• 2 years ago
In 7 Days, 7 Looks, the “Creed III” and “Marvel” star shares what she wears in a week. Creed III is in theaters now.
Director: Nina Ljeti
Director of Photography: Ava Rikki
Editor: Michael Suyeda
Producer: Qieara Lesesne
Associate Director, Creative Development, Vogue: Alexandra Gurvitch
Market Editor: Madeline Fass
Associate Producer: Natalie Harris
Production Assistants: Lea Donenberg, Anna Barger
AC: Paola Oliveros
Camera Operator: Alice Plati
Gaffer: Adam Reichardt
Audio: Nicole Maupin
Set Designer: Elysia Belilove
Set Design Assistant: Juliana Bergen
Hair Stylist: Lacy Redway
Makeup Artist: Alex Babsky
Wardrobe Stylists: Wayman Bannerman + Micah McDonald
Wardrobe Assistants: Ynes Trabelsi, Amontae Arnold
Production Coordinator: Ava Kashar
Production Manager: Kit Fogarty
Line Producer: Romeeka Powell
Senior Director, Production Management: Jessica Schier
Assistant Editor: Billy Ward
Post Production Coordinator: Jovan James
Supervising Editor: Kameron Key
Post Production Supervisor: Edward Taylor
Talent Booker: Phoebe Feinberg
Director of Content, Production, Vogue: Rahel Gebreyes
Senior Director, Programming, Vogue: Linda Gittleson
Executive Producer: Ruhiya Nuruddin
VP, Digital Video English, Vogue: Thespena Guatieri


