• vor 2 Jahren
Year (Jahr): 2012
Release Date (Veröffentlichungsdatum): 2012-05-17
Duration (Spieldauer): 115 min
Director (Regie): Im Sang-soo
Actors (Schauspieler): Kang-woo Kim, Yun-shik Baek, Youn Yuh-jung
Writers (Drehbuch): Im Sang-soo
Title (Originaltitel): 돈의 맛
Country (Land): KR
Original language (Original-Sprache): Korean
IMDB: 5.7 | Rotten Tomatoes: 32% | Metascore: 54 | TMDB: 5.7

In a mansion on the outskirts of Seoul lives one of the richest families in the entire country. Yoon is the president of a powerful conglomerate, but it’s his wife Madame Baek that is really in control. Her personal secretary Young-jak, a handsome young man newly introduced to the world of power, deals with the families immoral – and frequently illegal – activities. He makes sure that the Baeks’ influential American business partner has supply of hookers and waits for his own opportunity to make it rich. But everything changes when Madame Baek catches her husband having an affair with their Filipino maid and exacts her revenge by seducing Young-jak. Young-jak however has secrets of his own, as he finds himself drawn closer and closer to Nami, Madame Baek’s beautiful young daughter.

But when the Baeks’ son is arrested and Madame Baek decides to further punish her husband by airing their dirty laundry in public, Young-jak is torn between his morality and a shortcut to a successful life. This companion piece to The Housemaid is another sexy and controversial erotic thriller from South Korean master Im Sang-soo.
Young-jak arbeitet seit 10 Jahren als persönlicher Sekretär im Haushalt einer unverschämt reichen und korrupten südkoreanischen Industrieellenfamilie. Eines Tages überrascht er den Hausherren mit dem philippinischen Dienstmädchen. Das bleibt nicht ohne Folgen, denn die betrogene Gattin zwingt Young-jak zum Vergeltungssex und macht ihn so zur Spielfigur in einem Rachekomplott, dem mehr als nur Young-jaks Unschuld zum Opfer fällt.

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