00:00 Hello, Disney Car Toys here and today I'm going to show you how to make some Play-Doh
00:04 Gummy Worms.
00:05 These Gummy Worms already kind of look like Play-Doh, so this should be pretty easy.
00:10 We'll open up the bag and take a better look at our Gummy Worms just so we know what to
00:15 make.
00:16 So let's pull out a Gummy.
00:18 See these ones are bright colors and they're two-toned.
00:21 So to begin we'll grab two colors of Play-Doh.
00:24 Then you want to take the Play-Doh and roll it out into long strips just like a worm.
00:30 Do the same thing with your second color of Play-Doh.
00:32 In this case it's blue.
00:34 Looks like we're ready so just cut off a little piece of the blue and then we'll cut off a
00:40 little piece of this bright yellow.
00:42 I try to use the brightest colors of Play-Doh that I have.
00:45 Then we want to stick these together.
00:48 Just kind of squeeze it together but also kind of pinch it and then reform it a little
00:53 bit.
00:54 There we go.
00:55 You want to make sure that the colors connect.
00:57 Yellow is a little big.
00:59 I'm going to take that little piece off and then round out the ends.
01:04 This is the part that really makes it look like a Gummy Worm.
01:07 Just take your little plastic Play-Doh knife and make little tiny cuts on the top.
01:12 This is what makes your little Gummy look like a worm.
01:18 Just like our bag of Gummy Worms we need tons of different colors of Gummy Worms.
01:22 I'm going to roll out some green Play-Doh and some yellow Play-Doh.
01:28 Then cut off little pieces of the Play-Doh.
01:30 There's one end, here's the other and we'll use the remaining big yellow and green pieces
01:36 for more worms.
01:37 Let's match it up here.
01:39 Make sure they're about the same size.
01:41 Squeeze our colors together and it's best to use Play-Doh that is really soft.
01:46 It's kind of hard to do this with dried out Play-Doh.
01:50 Just put little cuts on top to make it look like a worm.
01:55 And ta-da we have another Gummy.
01:58 With the remaining strips of yellow and green I made all these worms.
02:02 Just keep on repeating those steps to make as many different colors of Gummy Worms that
02:06 you want.
02:07 Here are all the Gummy Worms that I made today.
02:10 This is definitely enough to fill up a little bag.
02:13 Here kids you can try one.
02:15 Here try this one.
02:16 Ah, no, you don't want to try that.
02:18 It's salty and gross.
02:20 Just eat Play-Doh.
02:22 But one fun thing that we can do with these Gummy Worms is load them up in a Play-Doh
02:26 can.
02:27 I think this is prettier than putting it in a little plastic bag.
02:30 Here we go and it would be nice to have some just kind of hang over.
02:34 I really like having all the different colors of Gummy Worms.
02:39 There we go and now you can eat them from your container.
02:42 Ok, just kidding, you still don't want to eat these things.
02:46 Ew.
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02:52 Thanks for watching and have a great day.
02:53 Bye.