Aquí entre nos 2 (2022) | Official Trailer, Full Movie Stream Preview

  • letztes Jahr
Year (Jahr): 2022
Release Date (Veröffentlichungsdatum): 2022-12-31
Director (Regie): Patricia Martínez de Velasco
Actors (Schauspieler): Carmen Beato, Giovana Fuentes, Diana García
Writers (Drehbuch): Patricia Martínez de Velasco
Country (Land): Mexico
Original language (Original-Sprache): Spanish

Mariana (Paola Mendoza) is determined to keep her family together. Her children, Gabriel (Sebastian Villada Lopez), 10, and Andrea (Laura Montana Cortez), 6, have grown up in Colombia without their father. He immigrated to the United States years earlier in order to make a better life for his family. Finally after many years of separation the family is reunited in New York City. After coming home late from work one night Antonio announces he has found work in Miami and will be moving there…alone. He will send for the family when he is settled. Days go by and Mariana does not hear from him. Worried and desperate, she goes to her only friend’s home only to find out Antonio is not coming back. The rent is due, there is no food on the table and Mariana has fifty dollars to her name. With no one to turn to, she must find a way, in a strange city where she barely speaks the language, to provide for her family, financially and emotionally. Mariana makes homemade empanadas (meat patties), which she tries to sell on the streets, however this quickly fails. With all options closing in on her, Mariana turns to the city’s trash, collecting cans in order to put food on the table. With Gabriel and Andrea working beside her, the family finds the most stability they have known since their arrival, and it is during these challenging moments that the family triumphs. In Entre Nos, Mariana, Gabriel and Andrea take us on a remarkable journey where we bear witness to a family’s commitment to survival and their unrelenting hope for the American soda can at a time.
Mariana (Paola Mendoza) ist fest entschlossen, ihre Familie zusammenzuhalten. Ihre Kinder Gabriel (Sebastian Villada Lopez), 10, und Andrea (Laura Montana Cortez), 6, sind ohne ihren Vater in Kolumbien aufgewachsen. Er war Jahre zuvor in die Vereinigten Staaten eingewandert, um seiner Familie ein besseres Leben zu ermöglichen. Endlich ist die Familie nach vielen Jahren der Trennung in New York City wieder vereint. Nachdem Antonio eines Abends spät von der Arbeit nach Hause kommt, gibt er bekannt, dass er Arbeit in Miami gefunden hat und dorthin ziehen wird ... allein. Er wird nach der Familie schicken, wenn er sich niedergelassen hat. Tage vergehen und Mariana hört n

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