00:00 Hey Tommy down here, Catalina Offshore, Rebecca is always behind the camera.
00:05 Jackie jams tomato jelly. I put some Thai chili in here and some black truffle oil
00:12 not to change what it was but to add something to the fish which we're going
00:17 to talk about. It's an amazing piece of fish. Look at this.
00:23 Luvar. The texture is like a cooked jellyfish which is strange because
00:33 that's what they primarily feast on. The luscious luvar. Look at that. Pretty cool.
00:40 Bycatch not targeted species. Usually harvest two at a time male/female. They
00:46 swim in pairs. The boat keeps and eats one. The other one goes to market. You can
00:52 find it at most white tablecloth high-end restaurants throughout the West
00:58 Coast. Once in a while you'll see one in Texas, Atlanta, East Coast. Most of the
01:06 stuff that's landed here in the West Coast stays on the West Coast. Extremely
01:10 rare fish. Not endangered. Not over fished. It's just not a targeted species
01:15 because they don't school up. Okay so that's very important when we're talking
01:20 about sustainability and all of that. So what I did was I just cut some steaks
01:30 then I put them on the plancha grill.
01:36 For those of you watching at home because we're not on network TV anyways,
01:42 Camp Chef plancha grill. Get one. These things are absolutely amazing.
01:48 Literally we've done hundreds of thousands of meals off this and the stuff
01:53 is just it just keeps going and going and going like that stupid bunny. Anyways
02:00 luvar that's what we got.
02:04 Okay and then we're gonna take that Jackie's jams that we talked about. The
02:14 tomato jam with the Thai chili on it and a little bit of black truffle oil. We're
02:23 just gonna cover it up a little bit. And what I'm gonna do real quick here.
02:30 I'm gonna turn it up, add a little heat, add a little steam, let it all blend
02:35 together. We're gonna call it good to go. This is Dave approved. Kind of neat.
02:43 See what she looks like. There we go.
02:50 Beautiful piece of luvar. Absolutely wonderful. Probably the wrong color plate
03:01 to use for greens. But hey, I'll make it work anyways. A little bit of lemon on
03:09 there. That's what you got.
03:14 Locally harvested by catch. Extremely marketable. Extremely pricey. Not
03:20 endangered. Not overfished. Luvar. Get some. Catalina Offshore. See you next time.