• vor 2 Jahren
Year (Jahr): 2022
Release Date (Veröffentlichungsdatum): 2022-09-15
Duration (Spieldauer): 111 min
IMDB: 7.6 | Rotten Tomatoes: 95% | Metascore: 83 | TMDB: 8
Director (Regie): Wim Wenders
Actors (Schauspieler): Pina Bausch, Regina Advento, Malou Airaudo
Writers (Drehbuch): Wim Wenders
Country (Land): France
Original language (Original-Sprache): German

PINA is a feature-length dance film in 3D with the ensemble of the Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch, featuring the unique and inspiring art of the great German choreographer, who died in the summer of 2009.

PINA is a film for Pina Bausch by Wim Wenders. He takes the audience on a sensual, visually stunning journey of discovery into a new dimension: straight onto the stage with the legendary ensemble and follows the dancers out of the theatre into the city and the surrounding areas of Wuppertal – the place, which for 35 years was the home and center for Pina Bausch's creativity.

After the sudden death of Pina Bausch in the summer of 2009 – in the middle of joint preparations before shooting – Wim Wenders, after a period of mourning and reflection, had to rethink and start again with his film about and with Pina Bausch. The result was a film for Pina Bausch. Using the choreographies which had been jointly selected – 'Café Müller', 'Le Sacre du printemps', 'Vollmond' and 'Kontakthof', - and using some images and audio files of her life as well as 3D recordings of individual ensemble members of the Tanztheater Wuppertal who in spring of 2010 danced personal memories of the precise, critical and loving nature of their great mentor. During more than 20 years of personal friendship, Wim Wenders and Pina Bausch never lost sight of their idea to make a dance film together. But only now, with the latest possibilities created by digital 3D technology, did Wenders find the aesthetic means to bring the unique plasticity and emotional expressiveness of Pina Bausch’s innovative Tanztheater to the cinema screen. Only now can the dimension of the space be reproduced in the cinema. It is this dimension in which movement and dance take place, and into which the new 3D cinema can take the viewer on a sensual journey of discovery.
Zwei spektakuläre Tanzprojekte zeigen, wie eine junge Generation Tänzer:innen aus aller Welt Pinas Choreographien neu entdeckt: Die Ballettkompanie der Semperoper in Dresden probt Pinas Tanz-Oper »Iphigenie auf Tauris«. Und an der École des Sables im Senegal proben Tänzer:innen aus ganz Afrika Pinas Ballett »Le Sacre du Printemps«.

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