• 2 years ago
00:00 Hey guys, welcome back for another episode on DCTC.
00:03 This is Amy Jo and today we're going to be opening up our brand new Peppa's Sing-Along
00:08 Kitchen.
00:09 Yay!
00:10 Okay, so all we have to do is snap a couple of pieces together.
00:15 Whoa!
00:17 And then we'll be ready to watch Peppa dance.
00:21 Okay, are you ready?
00:28 So, this little play set has an on and off switch and when you turn the lever to the
00:56 right, the music plays and then you turn it back and it turns off.
01:02 And when you turn this on, this is the speaker that the music comes out of and this little
01:06 yellow pad rotates up and down to make it look like the little boiling pot is shaking.
01:14 Like this.
01:20 And over on this side of the play set is a little faucet and a sink.
01:35 And of course that doesn't work.
01:36 That's just pretend.
01:37 Hmm, let's see what's cooking.
01:42 Oh boy, that looks like something that Peppa loves.
01:55 Do you guys know what it is?
02:04 Did you figure it out?
02:06 That's right, it's mud.
02:09 Peppa and George love to jump in the mud.
02:12 George, would you like to go play in the mud with me?
02:14 Yes, Peppa.
02:16 Let's go.
02:17 Wee!
02:18 Wee!
02:19 Wee!
02:20 Yay, George, isn't this so fun?
02:21 I love jumping in the mud.
02:44 Yes Peppa.
03:08 Peppa I'm covered in mud.
03:11 Are you?
03:12 Oh yes, George.
03:13 Look at my head.
03:17 But that was so fun, wasn't it?
03:19 Oh yes, Peppa.
03:20 I love jumping in the mud with you.
03:22 Oh, me too, George.
03:25 Me too.
03:28 Okay guys, that's all we have for today.
03:30 Hope you enjoyed this video and go ahead and click on that like button if you would like
03:35 to see more Peppa Pig videos.
03:37 Make sure that you leave me a comment and tell me if you like jumping in muddy puddles.
03:43 I know that I do.
03:45 This is Amy Jo with DCTC.
03:47 Thanks for watching.
03:49 Bye.
03:49 [music]
