• last year
00:08What is the background of the boy beside Ji Yaoguang
00:11I think I saw him yesterday too
00:14I don't know. I haven't seen him before.
00:17Let's go and find out who is he
00:20My name is Song Hao
00:21I'm a friend of Yao Guang's
00:22What's your name, brother?
00:25Lin Fei, Yoguang's bodyguard
00:30Song Shao
00:31I thought this guy was capable of something
00:34So, it's just a crappy bodyguard.
00:39So he is just a bully under the protection of a powerful person
00:41That's disgusting.
00:43Can you do bow technique?
00:44How about playing it?
00:46A little bit
00:47Just for fun, no problem.
00:49He's just kidding. Don't give him a hard time, Mr. Song.
00:54Song Hao's bow skills are segmented
00:56You are no match for him
00:57They're trying to make a fool of you.
00:59But I do know a lot
01:01Back in the day
01:02I can also hit the three-legged golden crow in one shot
01:07Three what emperor
01:09Is it a game?
01:11Well, how about a 300 -meter shot?
01:14Three hundred meters.
01:16Song Shao is so good
01:18Song Shao has practiced for more than ten years
01:20The shot is accurate and far
01:23You shoot 300 meters
01:25Then I'll shoot 500 meters.
01:27Five hundred meters
01:28This kid is crazy.
01:31Bow and arrow world record
01:32It's only 360 meters.
01:36You don't know how to shoot a bow, but you're still crazy.
01:38Anxious to be embarrassed
01:40Then I'll satisfy you
01:43Come on, Song!
01:45I want to marry to you
01:51Seven rings , five rings, six rings.
01:54Total nineteen rings
01:56Three shots in a row, and still so accurate.
02:00It's Song Shao
02:01Bodyguard, it's your turn to perform 500 meters.
02:05You got 19 rings in three arrows.
02:07I only need
02:09Two arrows are enough
02:12What kind of nonsense is that guy talking?
02:15just a blindly confident man
02:20Ten rings
02:22Still ten rings
02:26This can't be. Am I having dim eyesight?
02:29He's cheating, isn't he?
02:31What kind of operation is this?
02:34't believe this kid is so good.
02:37Song Shao
02:39It seems that you need to practice your bow skills for a few more years.
02:43Have you played enough?
02:45Let's go to lunch.
02:49[ __ ]
02:50This kid is too aggressive.
02:52Song Shao
02:53I 'll get someone to teach him a lesson right away
02:56That's not necessary.
02:58Without the support of my Song family
03:00The Ji family is nothing
03:02In time
03:03See how I play Ji Yaoguang the little [ __ ]
03:23Is this really a person?
03:24If this is not a special effect
03:26I ate the phone
03:28Identification complete
03:29No sign of editing
03:32I'm so low key
03:34How come I'm still somehow on fire?
03:38Yao Guang
03:39What's making you unhappy?
03:43Song Hao doesn't answer his phone and doesn't 't return messages.
03:45He just lost face.
03:47He's not going to let it go.
03:49I'm worried that it will affect the cooperation between the two families.
03:52Do you need my help?
03:54No need
03:55You don't understand this part of business either
03:56I'll just figure it out myself
04:02I'm back.
04:09The tricky target of the Black Rose's big sister's offer of two million yuan
04:13I'll have to look into it.
04:22Today you and I will visit the Song family
04:24Talk about the next chip supply issue
04:29Do you want me to come with you?
04:32These business things
04:33I won't bother you, Lin.
04:37The Song family offered me you to marry Song Hao before
04:41I know
04:43I never thought the Song family would be so shameless
04:47Don't worry
04:48Dad won't use your happiness as a bargaining chip
04:50To make a partnership work
04:52I'm willing to concede another billion
04:54One billion
04:56Wouldn't that empty out the whole group?
05:01Now we're at odds with the Song family.
05:04If we don't take the initiative to go soft
05:06The Ji family will collapse
05:09But if we concede a billion
05:11The Song family is still not satisfied
05:14Then we'll have to leave it to fate
05:20Chong Wei
05:21What brings you here?
