What They Caught on Camera Shocked The Whole World

  • last year


00:00 [Thunder]
00:07 Today we have prepared for you a selection of the most mystical phenomena
00:10 that cannot be explained by logic and common sense.
00:13 Once in a while, the camera lens of ordinary people captures something that no one should have seen.
00:20 Today we are going to have an incredible journey in which we will look into the most dangerous depths of the ocean,
00:26 a wide range of mysterious objects and phenomena in space.
00:31 Let's plunge into the world of mysterious, incomprehensible and inexplicable things now.
00:37 Before we move on, don't forget to subscribe, like the video and click on the bell.
00:42 After watching, don't forget to share your opinion in the comments below.
00:47 According to the Bible, God showed the way to the Israelites in the desert with a pillar of fire.
00:54 Something similar was filmed in Brazil.
00:58 It's hard to say exactly what it is.
01:07 The most logical thing would be to call it satellites flying to different points,
01:11 but fantasy takes us in a more mystical direction.
01:21 The asteroid is rapidly falling to earth and glows green,
01:25 but surprisingly it never landed anywhere, but simply disappeared at some point.
01:30 It didn't seem to be an asteroid.
01:33 And these shots were made during the daylight hours and in other parts of the globe.
01:44 The color and the abrupt disappearance of the alleged asteroid still remained unchanged.
01:51 This is something completely inexplicable.
01:56 Someone inattentive may say that this is just a rainbow,
02:00 but the more sharp-sighted people will notice that this glow only has the same colors in it,
02:05 but it is not a rainbow.
02:08 Do not be deceived, this is not a yacht cutting through the sea in the dark.
02:17 Not at all.
02:18 This unidentified flying object in space made a short trip into the atmosphere of our planet.
02:24 We all argued about the shape of the clouds in childhood,
02:37 but there is no discrepancy here.
02:39 It seems that nature clearly wants to tell us something.
02:47 In a second, purple lightning spread across the sky like threads.
02:51 None of them hit a house or a tree, they all disappeared in the clouds.
02:56 Every sane person understands that it is simply impossible to see two moons.
03:08 At the same time, anyone with eyes could observe something completely inexplicable for several hours in 2018.
03:15 Does this circle in the sky remind you of the Asgardian Bridge from the Avengers 2?
03:25 Sometimes people manage to make incredible shots of making you
03:32 involuntarily believe in the reality of intergalactic portals.
03:43 Several unidentified objects conquering the celestial expanses of the Earth
03:47 were seen for a while, but were never identified.
03:51 There was a period when black rings and incomprehensible lines began to appear in the clouds.
04:02 Scientists agreed that these are only natural anomalies,
04:05 but hundreds of mystical theories have appeared on the web.
04:09 First, it was a dim flash, followed by a black expanding circle.
04:18 What's that? No one knows, but many people saw it and were very scared.
04:24 And again, we have a similar situation in the sky already in another city.
04:33 Have you noticed that the halo looks brighter?
04:36 It was as if someone had opened an eye and was watching people.
04:41 Purple clouds are a rare phenomenon, but it is quite understandable.
04:51 The reason for this coloring is unwanted emissions from factories that are not equipped with high-quality filters.
05:02 Quite by accident, a cloud in the shape of a mummy was filmed.
05:06 People from many countries were amazed by it.
05:09 No one doubts the existence of flying dinosaurs, but everyone is sure that they have been long extinct.
05:21 People are always shocked to see videos proving them wrong.
05:31 They want to believe that another satellite was launched into space from Earth.
05:35 It happens that birds fly to warmer climates in a flock and sometimes arrange battles in the sky.
05:47 But here it's something else.
05:49 They seem to be trying to convey some kind of message to people.
05:58 Maybe there's a drone hidden somewhere on this person that lifts him so high above the ground, but I don't see anything like that.
06:04 And this is a silhouette of a sauropod, a dinosaur with a very long neck, seemingly risen from a long hibernation.
06:17 It is covered with thousands of years of foliage.
06:20 After looking around, it went somewhere.
06:27 Black octopuses fly under the clouds right above people's heads.
06:31 After what I saw, I want to rub my eyes and double-check.
06:35 And this UFO was filmed in Canada.
06:45 At this distance, it is difficult to see all the details of the object, but it is clear that its speed is so great that the heating of the outer shell occurs very quickly.
06:54 If you are a fan of dystopian films and books in which alien creatures arrive on our planet, then your imagination will be amazed by this video.
07:07 It would seem nothing surprising, just bad weather, but something mystical resembling a soul suddenly flew out of this dark abyss.
07:19 It was a real phenomenon in the sky.
07:27 The light dot spins around itself, leaving a visible trace.
07:31 Inexplicable phenomena occur not only on our planet, but other celestial giants also become a place of concentration of incomprehensible, but terribly interesting things.
07:48 In order for new stars to form, the old ones must explode.
07:53 When an explosion occurs not in the most distant galaxies from us, then, as some scientists say, you and I can see it.
08:01 You won't see this without powerful telescopes.
08:05 And this is the movement of two galaxies that fly so close to each other, but will definitely not be seen.
08:12 Thanks to spacecraft launched to take photos, a new elevation was discovered on one of the planets.
08:19 To become a part of the inexplicable, it is enough just to spend the night on the top of the mountain.
08:27 Dreaming among the clouds, you will be able to see the stars.
08:32 What you are seeing now is the egg of a giant squid.
08:51 Just imagine how huge this creature will grow if the embryo is already so impressive in size.
09:03 The skeleton of someone truly huge was found at the bottom of the ocean.
09:07 Some scientists suggest that these are the remains of a baby kraken from the most terrible legends of sailors.
09:19 Not only fish are buried at the bottom of the ocean, but also sailors, scientists and participants of secret reconnaissance expeditions.
09:34 The water depths hold so many secrets that they can be called open to museums.
09:39 Although it is true, many places have become public only recently, waiting for the real fans of Xtreme to dive and explore them.
09:57 It seems to be a coral reef, but it may actually turn out to be a historical moment.
10:02 The ocean floor hides a lot of sunken cities.
10:11 In conclusion, we want to show you a real sunken Roman city.
10:15 It was discovered at the bottom of the Bay of Naples in Italy.
10:19 It is believed that the water covered it more than 2,000 years ago.
10:24 Well, that's it. Thanks for watching.
10:27 We are waiting for you to discuss the most inexplicable moments in the comments.
10:32 Don't forget to subscribe to our channel.
