Creamy Strawberry Cooking Tutorial!

  • last year
00:00 Hey you guys, it's me and I'm going to be doing another strawberry cooking tutorial.
00:05 Yay for strawberries!
00:08 Okay so you will need a cutting board, a not very sharp knife, strawberries are pretty
00:14 easy to cut through, strawberries, and some whipped cream.
00:26 So first you will take one of your strawberries and turn it upside down.
00:35 So you will want to cut off the top, wait this isn't the best strawberry, so you will
00:39 cut off the top so that it will lay flat like this.
00:46 Next you will take your knife and cut two diagonal lines in it.
00:51 Do not go all the way through, go as close to the bottom as you can.
00:59 Please be careful when you do this, please I don't want anyone to get stabbed because
01:05 then it will be all my fault.
01:07 So then you will have these little, it will kind of look like a mouth basically.
01:16 There will be four different pieces that you will see.
01:22 And you will take your cool whip and you will put that in your strawberry.
01:27 So let me do that because I can't do this while I'm holding the camera.
01:31 Okay so after you put all the cream in, you will kind of use the cream to close the top.
01:40 And glue the sides with the whipped cream and then you can enjoy!
