Beef kabab ki recipe _کچے قیمے کے شاندار کباب _How to make Kachey keemey k kabab(720P_HD)

  • last year
Chicken and Vegetables Spaghetti|| How to make Spicy Chaowmin | Chicken Chaowmin Recipe
1 pkt spaghetti
1/2 kg chicken boneless
2 tablespoons chicken Tikka masala
1 tablespoon ginger, garlic paste
1 cup cauliflower ( Julian cut)
1/2 cum green capsicum(Julian cut)
1/2 cup carrots (Julian cut)
4 midium size tomatoes ( chopped)
1 tablespoon chilli sauce
1 tablespoon soya sauce
salt for taste
first step..
take a plate and add chicken,Tikka masala, ginger, garlic paste mix them and 1 hour marinade
step 2...
on a pan add 3 litters water and flame on ..after boiling water add spaghetti,salt,and 1 teaspoon oil and untill Cooke 5 minutes...after 5 minutes ago spaghetti 80% cooked and drained water and add 1 teaspoon oil and take them..
step 3....
Take a wok and add 3 spoons of oil in it. _When the oil gets hot, cook the chicken in it till it gets cooked.
_When the chicken is cooked, remove it. _Now add oil in the same pot and fry all the vegetables.
_ Cook the tomato till soft. Now let's start the spaghetti recipe.
_ First put fried vegetables in a pot and add soy sauce, chili sauce and mix it
_and now add tomato, chicken and spaghetti and fry all the ingredients on low flame and cover for 5 minutes.
_Our Spicy Chicken Spaghetti is ready. _Serve and enjoy