05:25Old Song
05:26I'm still here today for the chip.
05:31Now the son is in charge
05:33It's a thing
05:34You still have to talk to him.
05:37Uncle Ji
05:38Now the chip market is on fire
05:40Raw materials are getting more Expensive every day
05:42I'm afraid you'll have to add another two billion for that lot.
05:46What? Two billion?
05:52Previously, Yaoguang was much offended
05:53I'll make it up to you today
05:55You take a step back
05:56One billion. that okay?
06:00I've always had a heart for Yao Guang
06:03How about this
06:04A marriage between us
06:05I'll give you the same price
06:07as a bride price. What do you think
06:10Nephew, let's talk business.
06:12I will not use my daughter as a bargaining chip.
06:15Well, in that case
06:16Please go back
06:18Two billion
06:19Any point less is free
06:23Yao Guang
06:24Let's go
06:25Wait a minute.
06:27When did you change your mind?
06:30Come to me
06:32Remember to come at night!
06:37When did you change your mind
06:39Come to me
06:41Remember to come at night!
06:51Early stage of body refining
06:53No wonder they were chased by a group of assassins and fled in a hurry.
06:57You stand still.
07:00This is the supreme cultivation technique of the Ten Witch lineage of your Spirit Mountain
07:03Spirit Mountain Immortal Technique
07:05Now I pass it on to you
07:06I hope you can protect Yaoguang
07:09I also transferred a little of your aura
07:11Run your own gongfu to digest it
07:15Although there is only a trace of aura
07:17But I want to absorb it completely
07:18It takes at least two hours.
07:25I'm still in the body refining stage
07:26I can't believe that the fist wind has taken shape
07:33This woman is the Ji family's bodyguard
07:36Can destroy two sets of killers
07:38It's really awesome!
07:40The man just now is a white man who eats dry food
07:44Not enough to be afraid of
07:45Trying to move Ji Yaoguang
07:47Still have to deal with this woman first
07:51It's easy to scare the snake
07:53Why don't we find someone to test her strength?
08:02It's a nightmare.
08:04Sister Rose
08:05Let your little lover boy white war out
08:08How about challenging that woman named Wu Mo Ling?
08:11What's going on?
08:13You can't handle it.
08:14Hey, hey, hey.
08:15Be careful what you do
08:20A character who can make a nightmare so Cautious
08:23I'd like to see that.
08:31Yao Guang
08:32You're back
08:37What's going on?
08:38The Song family is bullying you.
08:41It's okay.
08:42I'm just a little tired.
08:44I'm going to take a break.
08:46Uncle Ji , what's going on?
08:50It's my fault for being useless.
08:51I made Yaoguang suffer
08:55Here's what happened
08:58The kind of chips you need
08:59Is all monopolized by the Song family?
09:02The Yao family, the richest family in Southwest China, can produce more advanced
09:05Unfortunately, that's their core technology
09:06Not for sale to the public
09:08Yao Family
09:11Cultivation of immortality does not work
09:13but do well in the human world.
09:16Could it be that
09:17Little brother
09:18You know the Yao family.
09:22I do have some friends
09:23I'll take care of that.
09:30Who is it, please?
09:32Lin Tianzun
09:33I need you to do me a favor.
09:36Majesty, do as you wish.
09:37I'll die for you
09:39Not so exaggerated
09:41I need you to sell a bunch of chips to the Ji family
09:45No problem.
09:46As many as you want. It
09:47's an honor to work for Majesty
09:52I, Lin Fei remember this favor
09:55The Yao family has agreed
09:56The chip is not the problem Thanks
09:58a lot, my friend.
10:00Ji's group is saved
10:02A phone call
10:04The Yao family would be willing to sell confidential chips
10:06Without even talking about price at all
10:08Such a character
10:10Yao Guang
10:11Be sure to cherish it
10:15Ji Yaoguang
10:16Open the door for me
10:18Meng Zhe
10:19What are you doing here?
