Workout : Cable Pulldown - Câble déroulant

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Cable pulldown is a strength training exercise that primarily targets the back muscles, specifically the latissimus dorsi (lats), but also works the biceps, shoulders, and core muscles. It involves pulling a cable attachment down towards the chest while seated on a pulldown machine.

Here are the steps to perform a cable pulldown:

1. Adjust the weight on the pulldown machine to a manageable resistance level.
2. Attach a wide grip bar or rope to the pulldown machine.
3. Sit on the machine with your feet flat on the ground and your knees positioned underneath the knee pads.
4. Reach up and grasp the bar or rope with your palms facing away from you and your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
5. Keep your back straight and your chest up, and engage your core muscles.
6. Pull the bar or rope down towards your chest in a controlled manner, keeping your elbows close to your body and your shoulders down.
7. Pause briefly when the bar or rope is at chest level, then slowly release it back up to the starting position with your arms fully extended.
8. Repeat for your desired number of reps.
It's important to maintain proper form throughout the exercise, including avoiding swinging or jerking movements and keeping your wrists straight. It's also important to use a weight that is appropriate for your strength level and to warm up properly before starting the exercise.
Sure, here are some additional details about cable pulldowns:

- Variations: Cable pulldowns can be done with a wide grip bar, a close grip bar, or a rope attachment. Changing the grip can target different areas of the back muscles.
- Muscles worked: The primary muscle worked is the latissimus dorsi (lats), which are the largest muscles in the back. The exercise also works the biceps, shoulders, and core muscles to a lesser extent.
- Benefits: Cable pulldowns are a great exercise for building upper body strength and improving posture. Strengthening the lats can also help with everyday activities that involve pulling or lifting, such as carrying groceries or lifting a child.
- Common mistakes: One common mistake is using too much weight and relying on momentum to pull the bar down. This can lead to improper form and increase the risk of injury. It's also important to avoid leaning back or arching the back during the exercise, as this can shift the focus away from the back muscles.
- Modifications: Cable pulldowns can be modified for individuals with mobility or strength limitations. For example, a resistance band can be used instead of a cable machine, or the exercise can be done with a seated row machine instead of a pulldown machine.
- Warm-up: It's important to warm up before starting cable pulldowns. This can include light cardio, dynamic stretching, and mobility exercises for the shoulders and back muscles. A proper warm-up can help prevent injury and improve performance d