Year (Jahr): 2023
Release Date (Veröffentlichungsdatum): 2023-01-13
Duration (Spieldauer): 107 min
Country (Land): United States
Original language (Original-Sprache): English
TMDB: 6.6
In the white-knuckle action movie PLANE, pilot Brodie Torrance (Gerard Butler) saves his passengers from a lightning strike by making a risky landing on a war-torn island - only to find that surviving the landing was just the beginning. When most of the passengers are taken hostage by dangerous rebels, the only person Torrance can count on for help is Louis Gaspare (Mike Colter), an accused murderer who was being transported by the FBI. In order to rescue the passengers, Torrance will need Gaspare’s help, and will learn there’s more to Gaspare than meets the eye.
Nach einer heldenhaften Landung seines sturmbeschädigten Flugzeugs in einem Kriegsgebiet findet sich ein furchtloser Pilot zwischen den Agenden mehrerer Milizen wieder, die planen, das Flugzeug und seine Passagiere als Geiseln zu nehmen.
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Release Date (Veröffentlichungsdatum): 2023-01-13
Duration (Spieldauer): 107 min
Country (Land): United States
Original language (Original-Sprache): English
TMDB: 6.6
In the white-knuckle action movie PLANE, pilot Brodie Torrance (Gerard Butler) saves his passengers from a lightning strike by making a risky landing on a war-torn island - only to find that surviving the landing was just the beginning. When most of the passengers are taken hostage by dangerous rebels, the only person Torrance can count on for help is Louis Gaspare (Mike Colter), an accused murderer who was being transported by the FBI. In order to rescue the passengers, Torrance will need Gaspare’s help, and will learn there’s more to Gaspare than meets the eye.
Nach einer heldenhaften Landung seines sturmbeschädigten Flugzeugs in einem Kriegsgebiet findet sich ein furchtloser Pilot zwischen den Agenden mehrerer Milizen wieder, die planen, das Flugzeug und seine Passagiere als Geiseln zu nehmen.
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