• last year
Waco The Aftermath trailer - mini-series- Plot Synopsis: Marking the 30th anniversary of the beginning of the infamous 51-day standoff at Mt. Carmel in Waco, Texas, WACO: THE AFTERMATH focuses on the fallout of the Waco disaster: the trials of the surviving members of the Branch Davidian sect and the rise of homegrown terrorist, Timothy McVeigh. The five-episode limited series also provides a broader context for the escalation of the American militia movement, which foreshadows the infamous attacks of the Oklahoma City bombing and the storming of the U.S. Capitol on January 6.

directed by Drew Dowdle and John Erick Dowdle

starring Michael Shannon, John Leguizamo, Abbey Lee, Giovanni Ribisi, Shea Whigham, David Costabile, J. Smith Cameron, John Hoogenakker, Keean Johnson, Annika Marks, Michael Vincent Berry, Alex Breaux, Michael Cassidy, Gary Cole, Nicholas Kolev, Michael Luwoye, Kieran Mulcare, Kali Rocha, Sasheer Zamata

release date April 14, 2023 (on Showtime)

