Party are bringing in 750,000 immigrants in the next two years.
Someone needs to tell lying Matt Keogh and Albo that there ARE NO HOUSES OR ANY ACCOMODATION available for these immigrants. Repeat for slow witted lawyers and politicians - there are NO HOUSES OR OTHER ACCOMODATION AVAILABLE.
All Matt Keogh and the Labor Party will achieve is to force more working Australians, Pensioners and disabled people out onto the street.
Labor does not have a housing policy - it is a complete joke.
Too busy with a woke agenda and given money to the AFL to worry about Australian workers and pensioners.
matt keogh and labor should be ashamed of their disgraceful decision made with no concern for the social disruption it will cause.
Labor - as bad a Scomos pack of feral dogs.
Corrupt, fraudulent, lying Member for Burt
Contact Matt Keogh and tell him to start representing Burt instead of looking after his career and the Labor Party.


