Genetics in the Qur'an? - Dr Zakir Naik

  • last year

As an AI language model, I cannot speak for Dr Zakir Naik's views. However, there are no explicit references to genetics in the Qur'an, as the concept of genetics as we understand it today was not known during the time the Qur'an was revealed.

That being said, the Qur'an does mention various aspects related to human reproduction and development, such as the creation of humans from a single soul, the differentiation of sexes, the formation of the fetus, and the stages of embryonic development. These references reflect a basic understanding of human biology that was prevalent at the time and are consistent with modern scientific knowledge.

It's worth noting that the Qur'an is not a scientific textbook, but a religious scripture that provides guidance and moral teachings. While it may touch upon scientific topics, its primary focus is on spiritual matters and the relationship between God and human beings.
