2023 Repeating History

  • last year
March 23, 2023

This was the first song I recorded following a grueling two-year life change from living with B to living with M to living alone again… for the first time in many decades. My tools and equipment are all now in place in the basement, my studio is here in the house, and most of the big projects in my life at this time are pretty much done (rental home livable, porch, yard, carport, family museum, chicken pen, etcetera) all done.

So out of the blue comes this “protest song” about everything that has been pissing me off over the last few years. Songs have a strange way of “creating themselves” and this one was no different. No sooner had I played a few chords than I suddenly had a lyric for the chorus. It was all downhill after that, though I had to do considerable work making sure I was not politically hyperventilating in the process. And I probably still did do a bit of that. But I was mad. And I still am.

Our country is in deep shit, and it’s all because we have lost our way as a nation. We have lost our identity as a people. We are becoming a one world blob of personalities. No pride of heritage, in fact, heritage is disdained. Patriotism is frowned upon. No pride of history; let’s tear down our statues. Let’s let everyone pour in without limits. Let’s censor anyone who gets in the way via secret agreements with social networks and even secret police. The FBI has already lost all credibility, as has the IRS and other such institutions. They are all “wings” of the Left at this point. What’s next? Socialism? Screw that.

So here is this song out of nowhere. First protest song of my life. Take it or leave it. I can defend every single panel in the video, but I’d rather not go there with you, if that’s you. It will wear us both out and neither of us will concede in the end.

Here’s a great question: Do you like the actual music? Does it groove with your soul? Pretend you didn’t speak English. Are the sounds fun to listen to? I think your answer would be “yes”… So let’s start there.

Hit go and just pretend nothing matters… because it doesn’t.

Thanks for listening.

Song and video entirely by MFD