10:22In a few days
10:23Birthday party of the president of the Qing family, Qing Lixue
10:25Mr. Song wants you to be his date
10:27Here's the invitation
10:29Please leave immediately
10:30I'm not going to be his date.
10:35Miss Ji should think carefully.
10:37The future of your group
10:39But it's still in the hands of Mr. Song
10:44Now if completely rip open the face with Song Hao
10:47there would be no room for redemption.
10:51I'll take the invitation.
10:52As for the female companion
10:53Let him find someone else.
10:57I'm sorry.
10:59Slip of the hand
11:02This bodyguard
11:03Could you please pick it up?
11:07I'll do it.
11:08No need
11:09Hey, I'll give you a chance.
11:12Pick it up.
11:17I have a backache today
11:19Hey, I can' t bend it!
11:21And I'm telling you
11:24The Ji family will be finished soon.
11:30can't bend down
11:31I can help you
11:34Bastard! How dare you hit me!
11:36Are you looking for death?
11:39To pick up or not to pick up
11:43I 'll pick it up. I'll pick it up.
11:44Don't... don't fight.
11:49This is Miss Ji's invitation.
11:51Please, please take it.
11:56Qing Fen wants to see Immortal Master Lin
11:59Come in .
12:01The elixir was found so quickly
12:04Not yet
12:05I'm here this time, actually.
12:07I would like to ask you to be my guest
12:08To attend my daughter's birthday party
12:11I wonder if you're free.
12:14Put it down.
12:15I'll be there.
12:17Thank you for your time
12:19Sit down and play with me for a moment
12:22Please don't tease me, Master Immortal.
12:25Your board of 72 paths
12:27I can't learn with this talent for the rest of my life.
12:30I'm not gifted either
12:32I've just been alive too long.
12:34Drill a little
12:35Just to pass the time
12:53Call Wumoling out to compete with me,Baizhan.
12:57Are you from the Bai family?
12:59Did you know that Yaoguang was unconscious the other day?
13:04don't know.
13:06I came to fight with Wumoling today.
13:09Unfortunately, she has gone out.
13:13Give this to her
13:21Bold guy
13:23Before me, Baizhan, you can stand still.
13:28Who are you?
13:30A bodyguard
13:33Waste my time
13:35I thought you were a great person.
13:40In those days, Chiyou couldn't be so aggressive in front of me.
13:43Nowadays, young people
13:52It' s really tiring to go to work
13:55Come in and have a rest.
13:58A present for you.
14:03Host's gift
14:05Is it the secret formula of fairy method?
14:07This is
14:10the gauntlet that Baizhan gave me
14:16It's the madman in the Bai family who practices martial arts
14:20I don't think I have sinned against him
14:22Why did he suddenly challenge me?
14:26Don't worry
14:29This Baizhan
14:31Is he strong?
14:32I don't know
14:34But he is really powerful
14:36It is said that he practiced martial arts at the age of seven.
14:38twelve, he can beat his coach.
14:41At the age of eighteen
14:42It's hard to meet his opponent in Jiangcheng
14:45Now it seems to be in the late stage of uniting the body
14:49Just a man obsessed with martial arts
14:51Don't be afraid
14:53He began to brag again
14:56How can we ordinary people compare with monsters like you?
15:02I think you should just refuse him.
15:08You can fight
15:10Baizhan is not your opponent
15:13But I just broke through the middle stage of uniting the body
15:16Do you think
15:17I will be wrong?
15:19Moling dare not
15:20This competition will never let you down.
15:24Group announcement
15:25Two days later, Wumoling VS Baizhan
15:27Battle against the top of Greentown Mountain
15:30Who is Wumoling?
15:32Maybe a master
15:35If the Baizhan draws Wumoling away
15:38Killing Jiyaoguang is easy
15:44I haven ' t felt so excited for a long time.
15:49Hope you don't let me down
15:58What do you think is the odds of Moling winning
16:00Sixty percent
16:02Only sixty percent
16:03Can't it be higher?
