• last year
Secondhand Hearts Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Ben is a photographer traveling in Japan. At the airport, he meets another American, Emily. When airline loses both of their luggage, they spend time traveling together and against their better judgement, fall quickly in love. Returning to the states, Ben visits his girlfriends' family for Thanksgiving, but little does he know, Emily is actually the older sister of Ben’s girlfriend, Jamie. They decide to keep it under wraps -- Emily has a boyfriend too. Eventually, Jamie finds photos of them in Japan together and uses her new knowledge to pressure Ben into marrying her sooner. Months later, Jamie is pregnant and they’ve reunited with her family -- Ben is clearly still in love with Emily. But when Emily’s boyfriend stuns everyone by proposing to her and she accepts, Ben is heartbroken. What does this mean for him? Ben is constantly haunted by what could have been. He confronts Emily after her reception and confesses that his feelings haven’t changed — he can’t be happy without her. Jamie overhears this and in a rash decision, projects their Japan pictures in front of the whole wedding reception. A fight ensues, but it’s short lived, Jamie’s water breaks and they rush her to the hospital. Facing a crossroads, Ben supports Jamie through the birth and finds that after seeing his newborn daughter, he’s ready to be the husband Jamie needs. But as the film ends, we see that Ben still keeps the memory of Emily and Japan close.
