Warriors - Green : ''Ils ont commencé à parler''

  • l’année dernière
Draymond Green des Golden State Warriors, a déclaré qu'il avait utilisé les mots des joueurs des New Orleans Pelicans comme carburant pour remonter 20 points.

Les Warriors ont remporté le match 120-109, principalement grâce à Green qui a donné de l'énergie à ses coéquipiers en deuxième mi-temps.

Green a expliqué qu'il avait eu l'impression que la première mi-temps avait été plate et qu'il ne voulait pas revivre le même scénario que lors du dernier match contre Minnesota.


00:00 (Bruits de pas)
00:02 - Hold on.
00:03 Ok, go ahead.
00:04 (Bruits de pas)
00:09 - Daddy.
00:10 - Hmm?
00:11 - Daddy, you're green.
00:12 - Hmm.
00:13 (Rires)
00:16 - Daddy.
00:17 - Excuse me.
00:18 - Are you going into that second quarter sequence,
00:21 like, hey, I need to light our own team up, basically,
00:25 saying that to yourself,
00:26 or is it just because what happened with the Pelicans,
00:29 that's just what happened?
00:30 - I knew we needed a boost.
00:33 We were just kind of flat, no energy,
00:36 kind of letting those guys get wherever they wanted to go.
00:39 See?
00:41 Letting those guys get wherever they wanted to go.
00:43 Hold on, baby.
00:44 And so I just wanted to get us fired up,
00:48 and once the foul happened, they started talking.
00:51 Like, it's a hard foul, but it's not dirty.
00:55 He didn't jump or anything.
00:56 I caught him on the floor, I hit him with a shoulder.
00:58 So once they started talking, then they gave me an in
01:02 to kind of get us fired up, and I used that, and we got going.
01:06 - Did CJ say anything in particular?
01:08 - Yeah, he started talking about the foul,
01:11 but I got a lot of respect for CJ.
01:13 He's a guy who's been good in this league a long time,
01:15 but, you know, that's my type of situation.
01:21 I enjoy that, so I appreciate him.
01:24 It's good.
