• 16 years ago
Left unexpectedly by a boyfriend, full of unanswered questions that haunt him, unable to let go – this is where Guido finds himself, and he desperately needs to talk. An imaginary Sebastien – the boyfriend who left him without stating his reasons – then takes centre stage for a decisive exchange. Using Sebastien as an extension of himself, Guido is set to resolve in his own head all the sorrow felt over their failed relationship. But riddance will not come easily – before that, Guido will need to revisit some painfully intimate memories… With a probing psychological insight, 1 or 2 Things brings us inside Guido’s thoughts, traveling between imagination, dream and reality, blurring the line between them. Using contrasting colours and dream-like sequences of erotic intimacy, we are invited to share Guido’s loneliness and desperation.

By Maurizio Von Trapp