Skit: Conversation at the Shithole - Alex Dionisio

  • last year
Georgeanne: Hello. Did you put out all that new lipstick? I know there’s a lot

Rushten: It took long enough. Who’s gonna buy all that? (*awkward laugh*)

Georgeanne: Well, they gave it to us on consignment so we only pay for what moves

Rushten: Yeah, but still. I spent a long time putting it out. And then what? It’s all for nothing? I don’t know!

Georgeanne: We’ll see. Hey, Sally

Sally: (*laugh*) Hey, Georgeanne. (*laugh*) Did you see Jenerica yet?

Georgeanne: No

Sally: ‘cause she was saying something about this insistent customer yesterday she was helping and she had all these boxes to move

Georgeanne: I’ll talk to her

Añala: Morning. Georgeanne, I’m gonna send those invoices in just a sec. I saw your email. Hi, Rushten

Georgeanne: Jen, what happened yesterday?

Jenerica: Oh! There was this lady and her daughter asking specifically where everything they needed was and they had like twenty things on their list

Georgeanne: Sh—

Jenerica: And I was already in the middle of moving all these big boxes out of inventory. It was just really stressful is all

Georgeanne: Yeah?

Jenerica: Yeah!

Rushten: Well, see, I don’t see why we have to put all this stuff out when half of it doesn’t even sell. It’s ridiculous

Jenerica: Yeah, he’s got a point, especially when we have other stuff to do like answer questions and checkout

Georgeanne: I know. I know

Añala: Hey, Jen! Remember to check the service account for how many boxes to present. You put out five, and it’s supposed to be six

Jenerica: Oh. All they said was five so…

Añala: It’s six. So just check the account’s list in the computer next time

Georgeanne: Let me get the last one, take matters into my own hands, my man hands!

Rushten: George’s got it

Georgeanne: Rushten, go do checkout

Rushten: Fine

