Paul Aumonier - Serenade from Faust (1901)

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Paul Aumonier

"Vous qui faites l'endormie"

La sérénade from Faust = Act IV, Scene 3

Libretto by Jules Barbier

Mèphistophélès, the Devil, sings this while he is at square in front of a cathedral in a German city, 16th century.

Marguerite's window is lit up and Mèphistophélès offers to sing a serenade to get her to open the door for Faust.

The serenade advises a woman not to give up her virginity until after she is married. Of course, he is mocking her for she has already slept with Faust and, in fact, is bearing his child.

Mephistopheles's aria from Faust

Vous qui faites l'endormie
N'entendez-vous pas,
O Catherine, ma mie,
Ma voix et mes pas? ...
Ainsi ton galant t'appelle,
Et ton cœur l'en croit! ...
N'ouvre la porte, ma belle,
Que la bague au doigt.

Catherine que j'adore,
Pourquoi refuser
A l'amant qui vous implore
Un si doux baiser?
Ainsi ton galant supplie
Et ton cœur l'en croit! ...
Ne donne un baiser, ma mie,
Que la bague au doigt! ...
