• 2 years ago
00:00 [Music]
00:04 Hello lovely people.
00:06 As always, my name's Jacob.
00:08 Today we're going to be cooking some lovely macaroni and cheese.
00:12 Now, you may not have tried macaroni and cheese before
00:15 but the best thing about this recipe is it can be done in the humble microwave.
00:20 Let's get started.
00:22 Now, to make macaroni and cheese, you will need...
00:26 macaroni
00:28 some cheese
00:30 some milk
00:32 you'll need a little bit of water over by the sink there
00:36 and of course, you'll need your measuring cups.
00:39 You'll need a half a cup, a quarter of a cup and a teaspoon.
00:46 Now, start by taking your macaroni and measuring out half a cup.
00:54 [Macaroni and cheese sounds]
01:05 There we go.
01:07 And pop it in your bowl.
01:12 Put your macaroni to the side because you don't need it anymore.
01:16 Now, add half a cup of water to your half a cup of macaroni.
01:24 [Water sounds]
01:33 There we go.
01:36 And we'll need a teaspoon.
01:38 What you do is you go to your salt.
01:40 So, I'll just quickly head off and get my salt.
01:44 You can get it at your local salt mine or just anywhere that really sells it.
01:53 Just do a bit of work there.
01:56 There we go, that should be enough.
01:58 A pinch of salt should be taken with any recipe that you see on this show
02:02 because it might differ depending on the size of the bowl that you use to make your macaroni.
02:08 Now, what you do next is you microwave your pasta.
02:15 So, go to your microwave.
02:23 And you microwave your pasta for two minutes.
02:33 So, you pop your macaroni inside there.
02:36 You haven't added the cheese or the milk yet and you just put it in for two...
02:43 Oh wait, for this microwave you have to close the door before you hit the buttons.
02:47 But you put it in for two minutes.
02:51 And press start.
02:55 While that's cooking, we're going to start grating the cheese.
02:59 You'll need a quarter of a cup of cheese.
03:02 Get out your grater and your cheese block.
03:09 Get out your cheese block and your cheese and your grater.
03:13 And you'll need a quarter of a cup's worth of cheese.
03:16 But if you want you can add a bit more because a bit more cheese is always good for you.
03:23 And again, grate the cheese block.
03:33 That should be a little bit over a quarter of a cup.
03:37 But, you know, a pinch of salt is to be taken with any recipe, isn't it?
03:45 Put in your quarter of a cup.
03:49 And I've made way too much so I'll just sort of grab this all together.
03:58 Save it for another day.
04:07 Now, your pasta should be almost done.
04:11 Be careful when you take it out of the microwave because it will be very hot.
04:16 What you do is you keep on going, see if it's a bit cooked.
04:23 See how cooked it is.
04:25 This one will need a little bit more water because you can see...
04:28 I'll just put it on this so I don't burn my hand again.
04:31 But you can see there's only a little bit of water there.
04:33 So we'll add a little bit more water and we'll pop it back in the microwave for another 2 minutes.
04:41 Now, as you can tell, this recipe is a lot more advanced than my previous recipe on how to make a pizza.
04:48 So we're going to pop that back in for another 2 minutes and we'll check it to see how it's gone.
04:53 So, my macaroni has a cooking time of 10 minutes.
04:58 That means it should take 10 minutes for it to cook completely.
05:01 So it'll take about 3 or 4 separate cooking sessions in the microwave.
05:06 But your macaroni might vary.
05:08 So check on the bag to see if it says how long it'll cook.
05:15 There we go.
05:16 Now it's lovely and cooked.
05:17 It's a bit hot.
05:19 You can see how it's squishy, which means that it's al dente, which means to the tooth in Italian.
05:25 So what you do now is you add the cheese and the milk.
05:32 So the cheese goes in.
05:43 There we go.
05:44 Cheese goes in.
05:45 It should start melting.
05:46 And then the milk goes in.
05:48 And you need a quarter of a cup of milk, as I said earlier.
05:55 A quarter of a cup.
06:01 I'll just pop my milk away.
06:03 So now that we've got that quarter of a cup in, we pop it in with the macaroni.
06:13 There you go.
06:14 Delicious.
06:20 Now, just a little warning is that if you are lactose intolerant, this will not be good for you.
06:31 This has a lot of cheese and a lot of milk, and it could give you a really bad reaction.
06:38 So make sure that you don't do this if you're allergic to any milk products or dairy.
06:49 Okay.
06:50 Now, let's pop that in for another 30 seconds just to...
06:55 I should probably mix that together a little bit.
06:58 So you stir it into the macaroni.
07:00 My macaroni's stuck together a little.
07:04 Just break up your macaroni and stir the cheese in there.
07:09 Mmm, smells delicious.
07:22 I could eat it just like that, but just to melt the cheese a little bit more, get it tasting delicious,
07:28 what I'm going to do is I'm going to add a little special secret ingredient, which is...
07:44 I'm going to add some lovely, delicious...
07:57 I am going to add a little bit of tomato ketchup.
08:01 Now, everybody likes tomato ketchup on their snails and on everything,
08:07 and you can have tomato with cheese, so why not squirt in a little bit of tomato ketchup?
08:16 Now, you just need to mix that in.
08:18 Brings out a lovely color in the macaroni, delicious taste in the cheese.
08:26 There we go.
08:29 It's best served hot, so put it back in the microwave and heat it up for another 30 seconds.
08:39 Once you've stirred that in, you've got yourself some lovely, delicious macaroni and cheese.
08:45 To serve, you put it... you just eat it straight out of the microwave.
08:50 Be careful not to burn yourself as it'll be really hot.
08:53 Now, thank you all for watching.
08:54 If you have any ideas for any good recipes that I should try in the next episode, please let me know.
08:59 Ta-ta.
09:01 [End of Audio]
