• last year
00:00 Back in the kitchen, where I belong.
00:03 Because,
00:05 sometimes it just feels nice and familiar.
00:10 Hi guys, look at me, I'm back in the kitchen!
00:12 And that can mean one of two things.
00:15 I'm cooking, or I forgot that I was existing
00:18 in time and space and wandered into the kitchen.
00:21 Who knows which one's correct?
00:22 Today I'm gonna make something
00:23 that I think is very exciting.
00:24 I've never made it before, and I conceptualized it
00:28 last night while I was sleeping.
00:30 While I was not sleeping, I thought about it.
00:32 I've been trying to think of party foods
00:34 that also have some sort of game element to them.
00:38 So I came up with a food item that I'm calling,
00:42 turn, ow, damn it.
00:44 Turn downs for what?
00:46 ♪ Turn down for what ♪
00:49 I'm gonna make turnovers, sort of,
00:53 filled with a variety of food items
00:55 that my party guests, which don't exist,
00:57 this is just for me, they won't know
00:59 what's in each turn down, the appetizer thing.
01:02 So, turn downs for what?
01:04 ♪ Turn down for what ♪
01:07 Is actually in it.
01:08 In hindsight, I understand that one of the joys of food
01:11 is knowing what's in the food to avoid allergies
01:14 or just a non-enjoyment of the flavors.
01:19 But, you only live once, so if you're gonna go out,
01:24 you may as well be because your friend accidentally
01:28 gave you a deadly food allergy
01:30 while she was trying to have a fun party game
01:32 that incorporated food.
01:33 Let's get started.
01:34 I brought these croissant rolls that you use
01:36 to make pigs in a blanket.
01:37 What I'm going to do with them,
01:38 in theory, I want to separate them from each other
01:42 and make little triangles and put something inside
01:44 of the triangle and turn it over
01:46 and then put it in the oven and let it cook.
01:48 I bought a variety of gourmet treats.
01:50 Mac and cheese, chicken nuggets, pizza rolls,
01:53 meatballs, and tofu.
01:55 Oh, and I have avocados.
01:56 They're like fancy, upper-class fruit vegetables.
02:01 First, what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna cook
02:02 some of the items of food that I think need to be cooked
02:05 before they go inside the croissant rolls
02:07 to get cooked further.
02:09 Preheat an oven to 400, 425, that's about the same thing.
02:12 These cook for about the same time,
02:14 so we're gonna cook them together
02:15 because the internet's all about collaboration,
02:18 forcing things together.
02:22 Start, go, that's happening.
02:24 Update, this mac and cheese is also here
02:27 and it cooks even faster than this mac and cheese,
02:29 so you're out.
02:31 This is ready in three and a half minutes.
02:33 Prove it, Velveeta.
02:35 You will see loose white powder in pasta.
02:37 This is necessary for proper cooking.
02:39 Thank you for trying to warn me, package,
02:42 but I honestly wasn't weirded out about it at all.
02:45 Go, oh my God, there's so much cooking happening.
02:49 Also, so you guys know, you can put in anything
02:51 your heart desires because cooking
02:53 is mostly about creativity and not about
02:56 the quality of the final result.
02:58 Let's take to put you guys on a trip together.
03:01 Chicken nuggets are going on here.
03:02 I don't need a bunch of you, so don't.
03:04 But I'll just cook a bunch of you.
03:07 Cohabitate, but don't fuck on the first date.
03:11 Oh, I have meatless meatballs too
03:12 for those assholes that don't eat meat.
03:16 Hi, former self.
03:17 Oh, I can cook them on the stove top.
03:19 You cook meatballs with tomato sauce.
03:21 Oh, you.
03:27 (microwave beeping)
03:29 Hold on, macaroni and cheese.
03:31 Now you decided to come loose
03:34 as soon as I start paying attention to another food group.
03:37 Whoa, there's all kinds of weird shit in this sauce.
03:39 Get everybody in the hot tub.
03:42 Talk about a real sausage party.
03:43 Psych, let's get our mac and cheese.
03:45 The cheese sauce goes in.
03:46 Good thing I got nothing else to do tonight.
03:48 It's a date with a toilet.
