Year (Jahr): 2013
Release Date (Veröffentlichungsdatum): 2013-10-11
Duration (Spieldauer): 97 min
Country (Land): Canada
Original language (Original-Sprache): English
IMDB: 6.1 | Rotten Tomatoes: 16% | Metascore: 30 | TMDB: 5.9
Leo Palamino has dedicated his life to what some may call impossible dreams. At least his ex-wife Julie would call them that. But Leo is an expert at not listening to her criticism or anyone else's for that matter because Leo is a stubborn romantic... An idealist. A dreamer. And to dream big, impossible dreams you can't listen to the people who tell you that's what those dreams are.
It is precisely this refusal to listen to criticism that drove his ex-wife Julie to blog about Leo's flaws as their relationship broke down. A blog... called Why You Suck that would become a cultural phenomenon. And so when we meet Leo Palamino, he is a romantic dreamer, a dedicated writer, a dishwasher in a tourist trap, and a celebrity...
A man famous for his flaws.
Then one afternoon, as the very dejected Leo watches Julie being interviewed on a talk show about her upcoming book, he lays eyes on the woman of his (impossible) dreams... Colette is on her way into a wedding across the street from Leo's house.
Her wedding.
Leo Palomino träumt von einer Karriere als Schriftsteller, doch diese will nicht so richtig in Schwung kommen. Stattdessen verdient er seine Brötchen als Tellerwäscher. Nachdem seine Frau Julie ihn verlässt und mit seinem besten Freund anbändelt, veröffentlicht sie auf ihrem Blog Why You Suck intime Details darüber, warum sie Leo schließlich verlassen hat. Doch dann hat Leo eine Begegnung der besonderen Art: Er trifft auf Colette und verliebt sich in sie. Das Dumme ist nur: Sie wird noch am selben Tag heiraten.
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Release Date (Veröffentlichungsdatum): 2013-10-11
Duration (Spieldauer): 97 min
Country (Land): Canada
Original language (Original-Sprache): English
IMDB: 6.1 | Rotten Tomatoes: 16% | Metascore: 30 | TMDB: 5.9
Leo Palamino has dedicated his life to what some may call impossible dreams. At least his ex-wife Julie would call them that. But Leo is an expert at not listening to her criticism or anyone else's for that matter because Leo is a stubborn romantic... An idealist. A dreamer. And to dream big, impossible dreams you can't listen to the people who tell you that's what those dreams are.
It is precisely this refusal to listen to criticism that drove his ex-wife Julie to blog about Leo's flaws as their relationship broke down. A blog... called Why You Suck that would become a cultural phenomenon. And so when we meet Leo Palamino, he is a romantic dreamer, a dedicated writer, a dishwasher in a tourist trap, and a celebrity...
A man famous for his flaws.
Then one afternoon, as the very dejected Leo watches Julie being interviewed on a talk show about her upcoming book, he lays eyes on the woman of his (impossible) dreams... Colette is on her way into a wedding across the street from Leo's house.
Her wedding.
Leo Palomino träumt von einer Karriere als Schriftsteller, doch diese will nicht so richtig in Schwung kommen. Stattdessen verdient er seine Brötchen als Tellerwäscher. Nachdem seine Frau Julie ihn verlässt und mit seinem besten Freund anbändelt, veröffentlicht sie auf ihrem Blog Why You Suck intime Details darüber, warum sie Leo schließlich verlassen hat. Doch dann hat Leo eine Begegnung der besonderen Art: Er trifft auf Colette und verliebt sich in sie. Das Dumme ist nur: Sie wird noch am selben Tag heiraten.
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