16:06It's all right, miss
16:07My realm is not as good as Baizhan
16:09This winning percentage is already high.
16:11I'm sorry
16:12I don't know martial arts
16:13Really can't help you
16:16Moling, come here
16:18Let me teach you a trick
16:20It was created by Zhenwu the Great
16:22With your current skill
16:24Just use this trick
16:25I'm sure you can beat Baizhan
16:31But not as a last resort
16:33Better not use it
16:34Your realm is not high
16:35If you can't control your strength
16:37Maybe beat him to death.
16:40What are these two doing?
16:42Why can't I understand it at all?
16:45I have something to go out for
16:47You should prepare well
16:48Ok Hello
16:55I want to buy a car.
16:57Dressed so ordinary
16:59Must not have much money
17:01Just recommend a cheap one
17:05This car is economic
17:07What do you think?
17:08Not good
17:10Oh no
17:11Can't you afford a 50 thousand car
17:15Then I'll show you something else
17:18This is a used car that has just arrived in our shop.
17:20Although a little old.
17:21It is also enough as a means of transportation
17:22Only 30 thousand
17:24Are you not clear about the situation?
17:29There is nothing cheaper in our shop
17:31Please leave if you have no money
17:32Don't get in the way here
17:35No money
17:36Show me the most expensive one in your shop.
17:39You' re not sick, are you?
17:41And look at the most expensive
17:42Can you afford it after seeing it?
17:45Who taught you to talk to guests like this?
17:48This guy is obviously a poor man
17:50Must see the best car
17:51I think he made trouble on purpose
17:53Hello sir
17:55The most expensive in our shop at present
17:56It's this global limited edition supercar
17:58The price is
17:59Buy it. I don't want to hear the price
18:03Are you sure?
18:06Are you addicted to pretending
18:08Do you know how much this car costs?
18:1025 million
18:12So what?
18:1325 million
18:15too expensive?
18:16payment successful
18:19When can I take the car away?
18:22We'll work overtime for you.
18:24Tomorrow noon will be fine
18:25You are now a VVVIP customer of our shop
18:28Please leave an address.
18:30I'll deliver the car to you myself.
18:35Take your time, sir
18:38This guy can actually buy it
18:41Oh, no. My 1 million commission
18:49Take your time, sir
18:52This guy can really afford
18:56My 1 million commission
19:01Miss goes to the banquet of Qing family.
19:03Has gone out
19:05I'll go
19:12I wonder if Yaoguang has arrived yet.
19:15Enemies often cross paths
19:17Why can I meet that annoying bodyguard here?
19:23That's the annoying guy
19:26Where's the security guard
19:27Here is a thief
19:31It's You again
19:34Isn't this Linfei?
19:39Qing fami
19:40is not a place where a lowlife like you can come.
19:45You must want to sneak into the party.
19:46Steal something.
19:50So you're still
19:51Didn't learn yesterday's lesson
19:55We all saw just now
19:56You're sneaking around over there
19:58Isn't it?
19:59Mr. Han
20:02You want to die, don't pull me
20:05Who is so daring?
20:07Dare to steal from my Qing family?
20:10Boss Qing, you're just in time.
20:11That's the guy
20:12Jiyaoguang's bodyguard
20:14I think
20:15He is a hooligan .
20:17If I hadn't discover in time
20:19He must have run away after stealing
20:22Mr. Lin
20:23Qing didn't welcome you in time.
20:24Please forgive me.
20:28Chairman of the Qing Group, the first in Jiangcheng.
20:30Bowing to that guy
20:33The man who maliciously slandered you
20:35How to deal with
20:37Do whatever you want
20:40Our family's business depends entirely on the orders of Qing Group.
20:43If I make Qingfen angry today
20:45It would be over.
20:48Mr. Lin, I'm sorry
20:50I offended you as blind as a bat
20:51Please forgive me
20:53Out of my sight
20:57Ok ok
20:58I'll get out
21:02If you look down on my guests
21:05Business between Meng Family and Qing Group
21:08I think it's over.
21:10See the guest off
21:12Boss Qing, I was wrong .
