"The Dave Emmons Show with Karen Holton."

  • last year

Today on the "Dave Emmons Show" (recorded 3-28-23), my guest is Karen Holton. Karen will tell us about "Spiritual healing and the "Paranormal Life" she has lived starting at three years of age. In addition, Karen tells us about her encounter with an Angel in 1995 that saved her from cancer. She discussed her extraterrestrial encounters since 2012 and explained what they told her. Karen tells us about the nefarious global agenda and why people spiritually suffer. She created the "Quantum Health Transformation Program" to help people live a spiritual life, eat healthily, and pray for their health cures to limit medical drugs. Karen tells us that she gets these ideas from spiritual downloads that she feels come from her guardian angels. Karen speaks of changing reality, timelines, manifestations, and time travel. Karen Host, "The Quantum Guides Show, which is a weekly Podcast. Karen studied sociology in college and has been a lifestyle coach for thirty years. You can find her information at www.karenholtonhealthcoach.com or www.youtube.com/@karenHoltonTV


