Big Boy - Dolly Kay with The Georgians (1924)

  • el año pasado
"Big Boy!"

Dolly Kay with The Georgians

March 27, 1924

Columbia 117-D

Song by Jack Yellen & Milton Ager

Yes, Bix with the Wolverines covered this song.

The original Georgians ensemble was organized by Frank Guarente, a trumpet player of French-Italian descent who was born Francesco Saverio Guarente. He had landed in Philadelphia from Corsica in 1910. Soon thereafter Guarente was a member of Creatore's Band and later Don Philippini's Symphony Band. Enchanted with New Orleans during a tour with a brass band, he stayed in the city and in 1914 played with Mar's Brass Band, learning during his residency in New Orleans a heavily syncopated rhythm style. Guarente formed in 1921 the jazz group that would eventually be called the Georgians.

This jazz ensemble of white musicians was under exclusive contract to Columbia as the Georgians, but it recorded for other companies using different names.

It provided for Columbia the kind of dance music that the Virginians--another early 1920s jazz ensemble named after a Southern state--provided for Victor.

No band members were from Georgia. Clarinetist Johnny O'Donnell was from Washington, D.C; trombonist Ray Stillwell was from East Liverpool, Ohio (he was replaced by Russ Morgan); banjoist Russell Deppe was from Philadelphia; and drummer Chauncey Morehouse was from Chambersburg, Pennsylvania. Pianist Arthur Schutt, from Reading, Pennsylvania, contributed to some sessions, as did Newark-born tuba player Joe Tarto (his real name was Joseph Tortoriello) and saxophonist Francis "Sax" Smith from Manchester, Michigan. Others who played at some point include clarinet player Dick Johnson and trombonist Arch Jones.

Paul Specht, whose dance orchestra incorporated the Georgians, gives an account of the jazz ensemble's evolution in February 1952 issue of The Record Changer, writing, "They opened at the Addison Hotel in Detroit, on December 19, 1921, where my ten-piece orchestra featured classical jazz, ragging the standard classical music favorites of the day. I featured Guarente's jazz men in a jam session of one half hour, presented twice nightly. This jazz band session's popularity grew rapidly, and I gave it billing as 'the first band within a band.'"

Specht, a violinist from Sinking Springs, Pennsylvania, was responsible for many musical organizations, booking all sizes of ensembles for private and public engagements. He nurtured the talents of many young musicians. Around November 1923 a young Ted Weems directed Paul Specht's Trianon Orchestra at the Trianon Ballroom of Newark, which led to a Victor recording contract (Specht's name was dropped). According to page 50 of the February 1924 issue of Talking Machine World, Specht was "conductor of three Columbia recording orchestras, two Keith headline bands, the Alamac Hotel Orchestra, manager of twenty-five smaller orchestras, two WJZ radio broadcasting bands and three London musical combinations."


