The Point Bande-annonce (EN)

  • l’année dernière
00:00 [Musique]
00:02 [Voix de l'écriture]
00:04 [Musique]
00:06 [Musique]
00:08 village where everything, the houses and the carts, the bridges and the barns, everything,
00:16 all had points on them. In fact, it was so full of points that even the people had points.
00:24 The people, right there on top of their heads. And it didn't seem strange at all because
00:37 that's the way life was in the village. That's the way it always had been. And for all anybody
00:44 knew, that's the way it always would be. As you might have already guessed, the main
00:51 activity of the village was making points. And needless to say, business was brisk and
00:58 the competition was competitive. This is the town and these are the people. This is the
01:15 town where the people all stay. This is the town and these are the people. That's the
01:24 way they wanted it. That's the way it's going to stay. And while the farmers kept the village's
01:35 bodies nourished with pointed crops, the artist colony in the community, as in all communities,
01:41 did their part to keep minds and souls filled with new points to view. This is the town
01:53 and these are the people. This is the town where the people all stay. That's the way
02:01 they wanted it. That's the way it's going to stay.
02:06 [Music]