Excerpt from CTV Atlantic Morning Live. Cooking with the healthy haskap berry

  • last year
00:00 Yes, in the last decade, the has cap berry has taken the world by a storm.
00:03 And if you aren't familiar with the has cap, it looks kind of like an elongated
00:07 blueberry and tastes like a blueberry raspberry blackcurrant mixed together.
00:11 But it isn't just unique in its looks and tastes.
00:13 They're also incredibly high in antioxidants.
00:15 And because of the popularity of this little berry, the Nova Scotian company
00:19 has Kappa has won numerous food awards, and they also just opened
00:22 their first retail space in my home bay, Nova Scotia.
00:25 So joining us today is Liam Taylor of Haskat.
00:28 Good morning. Good morning.
00:30 I always like having you in because it's always delicious.
00:32 I did. It is delicious.
00:33 I know I'm biased, but I these are all fabulous.
00:36 Oh, my gosh. And they're all you guys are always coming up with new ways
00:39 to to treat and serve this this delicious berry.
00:43 Well, that's it. It's so versatile that you can you can create so much.
00:45 And we've got a lot of things with it.
00:47 You can't. We've we've got gin.
00:49 The world's first ever has got very gin made in Arasig by Steinhardt.
00:53 That's amazing.
00:55 I know it's not strictly food, but we even have bath salts.
00:58 These are going to be coming out over the next couple of weeks
01:01 and they'll be available in our new home base.
01:03 Don't eat it. Don't eat it.
01:05 There's also lip gloss, but which you may end up sort of eating,
01:07 you know, off your mouth.
01:08 But but, you know, not recommended as a as a meal replacement.
01:11 It's not so much. No, but I mean, there's there's really cool things.
01:14 And what makes this berry?
01:15 I mean, how would you describe the taste?
01:16 I tried to describe it, but it's a black currant, blueberry, blackberry.
01:22 So it is kind of like it's got a little bit of tartness to it,
01:24 but it's still got that sweetness.
01:26 Yeah, it's not overly tart, which is why I really like it.
01:29 So you're going to show us a few recipes, things we can do.
01:32 One sort of reminds me of breakfast because I think it's a parfait.
01:35 It is. Well, I was at home last night experimenting.
01:38 I thought, well, we could do parfait with yogurt.
01:39 Yeah, we could do parfait with ice cream.
01:41 Ice cream. And I thought, what the hell?
01:42 Let's do one with each.
01:44 So I know you.
01:46 I don't know. I'm going to put you in charge of sprinkling.
01:48 Oh, I must. OK, I can.
01:49 So there you go.
01:51 You're smart not to trust me with too much.
01:53 I'm going to do a spoonful of has got very jam in the bottom
01:58 of each parfait.
02:01 Now, I mean, I was thinking about this yesterday.
02:03 I thought, well, the yogurt one makes an excellent special breakfast.
02:07 But the ice cream one just makes an incredible, incredible dessert.
02:12 Or let's see if this is going to turn out.
02:14 Oh, boy. I mean, it is.
02:17 They are. They are absolutely delicious.
02:19 I'm afraid I'm going to use some spoon.
02:20 That's fine. Oh, I'll allow it.
02:22 It's nice and soft.
02:24 Boy, look at that.
02:25 It is. Oh, I see.
02:27 I'm I know it's I know it's early.
02:29 No, it's not.
02:29 But it's never too early.
02:31 It's never too early for ice cream.
02:33 Oh, my gosh. So is it time for me to sprinkle yet?
02:35 Oh, no. I'm going to put a little bit of jam on it.
02:37 You want to get the layers going there.
02:39 I'm not quite Matt Krizan.
02:41 I'm not quite mad at the bistro.
02:43 I am Coco the clown to his David Copperfield.
02:46 You're doing great. You're doing great.
02:48 No, so cooking is I would do cooking is not my forte.
02:51 I burn water, honestly.
02:53 But that's why these are so handy,
02:54 because it's already prepared for you in the jars.
02:57 Yes. Don't have to do anything.
02:59 Right. If you could sprinkle a little sprinkle.
03:01 I was a little granola. Yeah.
03:03 OK, so now we're running out of time.
03:04 OK, even a little bit on that.
03:06 And then I will chop. Yeah.
03:08 I will put another layer on top and then we'll be done.
03:10 OK, cool. One more.
03:12 This is one idea you can also do when you have some prepared here,
03:16 like serve it with cheeses and crackers.
03:18 You guys have a great like jalapeno.
03:20 How about a jalapeno hash cap?
03:21 It's just absolutely delicious.
03:23 You also did this really cool thing where it's like a dip.
03:26 Yes. What we have here as you.
03:28 Chris, yes.
03:29 What we have there is just cream cheese with jalapeno rice on top.
03:32 It's like the Mexican dip you can get in Sobeys.
03:35 Look at this. Jamie Oliver, eat your heart out.
03:37 I'm going to put another little bit on and then you can sprinkle a little more.
03:42 Oh, and then more sprinkle. Yeah.
03:44 And then we're going to make sure it's up.
03:47 Oh, we're going to oh, we're going to put surf on it.
03:50 Oh, yeah. Oh, so that is the hash cap maple syrup.
03:52 This is the hash cap maple syrup made in Tantan.
03:54 All these products.
03:55 I don't know how you guys come up with what to do next with hash cap.
03:58 Well, it's not us.
04:00 Honestly, it's people who come to us and say, you know what?
04:02 It'd be this would be really good with. Right.
04:04 So wow. Ice cream or yogurt?
04:06 Ice cream. I mean, for me, it's breakfast.
04:10 Oh, my gosh. Oh, boy.
04:12 It is. Oh, oh, my gosh.
04:14 That is so good. So good.
04:16 Very nice. Mm hmm. That's really nice.
04:18 You know, and very, very quick, as you can see.
04:20 And now that our mouths are full,
04:22 because people can detect that you have an accent, you know, how are you?
04:25 We're talking about the weather guy earlier who said the big Welsh name.
04:28 OK, you went to university in Wales. I did. Yes.
04:31 I'm going to give it a try.
04:33 OK, this is
04:35 Llanfairpwllhynigil go gogwyrin dobry llan Cicillio go go gogwyrin
04:41 which means something along the lines of
04:46 the little the village that is by the little church,
04:49 by the tree in the bottom of the hill.
04:52 That's amazing.
04:53 You're such a good sport. Oh, my gosh.
04:55 That's awesome. Thank you so much for coming in.
04:57 My pleasure. Appreciate it.
04:59 Watch for these house cat products in a store near you
05:02 or just head down to my home bay and go to the store.
05:04 Yeah, it's a lovely spot.
05:05 They're in Sobeys across Atlantic Canada.
05:07 Yeah. Tasty stuff. All right. We're back in two.