21:14Please give me a chance.
21:17Boss Qing
21:18Go away
21:21What is the background of Linfei?
21:23Even people like Qingfen bowed to him
21:28Thank you for your busy schedules
21:29Come to my birthday party.
21:31I hope everyone has a good time.
21:35Why is he here ?
21:37Is he afraid that I will be bullied by Songhao
21:40Yaoguang, where did you get this pendant?
21:42Ugly and weird
21:45It seems to be called
21:47Enchantment symbol
21:50Could it be that trickster named Linfei?
21:56me that
21:58That sounds quite new.
22:00What's the problem
22:01Am I wrong?
22:03Lixue, you misunderstood.
22:05Linfei is not that kind of person
22:07Happy birthday to you.
22:09Thank you, brother Hao
22:12It's a global limited edition diamond bracelet.
22:14A few hundred thousand
22:16Be worthy of the name is Mr.Song
22:18You're so generous.
22:21It's great that you are here
22:22Can I talk to you alone?
22:24Sorry I can't.
22:28Isn't this Mr. Lin?
22:30What a competent bodyguard.
22:33I can see you everywhere.
22:35Brother Hao
22:36Do you know this trickster, too
22:40Just this Linfei
22:41Coax Yaoguang with enchantment symbol
22:43And fooled my dad around
22:45Said he is a fairy master
22:50It turned out to be fairy master Lin
22:52Excuse me for my lack of Manners
22:54It turns out that Qingfen was fooled by this guy.
22:58Well, since you're a fairy master
23:00I guess the gift for Lixue
23:02is also unusual, isn't it
23:04Why not take it out?
23:06Let us ordinary people have a look.
23:09Why Are you still engaged in feudal superstition?
23:12That's true
23:14I'll let you today
23:16Lose face
23:19You are not qualified.
23:22How dare you talk to Brother Hao like that?
23:24Lixue, is Songhao provocation first.
23:26How can you blame Linfei?
23:28Don' t you see
23:30This guy is a charlatan
23:34You are going to marry me.
23:36Why do you still speak for him?
23:38So the rumor that the two families are going to marry is true.
23:41Jichongwei for the company
23:42arrange his daughter's marriage
23:44Keep your voice down
23:45Don't let others hear you.
23:47When did I say I wanted to marry you?
23:49You'd better think it over before you speak
23:53You and I love each other.
23:55Just announce the happy event in advance
23:57What's wrong?
24:04Scold if you want.
24:07You are destined to be mine.
24:10Go away
24:12Oh I
24:14know this scene well.
24:18Don't you dare hit me
24:20I'm just teaching a barking dog a lesson.
24:22Why not?
24:23Security guard
24:24Get him out of here
24:25Yes , miss
24:29A good party
24:30It's all messed up by this bastard Linfei.
24:32You must teach him a lesson for me.
24:33Shut up
24:38You hit me in front of so many guests.
24:41Today is my birthday.
24:50Uncle Qing
24:51Today's incident
24:52You have to uphold justice for me.
24:54You provoked my guest.
24:56And talk absurdities
24:57Ruin the reputation of fairy master Lin's sweetheart
25:00How dare you ask me for justice
25:06Mr Qing
25:07What happened today
25:08You must do me justice
25:10You provoke my distinguished guests
25:12Blab some Rputuitable word
25:13of Lin Immortal Master's sweetheart
25:16Dare to ask me justice
25:19Oh sweetheart
25:21he really likes me?
25:24Song Hao
25:25If you are not convinced
25:27Ask your father come here and talk to me
25:30Mr Qing
25:31You, for a Lin Fei
25:33against my Song family
25:35Lin Immortal Master has great favors to my Qing family
25:38I'm say some words today
25:39Who against him
25:41just my enemy
25:43Is Qing Fen crazy?
