Gremlins Secrets of the Mogwai Season 1 Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: In the animated television adaptation, we travel back to 1920s Shanghai to reveal the story of how 10-year-old Sam Wing (future shop owner Mr. Wing in the 1984 movie) met the young Mogwai called Gizmo. Along with a teenage street thief named Elle, Sam and Gizmo take a perilous journey through the Chinese countryside, encountering, and sometimes battling, colorful monsters and spirits from Chinese folklore. On their quest to return Gizmo to his family and uncover a legendary treasure, they are pursued by a power-hungry industrialist and his growing army of evil Gremlins.
starring James Hong, Ming-Na Wen, B.D. Wong, Izaac Wang, Matthew Rhys, Gabrielle Nevaeh Green, A.J. LoCascio
release date May 23, 2023 (on HBO MAX)
starring James Hong, Ming-Na Wen, B.D. Wong, Izaac Wang, Matthew Rhys, Gabrielle Nevaeh Green, A.J. LoCascio
release date May 23, 2023 (on HBO MAX)