Dr. Zakir Naik is a prominent Islamic scholar known for his lectures and debates on various topics related to Islam. Regarding the topic of men and women's equality in Islam, he has highlighted several logical pieces of evidence from the Quran and Hadith (the sayings and actions of Prophet Muhammad).
Equal creation: The Quran states that Allah (God) created men and women from a single soul (4:1), meaning that both genders have the same origin and are equal in essence.
Equal responsibility: In Islam, both men and women have the same religious duties and are accountable for their actions in front of Allah. They are equally responsible for fulfilling their obligations, such as prayer, fasting, giving charity, and performing Hajj.
Equal reward: Allah rewards both men and women equally for their good deeds and punishes them equally for their sins. There is no gender bias in the judgment of Allah.
Equal value: The Quran emphasizes the equal value of men and women, stating that believers, whether male or female, are helpers of one another (9:71). It also states that men and women are garments to each other (2:187), implying that they are meant to be companions and protectors of one another.
Prophetic example: Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) treated men and women with equal respect and dignity. He encouraged women to seek knowledge and participate in society, and he upheld their rights in marriage, inheritance, and other aspects of life.
In conclusion, Islam recognizes the equal status of men and women, and the evidence from the Quran and Hadith supports this view. Both genders have the same spiritual, moral, and social rights and responsibilities in Islam.