White House Says Israel Likely To Abandon Planned Overhaul of Judicial System

  • last year
White House Says Israel, Likely To Abandon Planned , Overhaul of Judicial System.
NBC reports that the Biden administration believes that
Israel's government will likely abandon its plan to overhaul
the judicial system amid widespread protests and strikes.
NBC reports that the Biden administration believes that
Israel's government will likely abandon its plan to overhaul
the judicial system amid widespread protests and strikes.
On March 27, Netanyahu
announced that a vote on the proposed
changes would be postponed. .
While the postponement
brought an end to strikes,
the protests have continued. .
Critics warn that the plan would not only
weaken the power of the judicial system, it would
remove a crucial check on executive power. .
The plan would have allowed a majority of the Knesset
to overturn Supreme Court rulings, which would have
effectively eliminated the power of the judicial branch.
John Kirby, a White House National Security Council
spokesman, said that Biden has urged Netanyahu to , “design a way forward that was based on compromise
and that could result in that sort of consensus support.”.
But he was very clear, and it really
does come from a position of respect
and friendship for Israel and
everything that Israel stands for, John Kirby, White House National Security
Council spokesman, via NBC.
NBC reports that the controversy
in Israel comes as democracies and
autocracies are clashing over primacy.
This ongoing battle means that the Biden administration
cannot afford to allow a U.S. ally to abandon the checks
and balances that serve as a foundation for democracy.
This ongoing battle means that the Biden administration
cannot afford to allow a U.S. ally to abandon the checks
and balances that serve as a foundation for democracy.
NBC reports that some officials in both the U.S. and Israel
have accused Biden of failing to issue a straight forward
condemnation of the planned judicial overhaul.


