30 Wildest Attacks Caught On Camera

  • last year


00:00 [music]
00:12 There is no place for kindness, pity and empathy in the animal world.
00:16 Every day our little brothers have to fight for survival.
00:20 In order to get food, protect their cubs and save their lives, animals are ready for anything and even more.
00:27 In our today's video, we have prepared the most exciting animal battles and fierce confrontations of both experienced predators and conflict-free herbivores.
00:37 Let's get started! But first, don't forget to subscribe to the channel and click on the bell to get updates on our new videos.
00:44 Enjoy watching!
00:46 Zebras live in small groups consisting of one male and several females as well as their children.
00:54 They exist in a conflict-free atmosphere. However, when the stallions grow up, there are often battles for the right to be the main male.
01:05 And this is a very unusual collision of a forest deer and a small black cat.
01:11 Apparently, the horned animal did not like the brazen carelessness of the little beast.
01:21 As we all know, yaks are conflict animals. Adult representatives of this species are very strong, ferocious and can easily be driven by rage.
01:30 Therefore, you can often see that they fight both amongst themselves and with other animals.
01:39 Such battles look more funny than exciting. Someone very small is trying to overcome someone very big.
01:46 It's funny that a huge animal often does not even pay attention to pathetic attempts to challenge them.
01:58 Camels have a well-developed sense of smell. They are able to smell water at a distance of 50 km.
02:04 This camel realized that their cows were going to drink and tried to enter their herd to also drink water, but was quickly expelled.
02:19 Iguanas are large lizards with sharp teeth and long powerful tails, and this is a rather unusual collision between a mongoose and a large iguana.
02:28 In such a battle, the winner is not clear, because each animal has unique skills and abilities.
02:37 The deer chose the right strategy when they saw a bear approaching them. These intelligent animals scattered in different directions, which actually disoriented the predator.
02:50 The mongoose tries to confuse the snake in order to attack it at the most unexpected moment. It runs around at high speed, constantly changing the direction of its movement.
03:05 This mongoose also chose a disorientation strategy, and it was a success. The snake is quickly crawling away.
03:17 The monkey, despite his pugnacious nature and desire to always go to the end, still acts wisely and decides to escape before it's too late.
03:28 Flying over the goose family, the eagle quickly dived and grabbed one of them. Just look at how the poor bird is trying to free itself from the deadly claws of a predator with the last of its strength.
03:41 Eagles are truly majestic birds, and it is impossible not to admire them. All their actions are so true that they do not even leave a single chance to those whom these proud kings of the sky decided to make their dinner.
04:01 Surprisingly, the most brutal battles happen between representatives of the same breed. Everything is the same as with people, the most dangerous enemy is the closest friend.
04:15 The baby hippo realized that it was being chased by a predator, and it went to the pond with all its might. This is the safest place for it because its mother is there, and it will definitely protect the child.
04:31 There was a terrible fight between two tigers. The most common reason for this is the desire to prove their right to a mate with a female.
04:43 Bisons are the largest land animals in North America. The dimensions of an adult male can exceed 2 meters in height and 3 meters in length. Its weight reaches 1,200 kilograms. The collision of such large animals never ends without consequences.
05:03 The maternal instinct gives animals special strength and courage. This wildcat is ready to fearlessly confront a huge snake to protect its children.
05:17 Lizards are cute while they're in the zoo enclosure or behind the glass of an aquarium, but if we're talking about wildlife, these cold-blooded creatures only cause a feeling of fear.
05:31 The bear thinks that it is the king of the forest and the main predator of the district, so it dares to attack even those who are bigger and have sharp horns.
05:45 The battle of the hippos looks like they are trying to show who has the biggest mouth. Well, that's right, the mouth is their main weapon.
05:56 The porcupine is probably the most underrated animal in the animal kingdom. Predators constantly attack, considering it easy prey. However, it faces sharp needles.
