• 2 years ago
00:00 Hey everybody my name is Ellen today I'm going to be giving you another, well I haven't done
00:15 a baking tutorial I've only done cooking so welcome to my very first baking tutorial,
00:20 cooking with mom and today we're going to be making some Pillsbury Dough Crescent Stuffed
00:27 Brownies. What you're going to be needing is some Pillsbury Dough Crescent Original,
00:36 make sure you get Reynolds, Reynolds Wrap non-stick wrap to place on your baking sheet.
00:46 You're also going to need some brownies, you can choose whatever type of brownies you want
00:51 I'm just using Little Debbie Cosmic Brownies because I really like these. So that's all
00:55 the ingredients now let's get to the tutorial. First you're going to need to preheat your
00:59 oven to 375 degrees as per your instructions. Ok so just because we want to bake so just
01:08 press the bake button and make sure it's at 375 degrees and then hit bake. And now your
01:18 oven is preheating. So you should have taken out your crescent rolls and as the lines showed
01:31 on the crescent dough split it in how many pieces you want, how many crescents you want
01:43 and you're going to be needing a brownie depending on how many crescents you make,
01:50 depends on how many brownies you'll need. So let's get to the brownie part. So you just
01:56 want to start by cutting your brownies into little slices like shown. I'll see you in
02:03 a minute.
02:04 Then you want to cut it into little cubes like shown. This is even too long to speed
02:25 up so I'm just going to say I'll be right back. You're going to end up with little,
02:32 very little brownie cubes like this. Some of the things if you chose cosmic brownies
02:39 some of the candy pieces might stay on some might fall off but it's fine. So I'll show
02:46 you guys what to do next. Next you're going to want to take your brownie pieces like shown
02:51 and put them inside the rolls. You want to make sure not to put them at the end or the
02:55 beginning because you're going to want to roll it up. And when you're cutting the brownies
03:02 I would suggest a parental guide because you don't want to cut your fingers off. Yeah,
03:10 just take your brownie pieces, put them in the middle and I'll be right back. You stuff
03:19 all of your brownies. You're going to want to roll it up like so. If you guys don't know
03:24 how to do that that's why I'm here. So you're going to take the two ends of the roll and
03:34 fold it over the beginning part and just kind of grab the end of it and push the brownies
03:43 in. Put it over like that and just keep rolling it and maybe take that part and swing it over
03:51 and at the end just stuff it in. Yeah, and do that to all your rolls so I'll be back.
04:02 Not like the brownie idea, you're in luck for all you Nutella lovers out there. We have
04:09 the Nutella rolls. So just basically instead of stuffing your brownies spread Nutella over
04:15 with a knife. Make sure you have a parent with you as well and then just fold it over
04:20 just like we did with those. So I'll be right back. Now that your oven is first preheating
04:26 you're going to want to open your oven very carefully. Make sure to wear gloves, oven
04:34 mitts because you do not want to get second degree burn on your hands. So take your baking
04:41 tray and put it on the bottom row. Make sure to keep your closest unshowing body part because
04:59 if you stick your face too near it your eyes will start to water because that just happened
05:05 to me. But close the oven. Yeah, be back. I forgot to tell you. When it starts beeping
05:16 it's done preheating and once you put your brownies in there and you close it you have
05:21 to wait 20 minutes. So I'll be back. So the 20 minutes is up. These are what they look
05:29 like when they are complete baking. Yours might look different and that's okay. So you
05:35 have the brownies inside there. Then you can clearly tell the difference between the Nutella
05:42 and the brownies. So yeah. So I'll be right back with the final dish. Here's the final
05:51 dish after letting it cool for about 5 to 10 minutes. Hard. It's all sealed up. You
05:59 can't see any of the Nutella or chocolate. So you've got your roll, you've got your Nutella
06:06 and brownie stuff. I actually don't know which one I have. I think I have the brownie. But
06:14 what a nice cold glass of milk. So thank you guys for watching. See you guys next video.
06:19 Bye bye.