03:50 Cooking!
03:51 So smooth.
03:53 You stopped recording,
03:54 but here's a dramatization of what happened.
03:56 I put them in the oven.
03:59 I'm tasting one of the meatballs
04:00 to make sure it's not poison.
04:02 Yeah, tastes like it's trying to be something that's not meat.
04:07 ♪ Turn down for what ♪
04:10 (upbeat music)
04:12 Oh, recording, oops.
04:33 Now I'm gonna get my crescent rolls ready,
04:36 and then I put the tofu in the refrigerator
04:39 because sometimes you just gotta cut your losses
04:41 and realize that no one wants that.
04:43 This is my favorite part.
04:45 Why isn't it open to explode?
04:47 What, it's supposed to be on top.
04:48 Where's the pot?
04:49 This is like opening up a stoner's champagne bottle
04:54 right now.
04:55 No, no, why?
04:57 No!
04:58 Ah!
04:59 Something really cathartic and rewarding about that.
05:03 This looks weird and phallic.
05:05 There you go.
05:06 Come out, friends.
05:07 How was school?
05:08 I don't care.
05:10 Great job.
05:11 Great, it's already at 325.
05:13 So it's at 400 before.
05:15 So let's start making our turn downs for what?
05:18 ♪ Turn down for ♪
05:18 What I'm gonna do, separate these.
05:21 We got our little triangle.
05:22 I'm gonna take mac and cheese.
05:23 A little bit on this part here.
05:25 And then I'm gonna fold it over.
05:27 I'm gonna do something I saw on TV.
05:28 You take a fork, go around the edges so that it goes closed.
05:32 Great, so it looks like that.
05:34 Great camera angle for you to see that detail.
05:36 Let's put some avocado in.
05:38 Now let's fold you over.
05:39 Now let's do a meatball.
05:41 Ah, hot!
05:42 That looks like food.
05:43 Okay, next let's try a chicken nugget.
05:45 A pizza roll.
05:46 Is this what a ratchet is?
05:47 Now we're gonna put them in the oven
05:48 for some time until the outside's cooked.
05:51 Let's do it.
05:53 Goodbye, class of 2014.
05:55 What a (beep) up class you were.
05:58 Okay, we're back and it's hot.
05:59 (dramatic music)
06:01 You guys look so great on the outside.
06:04 Okay, I can't wait any longer.
06:05 I'm gonna taste them.
06:07 What you doing?
06:08 You stopped recording and you missed that I ate this
06:10 and it was really delicious.
06:11 Why did you do that to me?
06:12 Let's keep tasting them.
06:13 Oh, if you stopped before I said this,
06:15 this is the meatball one.
06:16 Macaroni and cheese.
06:17 Well, (beep)
06:21 It tastes (beep) delicious.
06:22 Now I'm gonna try the avocado.
06:23 This is the one that could be not good at all.
06:27 That one's curious.
06:31 Not bad, just curious.
06:33 Pizza roll.
06:34 Nope, it's a chicken nugget.
06:36 What a fun game.
06:37 - Turn down for what?
06:39 - See, the game's not even working.
06:41 This pizza roll is really (beep) good.
06:43 It's safe to say these are all really delicious
06:45 and can be a really fun game.
06:47 I just tricked myself.
06:49 So make these for your friends and enemies
06:50 and enjoy your next party.
06:52 I don't know.
06:53 Oh yeah, the first episode of the podcast Not Too Deep
06:56 came out on Monday with my guest Tyler Oakley
06:58 and I really, really think it's funny.
07:00 So I really hope that you listen to it.
07:02 Hannah and I are hosting the Streamy Awards this Sunday
07:04 at 7.30 p.m. Eastern Pacific Standard Time.
07:07 7.30 Pacific, 10.30 Eastern.
07:10 You can watch it live at
07:13 Grace's
07:14 Have you pre-ordered your guidebook
07:15 and entered the book sweepstakes
07:17 so you can win awesome, cool, wonderful prizes?
07:21 The t-shirts
07:23 So many things, guys.
07:24 I'm sorry, I'm really...
07:26 Just so sorry.
07:29 I did.
07:30 Get out of here.