06:09 The lion was already overjoyed because it finally found a suitable victim, but soon realized that he had once again chosen the wrong one. As you can see, honey badgers know how to protect themselves.
06:25 If you see a fierce battle between two lions, it is always an attempt to overcome the old alpha to take its place and get the pride.
06:35 And here we again have a fight between two males, only here the main characters are tigers. What was the reason for their conflict this time? Female or power? Write in the comments below.
06:54 Each animal uses mainly the strongest part of its body in battles. Giraffes have a neck that can be very useful in battle. It consists of 7 vertebrae of 25 cm each with flexible and strong muscles.
07:11 The reptile is in no way inferior in size to the dog, and this makes their battle even more interesting.
07:23 After this video, it becomes clear that the fearfulness of ostriches is just a myth. It turns out that these birds can boldly and even brazenly fight with other animals.
07:36 It seemed that the eagle had already killed it, but the fox was very lucky because the representative of the hawk family still has not decided whether it wants to feed its chicks with such prey.
07:52 If you see a predator behind bars, don't think that it will not be able to show who is the boss here. The heron was too impudent and tried to steal its food, but it had to pay for it.
08:10 It seems to me that the reason for such a fierce confrontation was the unwillingness of one of the hippos to let the other into their pond. Just look at how aggressively the first one drives away a relative.
08:25 And this hippo has a lot of courage. It opposes the crocodile, which is a dangerous predator.
08:34 With the help of its horn, the rhinoceros inflicts serious wounds on the bison, which may easily lead to death. Violent fights happen not only among predators, but also among herbivores.
08:48 The seagull is the most impudent creature. These birds are an example of real parasitism. They are always looking for an opportunity to feed at the expense of others.
09:02 The hunter is often a lioness, not a lion. Why? In the pride, the male leads and the female performs hard and dangerous work. Sometimes they have to pay for it with their lives.
09:17 It turns out that these creatures are not only stubborn, but also very brave. The little goat enters the battle with the dog on equal terms.
09:29 Yes, elephants are very kind and nice to people and often help smaller animals, but this is not always the case. These large mammals sometimes show terrible cruelty in order to preserve life and protect the family.
09:45 The very small size of the rodent was not a problem for his miraculous victory over the intrusive chickens.
10:01 The battle becomes routine when you live under the same roof as a hyperactive cat. I think the lizard's nervous breakdown will take place soon.
10:14 The rhinoceros often fight amongst themselves. This often happens to show each other their superiority.
10:25 Bear and lion are two predators who claim to be the kings of the forest or the kings of beasts. Watching their fight, it becomes clear why these animals are considered the most worthy.
10:39 Sometimes the outcome of a battle is determined by the unwillingness of one of the rivals to participate in it.
10:49 At first, the buffaloes were fighting with horns and then decided to use body blows and various techniques. The opponents are in equal weight categories and have a similar set of skills. I wonder who will be the winner of this battle.
11:07 This creature has more courage than its height. It shows an opponent many times bigger than itself.
11:16 While we are looking at how two giraffes strike each other hard with long necks, I want to note that these animals are also record holders in the length of the tongue and tail.
11:31 It is impossible to look at these battles without a smile. Such a solution to the conflict performed by small rodents is rather touching than terrifying.
11:43 A mother of polar bears with its children went into human territory where it encountered aggressive dogs.
12:01 Have you ever seen such a big toad? Such a giant can definitely resist a snake.
12:11 Just look at the exceptional courage of this dog. Without any hesitation, it rushed to the defense of its owners against a large predator.
12:32 The strongest muscles of the zebra are in the hind legs. After such a situation, the lioness will attack striped stallions only from the front or from the side.
12:44 Everyone should look at this feathered creature. There shall be no cruel tricks or deadly battles at all. It's simple. You need to defeat your opponent with your outrageousness.
12:56 All horned animals have unreal stubbornness and extreme pride. At every opportunity, they try to prove their superiority.
13:05 Well, that's it. Thanks for watching.
13:08 Please subscribe to my channel.
