• 2 years ago
Waleed, a 38-year-old Iraqi man, suffered from excruciating back pain that radiated to his left leg. Despite undergoing a spine operation in Iraq, he continued to experience discomfort, prompting him to seek further medical treatment at Metro Hospital in Faridabad, India. Dr. Vikram Dua, the Director and HOD of Neuro and Spine Surgery, diagnosed Waleed with serious disc problems at L4-L5 and L5-S1 and provided personalized care throughout his Slip Disc surgery. Thanks to our patient-centric approach and comprehensive support, the surgery was a resounding success, and Waleed has fully recovered with no back pain. He is now living a happy and healthy life.

Visit our website https://www.metrohospitals.com/ to know more about Metro Group of Hospitals and its facilities.

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