25:46For a liar oppose the Song family
25:49Qingfen just like his old ancestor Qing Yuntian
25:51is a man of great affection
25:54My god
25:55What a great man of this Lin Fei
25:58First is the President Jiang
25:59Now even the Qing family is so respectful to him
26:02All right
26:03Qing Fen
26:04You just see that
26:05Have a day you will regret
26:11Now, you come to the Qing family
26:12Help me give a lesson to someone
26:15Immortal Master
26:16My daughter done bad things to you today
26:18please forgive her
26:19It doesn't matter
26:20I didn't take it seriously
26:22I heard about the Song family and the Ji family
26:25What can I do for you?
26:26If you ask
26:27The Qing family will not evade
26:30I've arranged all
26:31You don't have bother it
26:33Is there anything else
26:34Immortal Master
26:36My family has been in business since I started
26:38It has been only a several generations practiced ancient martial arts
26:42At present, the Bai family has another idea
26:44As for the other families
26:45There are masters like Bai Zhan
26:49My son Ming Yu has been attacked
26:52If the Bai family strikes again
26:54My family afraid to
26:56Don`t worry
26:57I will make sure your family`s safety
26:59This is the enchantment
27:01You can take it with you
27:02against the external attacks
27:04Thank you, Immortal Master
27:18It is over
27:20Li Xue is still in low emotion
27:22Mr Qing, here everything is rely on you, please
27:23Let's go back first
27:26By the way
27:27Why does Mr Qing respect you so much?
27:31and I were old friend
27:33I just give a little help
27:38Ji Yaoguang
27:40I give you another chance
27:42Song Hao
27:44Get in the car and follow me
27:46If not
27:47All at your peril
27:49I also give you a chance too
27:52Get out of the way
27:54And I want to ask you
27:55why are you many times
27:56against my brother?
27:58It's just not pleasing to my eyes
28:02I come from Ling Xiao
28:03Tao Qian's the first student
28:05Tao Yingwu
28:09Tao Qian
28:12Are you afraid?
28:14What a stinky person
28:17you are looking for your next life
28:18How dare to insult my master
28:20Fighting starts
28:21Begin fight
28:22Move out of the way
28:23You're blocking my lens
28:25Stop, brother
28:27There are too many people here
28:28Don't make a bigger trouble
28:31Ji Yaoguang
28:33If you don't obey me today
28:35Get the goods from me , no way
28:37It's just a batch of old chips
28:40Would you think just depended on it
28:42You can master the Ji family
28:44He is crazy?
28:46He actually looked down on the Song family's chips
28:48Yao Guang
28:50Don't blame me not reminding you somethings
28:53Those shareholders and executives of your company
28:55they are all waiting for my chip to save their lives
28:59[ __ ]
29:01My company does not have that people
29:04President Ji
29:05Cooperation with the Song family is beneficial and harmless
29:09For the future of company
29:10Tonight, you are need with Song Shao
29:12To have a nice communication
29:15Liu Cheng
29:16These years, my family treated you very well
29:18How dare you
29:20It's means
29:22A wise man submits to fate.
29:24Even if your Ji family wants to over
29:28Wants to buried with you, ok
29:32General Manager Han
29:34That's right?
29:37Excuse me
29:38I forgot lock the door when I went out in the morning
29:40I have to go home and take a look
29:42Lin Fei isn't easily master by you
29:44Song Hao, You are digging your own grave
29:47Han Enci, what are you want to do?
29:51It seems that everything is not as you expected
29:53Song Shao
29:55Don't treasure your own junk
29:58Find an alternative
30:00It's not hard
30:03Oh You can say what's your ideas
30:05Where to find alternative products?
30:08Yao family
30:10As expected, it's lag behind the trend.
30:12Everyone all know
30:14The Yao family's chips never sold to the outside
30:17It is useless even if you come to and kowtow
30:20Liu Cheng
30:21Believe it or not, I'll suspend you tomorrow
30:25Don't be afraid
30:26When I become the master of the Ji family
30:28Get you reinstated and higher salary
30:31Thank you so much Song Shao
30:34How's that
30:35Ji Yaoguang
30:38Liu Cheng, one person
30:39It can't destroy our company
30:42Oh, we will
30:44See that.